
Chapter 58 Can't you leave her a way out?

God knows, every time she approaches, he will have to work harder to suppress the desire in his heart and push her away from him.

Even if it is kissing, I dare not let myself sink, I am afraid that I will not be able to control it and cross the line, I am sorry Audrey White.

Now Derek Hunter knew how stupid he was.

She had already put on a wedding dress for him, and almost became his bride, but he ruthlessly abandoned her, making her a joke in the whole city.

She used to like to cling to him every day, but now she can no longer tolerate a trace of him in her life.

It was him, he pushed her into someone else's arms with his own hands.

This kind of pain, he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

That night, Derek Hunter stared at Caroline Fisher's phone until dawn.

Early the next morning, Caroline Fisher heard Jack Golden's movement, tried hard to open her sleepy eyes, and followed him out of bed.