
Mage of Might

The peaceful earth is targeted by mysterious monsters. They are targeting the inner dimensions of the earth. Those monsters are trying to damage the barrier. Who is casting them? The protagonist, Kuro is a 27-year-old man who is blessed with excessive physical strength.

Shoji6 · 武侠
15 Chs


Night Shades nest: Deep within the heart of the Forbidden Forest, shrouded in an aura of ancient mystery, lay the Nightshade monsters' lair. It was a hidden cavern, its entrance concealed by a thick curtain of vines and brambles.Inside, the cavern was a labyrinth of twisting tunnels and subterranean chambers, illuminated by an eerie, otherworldly glow. The walls were lined with strange, crystalline formations that pulsed with a sinister energy. The air was thick with a musty scent, and the ground was littered with the bones of creatures that had fallen victim to the Nightshade monsters.


The creatures fell to the ground, their lifeless bodies twitching in the dust. When the last monster was defeated, Zenhira stood amidst the carnage, his sword dripping with blood.

Mika turned to Zenhira, her eyes filled with admiration. "Nice job, Zenhira," she said. "You're a true hero."Zenhira smiled modestly. "I was just doing my duty," he replied.

On the other hand, Kuro moved with the stealth of a shadow, slipping unnoticed into the entrance of the Nightshade monster's nest. The creatures, oblivious to his presence, continued their slumber, their heavy breathing the only sound in the eerie silence.

Kuro began to search the labyrinthine tunnels of the Nightshade monster's nest. The air was thick with a musty stench, and the darkness was absolute.

As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, Kuro's senses were on high alert. He listened intently for any sounds, any signs of movement. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the cavern ceiling.

Kuro ventured into the labyrinthine tunnels of the Nightshade monster's nest. Despite the danger, Kuro moved with a casual stride, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous space. He seemed completely unconcerned about the potential threats lurking in the shadows. It was as if he were on a leisurely stroll through a park.

The other creatures in the nest, sensing Kuro's boldness, hesitated to attack. As it was dark, Kuro couldn't see properly. They were not used to such brazen defiance. Some even seemed to be intrigued by his audacity.

Kuro continued his journey, his eyes scanning the walls for any signs of the Nightshade monster.

Suddenly, a glimmer of light caught his eye. It was coming from a chamber hidden deep within the labyrinth. As he drew closer, he could hear a faint sound coming from the chamber. It was a low, rhythmic thumping. Kuro's curiosity was piqued.

With a deep breath, Kuro pushed open the door to the chamber. The room was filled with a strange, otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, are two Nightshade monsters. there were dozens of smaller, writhing creatures, their bodies covered in spikes and scales. They were about 40 feet tall.

Kuro recognized them immediately. These were the Nightshade monsters, the creatures that had been terrorizing the realm.

His eyes wide with surprise, stumbled upon a shocking scene. Two adult Nightshade monsters were engaged in a most intimate act, their bodies intertwined in a primal embrace."Oh..." Kuro muttered, his voice filled with a mix of shock and amusement.

"Found you."He paused for a moment, his mind racing. "Wait, you are having s*x? In the middle of the day?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

Kuro couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, I guess even monsters need some fun," he said, shaking his head.

As he watched the creatures continue their... activities, Kuro couldn't help but think about his own life.

The Nightshade monsters, their eyes filled with rage, launched a coordinated attack. Their powerful legs propelled them forward, their claws outstretched. Kuro, his stance unwavering, dodged the onslaught with a grace and agility that belied his imposing stature.

Kuro, his eyes narrowed, stood amidst the carnage. He had defeated the initial wave of Nightshade monsters with a single, devastating punch.

From the darkness of the chamber, he could hear the sound of approaching footsteps. More monsters were emerging, their forms shrouded in shadow. Kuro braced himself for another onslaught.

The new wave of monsters charged at Kuro, their claws outstretched. Kuro met them head-on, his fists a blur of motion. He dodged their attacks with incredible agility, his body a whirlwind of deadly efficiency.

One by one, the monsters fell before his relentless assault. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, their screams echoing through the chamber. Kuro's power was undeniable, and his reputation as a force to be reckoned with was cemented.

As the dust settled, Kuro stood alone, surrounded by the fallen bodies of his enemies. He had defeated another wave of Nightshade monsters, his victory a testament to his incredible strength and skill. Yellow blood all over the place.

"Well, that was easy," he said, his voice dripping with casual nonchalance.

" huh, What's that sound?" Kuro confused.

Just as he was about to relax, the ground beneath him began to rumble. A massive fissure opened up, and from the depths emerged a creature of immense power. It was the Nightshade Queen, the leader of the horde.

The Nightshade Queen, a towering figure of immense power, stood before Kuro. She was a colossal creature, her body bathed in a sickly yellow hue. Her legs, thick and muscular, were capable of delivering devastating blows. Standing at an imposing 80 feet tall, she could leap from the ground to the top of a 60-foot building with ease.

Her skin was as hard as steel, making her virtually invulnerable to physical attacks. Her eyes glowed with an eerie red light, and her fangs were long and sharp, capable of piercing even the toughest armor.

The queen towered over Kuro, her eyes filled with a cold, calculating hatred. She raised her powerful Legs, her body pulsating with dark energy.

The Nightshade Queen towered over Kuro, her eyes filled with a cold, calculating hatred. Her powerful limbs pulsed with dark energy, a tangible aura of menace radiating from her form.

Before the inevitable clash, the Queen spoke, her voice a chilling whisper.

"So, you are the one who has dared to challenge my reign."

Kuro stood his ground, his expression unwavering. "Another talking monster?"

The Queen laughed, a sound that sent chills down Kuro's spine. "You? A mere wizard? You think you can defeat me?"Kuro's eyes narrowed. "I've defeated your minions. That should tell you something."

The Queen's expression darkened. "You killed my minions!" she hissed. "You will pay for that."With a roar, the Queen charged at Kuro, her massive form a blur of motion. Kuro braced himself for the attack, his body tense and ready.

Outside of the Mika and Zenhira shocked of the Queen Nightshades Roar! The ground began to shake.