
Make Me Back To You

Due to a wildfire in the California forest, Oliver finds himself trapped in the flames. He is a fourth-year student at the university, and unfortunately, one of his friends loses their life. After being hospitalized, Oliver wakes up with no recollection of the past three years. Olivia, also a fourth-year student, is dedicated to completing her research on assisting orphanages in the state. She initiates a project that involves collaboration with wealthy individuals from New Jersey. Olivia decides to seek approvals in New Jersey and invites Oliver to accompany her, urging him to complete his graduation and help her locate a childhood friend residing there. The reasons behind Olivia's choice, the events during the lost three years, and the true cause of the fire for which Oliver is accused are all perplexing questions haunting Oliver's mind. Among the mysteries are Olivia's identity and the reason for her consistently somber gaze towards him. This journey unravels another unexpected secret for Oliver, exposing long-buried truths from his past during the forgotten years

mustafawinged · 都市
6 Chs

chapter 5"Fragments of Memory"


The crimson hues of twilight settled over the ancient park, casting long shadows on the landscape. The swing suspended from an ancient tree was like an immortal soul watching the moving memories that reverberated inside Olivia's heart . As the golden glow of the sinking sun illuminated the worn path beneath their feet, she couldn't escape the weight of the past.

Oliver, attuned to the emotional undercurrents, closed the physical and metaphorical gap between them. "Don't be sad," he murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance that carried through the still air. "We will find him. I don't believe your childhood friend has left town."

Olivia turned to him, eyes reflecting a kaleidoscope of emotions. "I hope we find him soon, before we return to our state," she confided, a raw vulnerability coloring her words.

A compassionate smile played on Oliver's lips as he extended a promise of hope. "Don't worry," he encouraged. "We can visit all the places you used to frequent in your childhood. Maybe we'll find him there."

Uncertainty danced in Olivia's eyes, torn between the nostalgia of her past and the practicalities of their present endeavor. "But we must complete the graduation project," she reminded him, grounding their conversation in the reality of their academic pursuit.

Oliver proposed a harmonious fusion of their quest for the past and their commitment to the future. "What if," he suggested, "when we go to complete our research, we pass by the places where he might be? We can integrate our search seamlessly into our journey, saving time and effort."

The flicker of hesitation in Olivia's gaze gradually gave way to a glimmer of acceptance. "Okay," she conceded, a tentative smile gracing her lips. "It seems like a great idea."

Their agreement infused the air with renewed purpose as they retraced their steps to the waiting car. The ancient park, now bathed in the soft hues of dusk, seemed to echo the sentiment of their shared journey-a convergence of past and present, nostalgia and possibility.

As they drove away, the road unfolding before them like a chapter in an unwritten story, Oliver and Olivia embarked on a journey that transcended the confines of academia. It evolved into a pilgrimage of rediscovery, chasing the echoes of laughter and the imprints of cherished moments. With every mile they covered, they forged a narrative that spanned the tapestry of time.


The asphalt ribbon stretched endlessly before Oliver and Olivia as their journey unfolded. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the ambient sounds of the road created a canvas for the unspoken question that lingered in Oliver's mind. He cast a cautious glance toward Olivia, feeling compelled to articulate the inquiry that had taken residence in his thoughts.

"Olivia," he ventured, his words tentative yet laden with curiosity, "why did you choose me to be with you in the research? I know it wasn't the college's decision."

A contemplative silence settled between them, the hum of the engine providing a backdrop to the unspoken considerations traversing Olivia's mind. When she finally spoke, her voice carried a weight that resonated with purpose. "Because we are in the same stage of study, and I felt that you're a suitable person. I believe you can protect me on this trip."

The surprise on Oliver's face was palpable as he absorbed this revelation. "Are we in the same stage of study?" he questioned, his expression reflecting perplexity. "I didn't know that. I don't remember anything about what's going on."

In Olivia's response lay the dichotomy of practicality and mystery, unraveling the complexities of their collaboration. As their conversation unfolded, it also unearthed the gaps in Oliver's memory, shrouding his past in an enigmatic fog.

As their dialogue lingered, Olivia's demeanor underwent a subtle transformation. A sudden dizziness gripped her, prompting a frantic search for the familiar solace of the oxygen box in her bag. Panic flashed across her face as she realized it wasn't where she expected it to be. Unbeknownst to Oliver, she grappled with the disorienting effects of her condition, the urgency of her need for oxygen intensifying.

