A normal girl auditions for one of her favorite shows and get cast in a very important role. Mrs. Tessa Daniels, the wife of a main character, not just any main character, her celebrity crush, Dylan Jay, a caribbean Adonis who models and acts and has his own production company, just to mention a few of his credentials. She is anxious to work with him but afraid he won't be as wonderful as her dreams. Shooting in her home city of Miami, she has the upper hand to play tour guide and show him around while getting to know him, but does he reciprocate the feelings she has for him? Does he even like her?
It's hot but not humid, perfect weather for this time of year in Miami, and perfect weather for a party at The Dock, an outside event space located in down town Miami on one of the many intercostal canals. I've helped organize the whole thing, from booking the location, to food, to the DJ, the show's production team asked me to utilize my "local" status and help them out. It's the night before we start shooting and the cast of "FBI: Miami" is mingling and getting to know the new cast members. I've been cast in this season after going to the audition on a whim while on vacation in LA. I love the show and thought it would be fun to audition just for the hell of it, little did I know I would be cast as the wife to one of the main characters and my favorite actor on the show (who I've had a huge crush on since highschool).
"Great job Tai!" Mike one of the producers says to me as he walks to the bar. "This place is amazing."
"Yeah it's pretty cool to be right on the water and watching the yachts and sail boats coming in and out of the bay." I say pointing to the huge draw bridge next to us.
We talk for a few more minutes and order drinks, he soon disappears into the crowd not before telling me to get out there and meet the cast.
"Your an official cast member now, get out there."
I'm terrified, but I guess he's right. Now or never.
I walk closer to the water by the lounge chairs and see one of the main cast members, Samantha Williams aka Jessica Grey an FBI agent. She sees me and waves at me, I walk in her direction and she grabs my hand.
"Your one of the new cast member right? Your going to be Jake's wife?" She asks.
"Yeah I'll be the future Mrs. Tessa Daniels, I'm Tai by the way." I smile and shake her hand and she hugs me.
We talk for a bit about what to expect from the whole production and how much fun they have every time they shoot. Another one of our cast members walks over, Emmett Harris aka Nikolas Dmitri the agent that used to be a spy for Russia, and the casting director Jenny Paz.
"Tai have you met Jake your future husband yet" Jenny jokes, I tell her I haven't and laugh it off but deep down I've been avoiding him on purpose. I'm not usually shy but this is terrifying, Jenny goes on to tell Emmett and Samantha how the roll of Mrs. Daniels was based on me (as the roll of Jake Daniels was based on Dylan Jay). I'm lost a little in what she's saying about my character when all of a sudden there he is. I freeze as Emmett says,
"Dylan come meet your new wife!" they all laugh and I smile trying not to look mortified.
"How are you? It's Tai right?" he extends his arms for a hug. I reply "That's me!" and move in for the hug.
He smells amazing! I can feel his muscles through the shirt he's wearing, he's taller than I realized, maybe about 6inches taller than me. I'm only 5'1 so just about everyone is taller than me.
We part and he starts talking to Jenny and Emmett, I can't help but think...He's ridiculously sexy! Beautiful caramel skin, just enough stubble to give a little of that rugged look, short black hair, amazing smile. I'm totally infatuated.
After a while of laughing and exchanging small talk with him and the others a friend of mine who is also on the cast pulls me away to dance with her. The party is tropical themed and the DJ is playing reggae at the moment, being Jamaican I can't help but feel the music flow through me. We dance for a while and laugh together occasionally going to the bar for a drink. We are at the bar about to take a shot of tequila (recommend by the bartender, another friend of mine) when he walks over.
My body goes stiff and I can feel my cheeks flush a little.
"What are you drinking?" He asks pointing to our shot glasses that aren't filled yet.
"Bartenders choice, tequila." I say back to him with a smile.
The bartender returns and he says, "I'll have whatever she's having."
The bartender looks at me, giggles and says ok.
She pours our shots and makes our other drinks, he leans over and asks me if I'm excited to start shooting. I say yes but admit I'm a little nervous because it's my first time.
He looks surprised, "So you've never acted before? You must have really impressed Mike if he hired you to be my wife."
I laugh and shrug my shoulders. We talk a little about how I auditioned and how I've been following the show since it started airing. We take our shots and drink our drinks at the bar talking about the show. After a while more members of the crew come over to us and we are quickly separated again lost in a crowd of people. We don't interact much for the rest of the night.
Tomorrow is the first day of shooting and our first scene together is set for that afternoon. I look over the booklet that I was given as I get in the plush hotel bed. Although I live in Miami the entire cast is staying at a hotel on the beach, they rented me a huge suite. Dylan's room is actually right down the hall, kind of thrilling to know he's not far away. I drift off to sleep with him on my mind and the upcoming day.