
Los Muertos Vivientes(The Walking Dead)

"There's no way. Y' can't be alive,y' simply can't!" "Y' were killed on t'battlefield. Y'sacrificed thy life fer the wellbeing of t' empire! Y'shouldn't be here. What has t'dead t' do with the livin'?!" "Indeed m'beloved. I'ead been killed not by sacrifice but betrayal. I'ead been betrayed by mi closest allies therefore, m'soul wonders seeking vengeance and shan't obtain salvation til justice be served!"

Dera_Collins · 历史言情
1 Chs


"M' Lord,do y' really heave te leave?"she questioned worriedly. She was afraid. A fear for his life had crept into her heart and enveloped her. A fear that he might never return.

"Forgive mi m' lady but I must. T' integrity and honour of our empire is on the line and that's something I simply can't put at stake. Our enemies haed made a grave mistake making a mockery of our empire's pride and integrity. I must go fer I have take protect the lives and integrity of our people. I promise tae return victorious and I'll make our enemies pay fer ridiculing us." He gave her a reassuring smile and resumed putting on his armour and battle kilt.

"Indeed, I understand thy predicament and I agree with thee. The pride and honour of our empire must be protected but m' Lord y' simply mustn't go. Y' mayest send tee General in place of thee 'nd 'etreat. Y' mustn't leave!

Y'must stay here emperor fer I fear fer thy life. I have a sinking feeling t'at if y' leave,y' may never 'eturn. Call mi supe'stitious but a ran into a black cat earlie' and consider t'at a bad omen. I plead tae tee emperor, if not fer m' sake t'en remain fer the sake of our unborn lad."

"Name m' lady, I must leave fer I have a responsibility towards tee empire. I must protect tee pride 'nd honour o' me people. A swear tae thee 'nd our unborn lad that I will return victorious. Inform tee other queens o' tee harem fer a dinnae hae tee time. I will be departing on a secret mission and a dinnae intend on informing anyone except m' armies 'nd allies until I arrive at the campsite. M' lady I must depart noo. Take care o' yerself 'nd our unborn lad." He said and left.