
Married My Chocolate Boy

Magizhini came to her native for her sister's engagement. What would happen if she suddenly expected to be the bride of her crush? Arjun, came to see his Grandma, who had a heart attack. What would happen if he suddenly expected to be the groom of his crush. Answer is simple! They both fell in love with each other and they did. Then why does Arjun want a divorce? Why does Magi agree to give a divorce? Because they both didn't know about each other's love for them!!! Will they ever know? Will they ever say those three magical words to each other? [BLURB] I am still seeing the picture with wide eyes. Ramya was also shocked by seeing the picture. She slowly said, "didn't he look like that chocolate boy? I whispered, "He is my Chocolate boy" We both looked at each other. Ishu said, "Chocolate... why this hears familiar to me." She tried to remember that name, while Vaishu and Sakthi akka see us confused. Soon Ramya smirked, " So, You are going to marry your Chocolate. Haan?" Sakthi akka asked, "Her chocolate?" I think Ishu remembered now. Her eyes widened by the realisation. I lay in bed on my stomach and buried my face in a pillow. God! I can feel heat spreading in my face. I tried to calm my uncalming nerves. Ishu said, "You are going to get married to your Chocolate." "Shut up." I glared at them. They two started to laugh. I stood up on bed and threw a pillow on them. Sakthi Akka yelled, "What the hell did I miss?" Ramya shouted, " I will tell. I will tell you." While I shook my head in disbelief. Ramya started to say, "Five years ago....

Zhaagaa · 现代言情
7 Chs


Oh my god .... Oh my god.... Today is kind of blessed day I think. Otherwise you..? waking up at 6am..!? my inner me mocked me.

Ohh shut up!.. I can't even get my sleep properly. This day is cursed for me.

As if your mouth is honey coated...arghhhh... you dirty panda if you don't take bath then you will surely get some mouthful from that donkey. Remember he will be here to pick you up.

Oh yes yes.... Thanks for reminding me my idiotic subconscious mind.

Why the hell I am idiot here... I am just reminding you! My inner me shouted me. But you guys know as usual I just ignored it.

I got ready in another thirty minutes. Now I am going to show some mercy to my stomach by make a strong tea. Tea is stress buster, my energy booster, my boring time companion, sometimes a mini meal too and what not.

Why are you guys don't ask me a important question that why am I get ready in this midnight (ie.6.00AM).....huffff

Well today I am going to my hometown. Actually my dad and mom went there a week ago. If today I don't grace my presence there, then my PATTI MA come here and drag me there. There is festival in our village temple. It will be held for another 15 days. It will be like a heaven for those 15 days. Also my sister Ramya is getting engaged in three days from today. Funny fact is she is also coming with me today.

Irresponsible girl!...

Actually I am struck here one week for goddamn project. Hell I didn't get chance to excuse. cause that donkey Shiva is MD of my firm. I am pathetic!!!

U and pathetic are antonyms ... u know... this monkey mind of mine didn't leave a single chance to mock me. But guys believe me I am Pathetic.

Ohhh god stop lying girl. Then god will punch your lying mouth right now.

Ohh you stop your fi.....Tring....Tring....Tring... the sound of door bell interrupted me.

Tring.... Tring... Tring... The continues sound of door bell irritates me. I know who this is. DONKEY SHIVA.

Arghhhhh... Why can't he just take keys with him? Is he trying to compose tune in door bell. What is he think of himself...AR Rahman?

Arggggh.. He is twin of my evil mind that always love to irritate me. He is My bestie or I should say my donkey cousin but he is more than just cousin. He is like my umm...best friend, savior, security, companion ,brother, irritator, boss, mentor ,etc...something I didn't know how to explain. We always inseparable from our childhood.

I opened the door to see the donkey's grinning face with sweating sportswear. He is coming from gym.

He is totally opposite to me. He is a MORNING PERSON.

My Amma always scold me because of this donkey that Look he is boy but he wakes up before 6 am but I have never seen you waking up before 9.30 am in weekends. Like seriously, my Amma must be proud of me. because I wake up before 10 am in weekend. Talking about donkey, He is an alien.

Who the hell wake up in 5 am in weekend? One and only Donkey.

Before I say something he shoved me and came in.

"Woah! Monkey you made tea? How many times I ask u to don't drink milk drinks early morning. Leave it. Can I get a cup too?"...he asked and waits for my answer. He went straight to kitchen and got his cup of tea. He always calls me MONKEY like I call him DONKEY.

Shameless Donkey!!! Ooruku mattum dhaan upadhesam. (advices are only for others.)

And this time I agree with my devil mind. Shameless Donkey!!!

"Donkey finish the tea fast and come. I need to go railway station before 7.30 am. Already its 6.50."

But he didn't give damn to my words and continue enjoying his...sorry my tea...yeah coz I made that tea.

"Donkey if we don't go to railway station at the time then ramya will kill me."

RAMYA is my cousin more like sister but one year younger than me. We have that wavelength with us.