Beyond the confines of the car, the landscape metamorphosed. A dreamscape materialized, bathed in the otherworldly hues of a nightmarish scenario. A colossal fire emerged from the depths of the forest, advancing ominously toward them. Trapped within the clutches of her dream, Olivia emitted a guttural scream that pierced through the surreal tableau.

In an instant, Oliver was thrust from the tranquility of the road into the maelstrom of Olivia's nightmare. The car came to an abrupt halt as he sought to understand the source of her distress. "What happened, Olivia?" he inquired, genuine concern etched across his face.

Breathing heavily, Olivia reacquainted herself with reality, acknowledging the illusory nature of the fire. "I don't know. I think it was a nightmare," she confessed, her voice still trembling with the residual fear of the dream. Oliver, ever attentive, sought reassurance. "Are you okay, Olivia?"

She nodded, still catching her breath, and reached for the oxygen therapy that had become her lifeline. As the rhythmic hiss of the oxygen filled the car, Olivia felt the tendrils of the nightmare gradually loosen their grip. an odyssey where reality and dreams intertwined, and memories lingered just beyond reach.


The car glided through the night, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a backdrop to the complex emotions swirling within its confines. In the aftermath of Olivia's unsettling nightmare, Oliver's genuine concern lingered in the air, an unspoken thread weaving through the darkness.

"Are you feeling better now?" Oliver's question, delivered with a soft cadence, carried both empathy and a yearning to comprehend the intricacies of Olivia's inner world. Olivia, still grappling with the remnants of her vivid dream, responded tentatively, "I had a nightmare and thought I had lost you."

The confession, a fragile admission of vulnerability, hung suspended in the air, inviting Oliver to navigate the labyrinth of Olivia's emotions. "What do you mean, you lost me? And why do you think that?" Oliver's gentle probing sought to unravel the layers of her thoughts. Olivia, struggling to articulate the ambiguity of her feelings, faltered, "I mean, I thought I'd be alone here if I lost you. So, I felt a little scared."

In response, Oliver wove a tapestry of reassurance with his words, "Don't be afraid. I'm with you. I'll always be with you." The resonance of his voice seemed to create a cocoon of comfort within the car, enfolding Olivia in a moment of solace. Her gaze met his, reflecting gratitude and an exposed vulnerability. The gleam in her eyes mirrored the profound impact of Oliver's kindness.

Oliver, attuned to the subtle shifts in Olivia's emotional currents, pivoted to a lighthearted remark, "Here she is, back to being moody." The unexpected comment jarred Olivia, as if it had dislodged a forgotten memory. Swiftly, she redirected her gaze to the window, urging Oliver to quicken the pace. "Come on, hurry up," she implored, her tone tinged with a trace of anxiety.

Caught off guard by Olivia's sudden change, Oliver responded playfully, "Olivia is back to her moody self." Yet, Olivia's reaction suggested a deeper impact, as if the words had triggered an unsettling recollection. "What do you mean, I am moody?" she asked nervously. "I told you not to call me this again."

In the midst of her agitation, Oliver, genuinely perplexed, sought clarity. "What do you mean? I haven't called you this before." Olivia, taking a deep breath, raised a finger to her temple and closed her eyes, attempting to steady herself. Oliver observed her with a mix of concern and curiosity, sensing that this moment held a connection to a deeper layer of Olivia's past-a realm where forgotten memories intertwined with the vivid echoes of the present.


The night unfolded like a tapestry of uncertainties, each moment fraught with potential peril. The rhythmic hum of the car engine provided an incongruent soundtrack to the internal struggle within Oliver's mind. As he grappled with the elusive fragments of his memories, the impending collision with another vehicle seemed like an ominous convergence of destinies.

In response to the impending danger, Olivia, perceiving Oliver's distraction, sought refuge in a familiar childhood ritual - closing her eyes in an attempt to find solace amidst chaos. The oncoming car, oblivious to the tumult within Oliver's mind, approached with an unrelenting speed, threatening to disrupt the delicate balance between the present and the past.

Suddenly, Olivia's eyes snapped open, and she released a visceral scream, piercing through the confines of the car. The urgency of the situation forced Oliver's mind back to the present, his reflexes kicking in to navigate a narrow escape. With a swift maneuver, he steered the car to the side, narrowly averting a catastrophic collision. The other vehicle rushed past, leaving behind a momentary vacuum of silence, as if the universe itself held its breath in the face of narrowly averted tragedy.

However, as the immediacy of danger dissipated, Oliver's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Why did you bring me back? I lost my only chance to retrieve my memory," he bemoaned, a mixture of exasperation and disappointment etched across his features. Olivia, still reeling from the adrenaline surge, responded with a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation, "We almost died because of you."

