Worry about nothing Oliver said,I got this covered just follow my lead and you win all the time.Tim said but you never played this game before.Oliver exactly,what is the game called.
Tim said you have to find it to play it, it the most legendary in all games in the galaxy.
Jack:They say, it located at the bottom of the sea in a whale's belly which swallowed a ship.
Tim:And only true gamers are allowed in .
Oliver:Try me, I am a try gamer, like no one before I played all kind of games.
Tim: Oliver all type of games,really
I have known you my entire life and you hate playing games
Oliver:That was old me not now me
Jack:so where are we going to start
Aisha:You have to first find the creator of the game
Jack: Don't scare us like that
Oliver:Who are you
Aisha:I'm Jack's cousin,so you are trying to find a game , right
Jack:yeah but you are not coming
Tim:We have to hurry though according to the legend any who starts the game must finish it before the day end or you will have to begin again.
Jack:And it's already past 2 maybe we do this tomorrow at sunset. there we have more time to look.
Aisha:yes, your right
Jack:Not you.
Oliver:I get that,I guess
Tim:so let's meet at Oliver's at sunset
Oliver,Jack and Tim:yeah,we got this
Tim:so let's prepare today and get a good night sleep.
Tim, Oliver and Jack arrive
Tim:Every body is here
Tim: let's see what we have packed full journey, according to my estimate we shall need some supplies.
So just tell check and we each need our own,ok.
Oliver and Jack:ok
Aisha hiding in the back
Tim: Rope,check,3
Bottle of water,check,3
Grappling hook,check,1
none of have a grappling hook
Oliver;No one owns a grappling hook at home except you.
change of clothes and shoes 3 each,check,3
Flash light, check, 3
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I think that's all,we are ready.
Oliver: Let's go.