
Love Me One More Time

"Why did you do that? Why the hell did you do that? Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me? I don't like you and how many times do I have to shout it in front of you just to make you understand that I don't like you? I don't love you and that's the last thing I will ever do!" They say words cut deeper and harder than knives. A knife can be pulled out but words are embedded into our soul. It leaves unseen and long-lasting scars. But guess what? She knew it, yet she wanted to take a sip of her sorrows and drink from her trapped bleeding heart. ~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~ It all started 8 years ago when she met him and fell in love with him. The problem was that he already has a girlfriend and he doesn't like her. But a stubborn and spoiled brat Samantha Soriano couldn't accept it. So she made a decision and planned everything to make Luke Marcuz Williams her man. But fate didn't seem to cooperate with her stupid plan as it failed her, in which she ended up trapped with him in an arranged marriage. A marriage wherein everyone's eyes were perfect, full of love and respect, but in reality, it seemed like hell. He made her life a living hell. They didn't know that behind those smiles painted on her lips, tears flowed silently... and behind those laughs she was sharing, pain and sorrow were hidden carefully. Until she learned to let go and learned the truth that he will never start loving her, no matter what she does. But... What if everything suddenly changed after four years? What if he started showing the care and love he should have done 4 years ago, will she be willing to forget everything that happened and leave them behind? And if she realizes she has never really forgotten him, will she be willing to give him a chance this time or will she be ready to be with the man who once caused her pain?

