
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · 奇幻言情
76 Chs

Chapter 46: Hulabalus

After running a few steps, Kyle suddenly stopped as he suddenly realized something important... Very important, confusing Sheea a little.

"What happened?" She asked as she sat straight on his cozy back.

He didn't answer through his mouth, but Sheea heard him clearly.

[Well... can you give me some time? I'll be quick.]

"You... this... how did you do that?" Sheea exclaimed excitedly.

[You can also do this. We're mates now.]

"Really? This is a mate thing!?" Sheea couldn't believe and then a sudden realization struck her. She had read this in the novel before.

Sofia and her mates talked like this when facing a enemy.

Thinking that she could also do this Now with her mates, a warm feeling filled her heart as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Then, let me try this out."

[Okay.] Kyle said with a doting smile in his wolf form that didn't appear good looking at all. Well, it was cute though.

Sheea thought for a while on what to say as her words were playing jumbly jumbly in her mind for too much of excitement. After a lot of thought, she left her heart to deal with it.

(Kyle, I love you so much. Do you know that?)






Sheea was getting upset with the time. Kyle told she could do that too. She got excited for nothing. And just when, she was about to cuss out loud, she heard his voice again.

[I love you, Sheea. So d*mn much. I love you more than I can explain it in words or actions.]

He even started to jump a little in excitememt with her on his back. He was so engrossed in his own world that Sheea had to remind him why they stopped in their journey.

With a chuckle and a soft pat on his neck, she reminded him, "Mr. Jumper, aren't you forgeting something?"

[Me? Forgeting som- oh oh! Yeah! Yeah! Sheea, can you get down for a bit? I'll come back soon. I've something important to do before I forget it again.]

"Oh!" Sheea exclaimed as she got down from Kyle's back with a simple jump, before he could adjust his height from the ground, scaring the hell out of him.

But before he could give a lecture on how to take safety measures, he was chased away by her, "Go! Go! Be real quick then! Go!"

Kyle sighed and turned around towards the cave, 'Well, whatever! My mate is anything but ordinary."

He then ran faster into his cave and started to look around his den in a hassle. It didn't took him a long time to find out what he was looking for, before he swallowed the things and headed towards his mate.

Sheea blinked to see a huffy-puffy grey wolf, standing in front of her who disappeared and appeared in front of her eyes within less than thirty seconds.

And the common thing was he left empty handed and came back empty handed. So, where did he go and for what?

She badly wanted to ask... But since he didn't say anything by himself, she didn't force on it.

Kyle was about to squat down a little to make her get back at his back, but Sheea beat him in movements as with a jump, he settled on him and started to pester him, "C'mon! C'mon! Let's go now! Let's go!"

He let out a soft growl before heading towards the lively city market.


In the market:

It was a lively atmosphere. All the things that could be seen were buying and selling of animal skins and food, nothing else. Yet it was lively.

The reason was very simple.

In food shops, the customers were either looking for food that could be preserved for a longer time or food that were tastier than others.

And as for clothes shop, the female customers were either looking for a gorgeous outfit to attract Shan beasts and the male customers were looking for clothes either to attract females or for work purposes so that they could work comfortably.

The competition was simple and more likely similar to the human world.

For food, the theme was 'Produce unique and tastier Food'. And as for Clothes, 'More comfortable but beautiful'.


The moment Kyle stepped in the city market with Sheea on her, they became the sole focus of all the beasts.

Kyle slowed down his pace as he started to show Sheea around the market. And all the strange eyes fell on them and started to follow their figures.

Kyle, being the only grey and 'useless' wolf, was never the centre of attention before. But now, he was. Only because of the beautiful female on his back with a strange yet beautiful cloth.

"Oh my God, who is she? She's so beautiful!"

"Yeah! And look at her clothes. They are strange but looks so astonishing. I really want that cloth for myself."

"But who is she? A new Shasha in our tribe? Why didn't we know the existence of such a beautiful Shasha apart from Sofia?"

"Look she's not smiling or reacting to any of her surroundings. Is she shy or scared? If she's, then it's confirm she's new here!"

"She's so beautiful!"

"I feel like I'm seeing the Goddess, right in front of me. My life is fulfilled now. I don't need any mate anymore."

"She's so beautiful, just like Sofia. I bet she's also good like her."

"What are you Shans talking about? Have you gone crazy or what?"

"How she's beautiful? Have your eyes started to malfunction or what?"

"What's so good about her so much? You didn't even know her but you confirmed her to be as good as Sofia? Are you bewitched by that sl*t just like that?"

Since one was a beast and another was a trained martial artist with 100% unconsciousness, they could simply heard everyone from the distance.

Both chose to ignore them. But if one looked closely, Kyle's head was held high while walking as if he was proud. And of course, he was proud. He got a mate. A beautiful and kind hearted on that.

And moreover, she's not so power greedy and Shan-hungry. She won't take the first step, unless....

"Hey Kyle, who's this beautiful Shasha on your back?"

"She's so cute. Why don't you introduce us to her?"

"I was already having a heart ache when I saw her from a distance. Now looking at her from such a close distance, she appears so beautiful that my whole body is aching now."

"Hey beautiful Shasha! Mind sharing your name."

"You're so beautiful. I bet your name is also beautiful just like you."

Unless, the other party takes the first step. Kyle, slowly completed his sentence in his mind. He took a long breathe and growled at the intruders who came from God-knows where.

They might know his name as he was 'infamous' since young but he never knew anyone's name other than his brothers, mother and fathers.

Sheea looked at the Shan beasts indifferently as her hands itched for giving a good beating. No matter what, men will be men. Just look at this hulabalus in front of her.

Showing off their yellow teeth in front of her. Even though they were handsome and had good physiques each, her eyes still couldn't tolerate the bright yellow right.

As for the Beast under her, he was fuming in anger. How dare this nobodies try to covet his mate in front of his bl**dy f*cking eyes. But, as soon as he growled, the Shans who came to strike a conversation with Sheea got angry and asked in unison, "Hey, are you looking for a fight?"

They even started to badmouth him in front of Sheea hoping that she would leave him and take them in. It would have worked if she was any other Shasha out there or a spoiled young miss who only looks for power and beautiful things.

But it's Sheea we were talking about here. She kept on looking at the hulabalus as her smile got deeper and sweeter, giving a chill to her mate's weak heart.

"What are you trying to show off here, you dirty grey wolf. I'm one of the strongest Shan in this territory. Apart from Kevi, the next leader and Sevian, I'm the strongest. Are you sure, you can handle my one punch?" Said the first bright yellow light's owner.

"Yeah! And moreover, you're so pathetic. Did you forget that how many Shashas you've tried to woo before. Almost every Shasha in the entire Tetrad Tribe, but did you succeed?"

"Hey beautiful Shasha, I'm sure you don't know about but this guy here is really incompetent. I don't know what he has said to you to make you agree to mate with him, but this guy is the weakest of all beasts. Compared to him, even new borns and Shashas are stronger."


Sheea cooed in her head as she called out her mate as her hold on his fur tightened a lot.

The poor Kyle, who soon will be suffering for his past deeds, "...." (shiver) (shiver)


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