
Chapter 3: Beginning of failure

On January 1, 2000 she remarried to David Clarkson, half-brother of Frederick Hawthorne and Adrian Miller.

She also changed her name to Elizabeth Marshall- Clarkson. She then became Mrs. High society, this as she was now the CEO of Clarkson Global Group.

She forgot me soon. Who wouldn't? My mother gained a step daughter, Shawna Clarkson. In 2001, on my birthday, my mother adopted a 10 year old daughter, Natasha Chang.

This drove my father mad. He was up ceased with her and why she left us. But he was still a great lawyer.

2003 was a very bad year for my father. This with a lot of fail court cases saw many clients leaving. By January 2004 my father owed US$ 2 million.

This meant he had to travel abroad; to gain investment or work. He went to New York. I was sent me to live with my grandmother, Shavian Richards-Samuels; so he could go.

After a long 5 hour drive we reached the Samuels Mansion. After a few hours my father left me. He left me with my teddy bear in one hand and he placed his gold locket around my neck. In the locket was a picture of my mother, him and me all together.

With the earliest memory of my father he always called. So I bonded with my supported grandmother.

My grandmother was a retired Microbiologist and Biomechanical Engineer. She was the Founder/majority shareholder of Maar Engineer Solutions Incorporated.

Although she was only 45 she left the company but possessed 75% voting power within the cooperation.

In my years with my grandmother she taught me a lot. I learned to always be a lady and never give up hope. I interacted with my father through expensive gifts and Skype.

My father lived in upstate New York. Starting Christmas 2008 I visited him. I then met his then business partner/Girlfriend, Evelyn Shaw, and I hated he right there and then. Then it was New York every holiday I could find.

My Father had me moved to New York in the summer of 2009. With this I was to study in America. I was already a great electrical engineer.

This was my grandmothers fun activity was fixing electronics and hacking. By age 4 I could program an entire phone.

Oh my happy days. Lying in the grass and enjoying my friends. Very early I was very smart and was destined for greatness.

On November 19, 2010 my mother died after falling from the balcony of the Clarkson Manor. My father was happy for this.

He claimed she wanted wealth and now she knows the price of it. My father married Evelyn on Christmas Eve 2010. My grandmother visited an she shared my concerns about Evelyn.

My father never took any honeymoon due to his business. He was now an investment banker/lawyer. He brought home to the queen of Hell, Evelyn Rose.

With the through of my father I pretended to like her. At the end of the holidays I was back in school she I would rarely interact with her.

But boy was I wrong. It started out with me doing chores and she lying to my father.

I called my grandmother she told me that I had to stay with my father. She never called again and I was now alone. The days were bad as I was sad. Then one day at school I got an email. It gave me a chat room to visit.

The person was one of my grandmothers' old code name. Then anytime I wanted to reach out I just post a code within my blog.

We made our own alphabet and could communicate through private blogs and news posts. I even wrote my own decrypted program. She told me a lot about home.

Before I knew a year ran off and I was now 12 years. My father began hating me as Evelyn started to poison him against me. No matter what I did I was always in trouble. My father constantly beat me and punished me.

I soon discovered she was cheating on my father. Then I tipped my father off. I gather evidence and she remote wiped my computer. My father beat me for lying. Ending 2011 I had a strong through about running away.