Yet, Oliver, with an uncanny nonchalance, downplayed the severity of the situation. "No, the other driver could have changed direction, not me," he explained, as if absolving himself from the potential calamity. Olivia, her incredulity growing, retorted with a biting sarcasm, "Yes, of course. Do you want us to keep waiting for him to change his direction?"

Their exchange, framed within the confines of the car, became a dialogue not just about the events that unfolded on the road but also about the complexities of memory, distraction, and the interplay of emotions. Oliver's seemingly indifferent attitude clashed with Olivia's palpable fear and frustration, creating a tension-laden atmosphere that lingered like an unresolved chord in the night air.

As the car remained parked on the side of the road, the interplay between these two individuals unfolded - a delicate dance between the immediacy of the present and the lingering echoes of a past that seemed just out of reach. The shadows cast by passing headlights painted an intricate tableau of vulnerability, as Oliver and Olivia navigated the delicate terrain of memory, survival, and the transient nature of the moments that defined their journey.


The aftermath of the near-collision left Oliver wrestling with a maelstrom of emotions. The road ahead stretched into the unknown, much like the elusive memories that flickered at the edge of his consciousness. In an attempt to reconcile with the events that unfolded, Oliver acknowledged, "Anyway, it's my fault. I remembered something."

Curiosity sparked in Olivia's eyes as she inquired, "What did you remember?" Oliver's response echoed the familiar refrain of uncertainty, "I don't know, as usual, something confused. But I feel that I know him, and that he is close to me, something like my soul accompanies me wherever I go. All my memories were with him. I think it's now just a mirage that will disappear with the appearance of the sun."

Olivia, sensing the fragility of Oliver's state, offered a small gesture of comfort. "It's okay, take a deep breath, have some water," she suggested, "and tell him, 'I'm sorry I got angry with you and made your mind wander.'"

A soft smile played on Oliver's lips as he obliged, appreciating Olivia's understanding. "I always forgive you. I am always with you," he reassured her, his words carrying a weight of reassurance that resonated in the confined space of the car. Olivia, moved by the sentiment, contemplated saying something more but eventually decided against it, letting the silence linger between them.

Oliver, sensing there might be unspoken words, gently probed, "Do you want to say something?" Olivia, opting for brevity, replied, "No, no. I just want us to continue our way and go."

"Well, we'll continue on the road," Oliver concurred, steering the car forward, embarking on the journey that held both the promise of discovery and the shadows of forgotten memories.

They arrived at the office of the first businessman, a towering edifice of glass and steel that bespoke prosperity. As Oliver parked the car, Olivia, struck by the opulence of the surroundings, requested a brief pause. "Wait, I think here. Stop the car." Stepping out onto the pavement, they marveled at the grandeur of the building. Oliver, echoing Olivia's sentiment, remarked, "What is this?"

Olivia, acknowledging the beauty before them, replied, "Yes, it's very beautiful." The decision was made - they would enter this world of affluence, seeking a partnership that could lend wings to their research endeavors. The contrast between the sleek exterior of the building and the tumultuous journey that led them there underscored the dichotomy of their pursuit - a delicate dance between the ethereal and the concrete, the remembered and the forgotten, as they prepared to step into the realm of the unknown.


The grandiosity of William's office towered over them as they stood in its looming shadow. The polished exterior of success masked the internal struggle of two individuals determined to secure his involvement in their research project. Dana, the secretary, delivered the disheartening news of William's unavailability, his schedule overflowing with pressing commitments. Oliver, sensing the futility of further pursuit, suggested moving on, knowing that the journey might be fruitless.

Exiting the building, a palpable disappointment hung in the air. Olivia's hopeful anticipation was replaced by a sense of despondency. Oliver, understanding the emotional toll, offered consoling words, "We will find someone else." Yet, as they approached their vehicles, fate intervened in a surprising twist.

William emerged from the office, accompanied by his entourage. Ignoring Oliver's cautionary words, Olivia rushed towards him, calling out, "Mr. William! Mr. William!"

Sensing potential repercussions, Oliver hastily followed. Amid the bustling crowd, Olivia managed to reach William, breathlessly introducing themselves, "I'm Olivia, and this is Oliver. We came here because we want you to join us in this research."

William, initially aloof, responded with a touch of sarcasm, "And what is this research about?" Undeterred, Oliver stepped in, explaining, "It's a research to help orphans and patients in our state , California. We aim to bring all the states together to support each other. Currently, our focus is on making the graduation research a success by aiding our state."