Now this donkey don't take my words in his ear.huffff

I went to him and pulled his ear near my mouth and said...hehe shouted, "DONKEY!!!!!...."

"Ahhhhhh... U little devil... I will kill you" Before he catch me I begin to run behind the couch. After our little tom and jerry fight, we leave my home to railway station.

I wonder how the hell Ishu handle him?

Ishu is my best friend and should I say Mrs.DONKEY. Yeah my friend stucks with him for this whole life and I am the reason for her misery. Well I played cupid in their love story. When Me and Ishu did our MBA, this donkey was senior of us. As I told before he loves to irritate me. He stick with us for 24/7. In this period I did my work as cupid and got success. But I regret that whenever Ishu team up with him to irritate me.

Haan whom I kidding. I am always happy for them . Now back to present. We reached railway station but the Ramya didn't reached here yet. 

She also stayed with us for work. She went to her office in early morning. She is working at photography workshop.

"See I know that idiot don't make it at a time. Hmmm... I would have sight the chicks at  gym and came late to pick you." Shiva scowled at me.

What does he even think of himself?

"For god sake, you are married. That too, You married Ishu. If I tell her that u are going gym not for work-out but for sighting , she will kick you out of earth. So behave"

"You won't tell her that. I know you monkey"

Why can't I? Huh...

"We will see that mister"

"If you tell her, then I will tell Koks that u are sighting a guy in office and tell her that you even sighting the clients" He shrugged it.

" I will complaint about you to Patti ma." He eyed me in disbelieve, " and what do you complaint about me?" he asked arrogantly.

"I will tell whatever comes to my mind." I shrugged. His jaw dropped. I smirked him.

Well... Koks that my mom kokila. He calls her that.

He uses his charms on her too much that she believes whatever he tells. He even asks her that important project is going on and he needs me here. Guess what she left me here to help him .

Sometimes I wonder that your Amma is really His mom. She never supports you when you fights with him. I didn't give any reply to my mind. Cause it's the truth.

Even my Appa don't have chance to argue her . I don't blame them but him.

I don't know why he suddenly gives his whole attention to my project... yes My project . I am ED of WILL corporations, let me tell you He is very arrogant boss I ever seen. Shiva pursue his dream of having his own company. He completed his MBA degree two years before me. He worked in our dad's company for three years. After I completed my graduation I also worked there for a year.

Then he starts his own firm from very small projects. When he starts WILL, I instantly joined his company. I also want to experience it from the very beginning. At that time we are inexperienced. But our family gave us enough courage to stand on our own legs. Our Dads were always there for us. At first it was very tough to convince investors that who were happily invests when we works in dad's company. That time we were almost faced failure. But we didn't lose our hope. We worked hard especially Shiva. In short time he proved what he is.

Now our company also have its own name. whatever Shiva have now He deserves. He is my mentor in business. Now we want to take our company to next stage. We are working on it. I have the idea of project from one and half years and start to collect data from last six months. Its takes at least two years to finish. If we  make it work successfully then WILL Corporations will get an international standard.

Now he forced me to make a proper presentation of the theme for the project from last one month. We made it perfectly though. Yesterday after finishing the presentation he allows me to take vacation for half month and told me that we will find a perfect partner of project after I come back. Because it's one of big projects. We need to find a best partner for this.

I don't understand Why the hell he asks me to complete presentation at that short time? When I ask that he simply says that it's good to do that earlier and once we find partner of project, then I won't have time to relax myself. I was angry on him. Not only for making me work but for not coming village for festival and not attending Ramya's engagement. He has to attend the conference which will held in New York next week. I know I can't blame him but I will miss him....

While I was thinking about all this Ramya grace her presence with a sheepish smile.

"Just 15 minutes late ..Hehe"

Shiva and I glared her.

"Okay okay leave it guys . However I came before train comes"

"That's because train is already ten minutes late." Shiva mocked her.

"Okay pretty please don't glare at me like this and you are really not going to come with us?" she asked shiva.

Shiva looked at her with guilt,"Hey I can't make it this time . I am sure won't miss your marriage. SORRY da. Alright now don't give me this face you idiots "he said after seeing our worried faces.

Then the train comes. We take our luggage and buy snackes,water bottle. After setting our self on our first class couch , I see that donkey. He just advice us to go safe and don't make trouble to others. I know he will miss us as much as we miss him.

Train engine starts. He gets up from the seat to go out.

I got him in hug " I Will Miss You Donkey"

He hugs me too and said " I Will Miss You Too Monkey"

Then he bid bye to us and along with Ramya, he teases me to don't cry.

I know he will miss us coz all of our family is already there . Now we are going too. But he can't come. What can we do ???

After some time Ramya enlighten my mood.

Travel from BANGALORE TO THENI is started!!!

Theni is my homeland. When My Dad and Ravi uncle expand their business. We shift to Bangalore when I am 17.

Now I don't know My single life is going to next phase!!