
Chapter 133 Days to the wedding 14

  Alex really called, I was so excited. Not only was I seeing his face, but I could also hear his voice again. I was more than elated to see him as my heart raised faster. "A... Alex!' for the first time since I met him I was anxious, not only anxious but was also dumbstruck.

"Surprisingly my Hazel's wearing her nighty hmmm!' he said sarcastically with a smile and I frowned. He hasn't seen me in hours today and he was already mocking me. "Alex what do you want?" I finally found my voice. "I just wanted to find out if you've arrived and to see you!" "I have, we just got here few minutes ago!" 

He raised a brow, "What country?" "Dubai!" I tied my hair multiple times into buns, before staring back at him. I really don't know how he ties my hair every night but he does only what Alex does best. Alex stared at me intently with a smile on his lips. At some point I thought my phone broke cause he did not blink.

"Are you there Alex?" "Hmm, you look beautiful tonight!" he complimented making me blush. "I always look beautiful, you were just too blind to see it!" He tsk and continued with his stares. "Did you miss me?" Alex asked this time with a serious expression.

Of course I miss you Alex, I miss you so much' that was all I wanted to say but just couldn't for some reasons. "I... I do miss you!" I said as if not sure about my feelings. "Really? Anyway, how was your trip?" I parted my lips but before I could speak.....

"Alex, come check this stuff out!" I heard Lukas from behind. "I have to go!" He hunged up immediately. That was the shortest video call ever and I was upset. I laid down on the bed furiously that night, and I was unable to fall asleep as I kept rolling back and forth on the bed.

I got up the next morning cause of the light that got into my eyes, "Ah...!" I exclaimed in agony as I sat up using the back of my hands to clean my sleepy eyes. "Good morning madam!" The butler greeted politely along with his maids. "Frank!" I was not happy he opened the curtains for the light to flash into my eyes when I was not done sleeping.

Not to think of the reason I didn't have my good night sleep, I'm sure he had the best night ever. "Madam, senior Madam has demanded your presence for breakfast!" Frank said. I ignored him completely and got into the bathroom to clean up. Surprisingly the maids walked in with me.

I've forgotten so soon who I came on a vacation with, I've really gotten used to Alex's way of life that I forgot about the Wilson's tradition. But as usual I sent them all out, like I said before I hate it when other people look at my body except of cause him. I blushed at the thought of this.

I walked into the closet with a towel, I was greeted by five maids ready to doll me up. I sat before the dressing mirror and let them do their thing, it's been so long since I was treated like this. They applied light makeup on my face, and my hair was straightened down to my waist and then it was tied upwards.

I wore a Fendi white female joggers and a customized Fendi slippers. It felt more comfortable than the dresses I wear. I wore my jewelries, picked up my purse and walked out of the room. I got to the formal dinning room, happy to see mother, but surprisingly Grandma and Avery were already sitted on the table.

I wasn't prepared for them today and I only prayed they don't poke me to an extent I won't be able to control myself. I got to the table wondering if I should greet or not, the last time I did, it didn't end well. "Good morning!" "Good morning my love!" Mother responded with a sweet smile and I smiled back. I sat close to her and started eating. Ignoring the people who never responded to my greetings.

I felt a strong glare coming from Grandma and Avery but I ignored, all I wanted right then was to have the best time with mother. But I wondered why grandma was not bad mouthing me as usual, her mouth should be over me now. The table felt kind of boring when she's quiet.

"You know it's your last days of being single so you need to have fun!" Mother started. "Mother I'm married already!" "Don't say that, let's all imagine you're getting married this weekend, and let's have fun alright?" She asked and I nodded.

"Good, I ordered a personal shopper that would help us with our shoppings today!" She said with lots of enthusiasm. I must say, Carie really took after her. But now I think of it, I don't think I came with Alex's credit card. How would I know I came with it when he arranged my purse himself that morning.

If we're all going for shopping, I have to go with my credit card so I don't look like a fool before everyone, Ah... Alex.