In that moment, the businessman's demeanor shifted. Intrigued by the audacity and sincerity of the duo, he arched an eyebrow. It was a pivotal moment, a crossroads where their earnest plea met the scrutiny of a man whose decisions could significantly impact their cause. William, initially dismissive, appeared to linger on the proposition, contemplating the potential of their shared endeavor.

As the conversation hung in the air, Oliver and Olivia held their breath, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon them. The urban landscape bore witness to this interplay of dreams and reality, where humble aspirations collided with the forces of influence. In this unexpected encounter, the intricate dance between determination and circumstance unfolded, leaving the future of their research hanging in the balance.


As the urban tapestry unfolded before them, Oliver and Olivia found themselves caught in the intricate weave of disappointment. The imposing façade of William's indifference had cast a shadow over their aspirations, leaving them standing at the crossroads of determination and rejection.

"I'm sorry, William. I have no influence there, and I don't want to work in other states," Oliver confessed, his words tinged with regret. Despite the setback, Olivia persisted, underscoring the potential advantages for William's enterprise. However, the guard's reminder of their late hour heralded the conclusion of their entreaty. Unswayed by their plea, William retreated into the cocoon of his car, his indifference a palpable dismissal of their ambitions.

Serenaded by the city's symphony of sounds, Oliver suggested moving on, leaving behind the towering edifice that had embodied both success and missed opportunities. The cadence of their footsteps echoed their shared resilience, a silent vow to forge ahead in the face of rejection. Olivia, clutching a stack of files, momentarily shielded her face, wrestling with the weight of their setback.

"Don't be sad," Oliver urged, attuned to her internal struggle. As Olivia lowered the files, her eyes conveyed a complex interplay of gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you," she murmured, acknowledging Oliver's unwavering support. The city lights, now aglow against the encroaching night, bore witness to their retreat from symbolic rejection.

The dawn of the subsequent day brought with it a renewed sense of purpose. Oliver and Olivia embarked on a quest to explore alternative avenues, navigating the labyrinthine network of connections and possibilities. Their journey was still in its nascent stages, and the challenges they encountered would serve as the crucible testing the mettle of their commitment to the research project.

Within the heart of the city's labyrinth, Oliver and Olivia pressed forward, propelled by the belief that their shared purpose would ultimately prevail. The journey toward realizing their dream continued, revealing that even in the face of rejection, new avenues would emerge, and their aspirations would find expression within the city's dynamic landscape.


The weary footfalls of Oliver and Olivia found reprieve in the welcoming embrace of a quaint hotel lobby. The ambiance exuded a comforting warmth, with tasteful furnishings telling tales of transient encounters and ephemeral narratives.

Approaching the reception desk, attended by a genial host adorned in the hotel's uniform, Oliver and Olivia sought refuge in the promise of a restful night. The host, a congenial figure, welcomed them with a polite inquiry.

"Will you be needing one room or two?" he asked, his eyes subtly probing the dynamics between Oliver and Olivia.

"We'll take two rooms, please," Oliver responded, offering Olivia a reassuring smile. However, their unintentional exchange prompted the host to assume an amorous connection.

"Are you a married couple or engaged?" the host inquired, a tinge of curiosity in his voice.

Oliver, momentarily taken aback, chuckled nervously before clarifying, "We are not married.

Olivia, sensing the momentary confusion, corrected Oliver, stating that they were merely friends and each preferred their own room. The host, slightly embarrassed by his assumption, swiftly accommodated their request, apologizing for any misunderstanding.

As the host handed over the keys, he noticed a glint from Olivia's hand, a subtle sparkle betraying the presence of a ring. Assuming it to be an engagement ring, he innocently remarked, "I thought you weren't engaged."

Olivia, caught off guard, swiftly concealed the ring, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She stammered through an explanation, emphasizing that the ring held sentimental value, a connection to someone special. With the key in hand, she hastily retreated to her room, leaving Oliver to ponder the enigma surrounding the mysterious ring.

In the solitude of his room, Oliver grappled with questions echoing in his mind. The unexpected encounter with the host and Olivia's fumbled explanation heightened the sense of intrigue. He couldn't help but wonder about the untold story that Olivia guarded with such secrecy.

The hotel room, a temporary sanctuary, The room hugged Oliver's contemplations in a hidden way. . The dim glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm aura, offering a fleeting respite from the day's tribulations. As Oliver sank into thought, the city beyond the hotel window hummed with its nocturnal symphony, a backdrop to the unraveling mysteries that connected the lives of Oliver and Olivia in this transient intersection of time and space.