JaycelleRodriguez · 现代言情
204 Chs

Chapter two: The spoiled brat Samantha

~~~What is this I'm feelin' I just can't explain. When you're near, I'm just not the same. I tried to hide it, tried not to show it, it's crazy, how could it be? I've fallen for you. Finally, my heart gave in. And I'm fallin' in love, I finally know how it feels, so this is love~~~

-Toni Gonzaga-


Four years ago...a 17-year-old Samantha...

Samantha's POV:


I screamed, caressing my forehead. Then a crumpled paper landed in front of me. I don't have to ask who did that stupid thing as there is only one person who always does such a thing to annoy me. My older brother, Dale.

Frowning, I slowly turned my chair only to see him lying on my bed, grinning with his legs crossed against each other.

"Dale! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Shhh... hey, sis, why do you always forget that this is also my house?" He changed his position. He faced me, resting his head on the palm of his hand while his elbow supported its weight.

"Excuse me, I don't forget that this is also your house, but let me just remind you that this is my freaking room! Argh! Get out of here right now!"

I always thank God for having strengthened my lungs every time I have to yell at my brother, yet, I also ask him, why of all my father's sperm cells, He let this one fertilized my mother's egg cells? Why did He give me the most annoying brother instead of a loving and caring sister?

But no matter how I tried to search the answer, the more He makes my brother the more irritating--- annoying---exasperating---infuriating---aghh! Whatever you may call it!

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll call Dad to kick you out of here!" I huffed. In my own opinion, Dad loves me more than he loves my brother.

"Go, ahead. I won't stop you. When he gets here, I'll tell him what I saw on your computer."

"Huh!" My eyes widened in shock and I looked back at my computer screen. That's it. The handsome face of Dale's best friend---Luke is still smiling on the screen. I turned it off immediately and glanced back at my laughing brother. Take note, in an annoying way.

"So what are you waiting for? Why don't you call Dad or even Mom so I could tell them---" but he didn't get the chance to finish what he was saying as my notepad fell on his face.

See? My things knew how to fly when I get annoyed.

"Dale Sebastian Soriano! Don't you know how to respect someone's privacy? You're so annoying!"

But he just laughed even more.

My chest goes up and down but I remained seated. I'm really trying to calm my nerves not to kill my own brother. How I wish sometimes for the ground to open up and swallow him. I don't care if it includes my bed, I'll just ask Dad to buy me a new one.

"Samantha, Samantha, Samantha. Tsk.tsk.tsk... when are you going to wake up and stop dreaming about my best friend? Oh, no, I forgot you're awake. Stop daydreaming about Luke, because let me tell you, he already has a girlfriend. And even if he doesn't have one, he will certainly never notice you."

'Ouch.' My heart screams inside.

"He will never look at you. Tss! He doesn't even like you, I mean, you're not his type."

Is he really my brother or have I just been adopted? He's a straightforward person and sometimes I couldn't help but hurt with his harsh words.

"You really know how to throw harsh words, are you?"

"Because it's true, Sam. You're no match compared to all the girls who flaunt their bodies every day in front of him. Look at yourself, you don't even know how to use makeup."

"You know what, I started getting confused if we are really siblings! You don't love me and I feel it!"

"Tss! Stop the drama, Samantha, it doesn't suit you."

I just blinked repeatedly. The nerve.

"I'm just concern about you, don't you get it? You'll never want to be his girlfriend if you just know him."

"Ahh---shhh! You're lying! I know he's a good man."

"You don't know him, Sam, and you're too young for the kind of relationship you're dreaming of."

"But I love him, Dale!"

"Love? Tss!"

He said, scrunching his face and then looked at me as if what I said was the most disgusting word he had ever heard.

"What do you know about love? I'm warning you, Samantha, stop your illusions about Luke. He already has a girlfriend."

'I'm warning you, Samantha, stop your illusions about Luke...blah...blah...blah...blah...' I mimicked inside my head. I chose to ignore him as he starts lifting his body out of my bed and I hope out of my room too.

"He's not the right person for you. You're only 17 while he's already 21. Someday, you'll forget about him when you meet the one destined for you. But for now, focus on your studies and stop flirting with my best friend."

I just rolled my eyes. The word came from him, Luke has a girlfriend---yes, a girlfriend, meaning a girlfriend only. And since they are not yet married, I still have the chance to make him look at me and of course, to love me. Yay!

I thought he will finally leave my room, but to my dismay, he stopped when he reached the door.

"And may I add, his eyes were only for his beloved Cherry, so back off little princess." And that's it. I tried to throw my pen on his back but he already disappeared from my site.

"Grrr! You forgot something, my dear brother. What Samantha wants, Samantha always gets! Let's see if you can stop me, even his girlfriend. What's her name again---Cherry? Well, may the best woman win, Cherry." I uttered the girl's name full of bitterness. I'll do everything to make him mine, by hook or by crook!"

And an evil smile began to form my lips.


"Jack, can you go with me after class?"

I asked my best friend Jack the moment I slumped on the bench in front of her seat in the library. We just had our early lunch break and decided to go to our favorite place in the university to kill the two free hours.

"Why, where are we going? Don't tell me you're going to your brother's school again?" She whispered flipping the pages of the book in her hand.

"Ahh... you really are my best friend. You can easily read what I have in mind." I said clapping slowly, too careful not to catch someone's attention, especially the old lady sitting in the nearest corner...the librarian.

"I'm sorry but I can't go with you this time, Sam. I have something important to do after class."

"Hmmp!" I frowned, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Something important to do? Really?"

"Yup, so I'm sorry." She said not even spare a glance on my direction.

"Come on, Jackeline, as if I don't know you! You just don't want to see my brother."

She instantly stopped what she's doing and stared at me seriously.

"Fine. You got me there. I don't want to see your annoying brother and then what? You know how much of a bully he is!"

I bit my lip to control my laugher. I don't want to be left alone in this room, cleaning the floor until 5 pm.

Yes, I hate my brother every time he has become like a demon whispering harsh and annoying words in my ears. But if I will ask Jack to rate from the scale of 1 to 10 how much she despises my brother, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to give 11 --- 12 --- or maybe more. They were like oil and water, they just don't mix.

"Jack, we have the same dilemma when it comes to my brother, but please just ignore him. He will only make fun of you if you show him how affected you were with him."

"No, Sam, this is not just about your brother. Mom also asked me to help her to prepare dinner for tonight."

"Haist. Fine, I guess I don't have a choice. I'll just go there alone." I shrugged.

"Sam, when are you going to stop chasing Luke Williams? He doesn't even talk to you longer than a minute."

"Oh, gosh. You know what, you're now becoming my brother, duh!" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, don't you ever compare me to him. I'm just worried about you."

I sighed. In the back of my head, I'm getting confused if she and Dale talked about having the same lines.

"We're only 17 and that's just an infatuation. I'm sure your feelings for him will eventually fade as time goes by."

"You don't understand---"

"No, Samantha, listen---"

"No, Jack, you listen to me. I know I'm too young to understand everything about relationship, but I know what I feel for him isn't just puppy love. I love him, Jack, and I'll do whatever it takes for him to notice me."


"I promise, I will make him mine sooner or later."

"Oh, jeez! You're insane!"

"Well, that's what love can do to us." I shrugged. "Just wait and see, I will make him my man by hook or by crook."

"Whew! Go ahead and good luck."

I chuckled at her sarcastic reaction.

"But seriously, Jack, are you really not coming with me later after our class?" I dropped my chin on my arm which resting on the table.

"No. I told you, I will help my mom make dinner for tonight."

"Hmmp!" I straightened my seat. "You just don't want to see my handsome brother."

"Haha... duh! Whether my mom asked me to cook dinner or not, I still won't go with you later. I have two reasons, my dear Samantha. Number one, of course, I don't want to see your chauvinist /slash/ narcissist brother and number two, I won't help you with your evil plans towards Luke."

I couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing the word 'evil'. Am I that bad?

"Shhh! Be quiet, Ms. Soriano otherwise you will clean the whole library this afternoon!"

Jack and I were both shocked when the old lady appeared in front of us.


"I'm sorry, Miss Pineda. I promise to lower my voice and I won't do it again." I said giving her a fake apologetic smile with a peace sign on my finger.

"You better be, Ms. Soriano."

'Yeh-better-be-Miss-Seriene..." I mimicked when she has already returned on her seat. Jack covers her mouth as she also doesn't want to be left and clean the whole library as punishment.