

Only 15 years old, she goes through heart break, betrayal, Car accident, loss, identity crisis, abuse, loneliness and the worst pain. She still picks herself up and pushes through, the things she thought were luxury came back to her. Friends, Love and supporters but, Can she find the secrets that are hidden, What lies behind those flower covered walls and paintings, who is she? can she love? are her friends true? and when will it end? when will she have peace? She struggles to find the answer.

Esther_Ruba · 现代言情
44 Chs

Chapter 41- PUPPY LOVE

It was puppy love, the simple holding hands was making Chloe's heart flutter, the simple and sincere smiles of Lorden was making their way to Chloe's heart, she was afraid of the large sting ray, which made her hug Lorden, their first hug, the warm and cozy feeling was making Chloe dizzy,

[Maybe it is only me]

She thought but, that was not true, slowly she came out of Lorden's embrace, she peeked at his face which was totally red, and as he comforted, he was stuttering it was a beautiful moment, after the heart racing and the sweet atmosphere with little smiles, giggles and chuckles and some extremely embarrassing and heart racing moment they made their way to the kids park, there was no one other than them and the bodyguards who were at some distance from them, they sat side by side, Lorden's hands slowly made their way to Chloe's hands, the eye contact said it all, and a small peck was stolen from Chloe, they giggled with embarrassment as Lorden told her it was his first kiss and so, was for Chloe, the giggles the smiles made a sweet and the most loving memory for them both atleast that is what Chloe believed,

'The young miss, came home with a present for you, they are asking if you can go home now.' (bodyguard)

'Why the heck did that shit crawl there?' (Lorden)*furious*

It seemed the sweet atmosphere before just was an illusion for Chloe and the whole next moment was filled with Lorden expressing his hatred towards Lorrin, Chloe felt her first relationship washed down the drain with anger and envy Chloe spread the rumor and the next whole week she spent hating herself and longing for Lorden, who started to ignore her after knowing that, she was one of Lorrin's friend, with an extreme hit, Chloe didn't feel like living in the city anymore and moved back to her hometown and continued her life there, only recently had she come back and was labeled as the nerd as soon as she got back, after knowing what Lorrin was going through she was shocked and felt guilty for her stupid past actions and wanted to make amends, currently she had no relationship to anyone other than the class president, and hoped that Lorrin would forgive her and be her friend again.

After hearing what Chloe said, Lorrin got a flashback of what she remembered this morning, the girl, the first to spread rumors about her, that girl was the glasses girl who is standing right in front of her, that time after the rumor gained the momentum, Lorrin hated this girl to the point that if she could she would beat the shit out of her, the anger that was boiling in her at that moment was ferocious, she thought this fire had extinguished after having suffered so much during the worst time, didn't seem to have extinguished but, was fiercer than before, the anger was boiling in her as she looked at Chloe, the atmosphere turned chilly, Lorrin rose her head to face Chole as soon as their eyes met Chloe felt a chill down her spine, Andrew was on edge, Lorrin got up, Chloe was stunned she quickly got up, Lorrin rose her hands and just that moment it could have been the worst slap Chloe would have received if not for Andrew stepping in between and blocking Lorrin and dragging her away, Chloe just stood there panicking and losing the strength in her legs, she sat back down frozen.

'Are you okay?' (Andrew)*worried*

'Thanks to you! I am not.' (Lorrin)*furious*

In anger Lorrin threw a punch on the car, her hands started to bleed, there was high chance that there would be pieces of glass inside her flesh, the pain was stinging crazy but, her anger didn't seem to cool down, Andrew just stood still, he didn't seem to regret his action but, was in a deep thought, there was something that, went through his mind, his expression started to be very mysterious, while Lorrin went into the car and drove off, he just stood there and after a while called Liam to pick him up.

'What is going on? you look pale.' (Liam)*worried*

'Lorrin seems to be hiding some real emotions.' (Andrew)*troubled*

'What do you mean?'(Liam)*confused*

'Today she met a girl, who spread rumors about her around 3 years ago and Lorrin busted, she couldn't control her anger, her anger towards them is serious.' (Andrew) *troubled*

'Woah! Kinda expected you know, she keeps so much stuff to her, indeed it will burst once it is triggered.' (Liam)*calm*

'Does she even consider me a friend? She doesn't share a shit with us!' (Andrew)*sad*

'Chill out, give her time she will open up.' (Liam)*comforting*

'Will she ever? I doubt that.' (Andrew)*sad*

At this point Andrew was questioning whether Lorrin even considered him as a friend, Andrew had seen her during the worst time of her life and at the start of their friendship there was rarely any space between them, Andrew shared everything with Lorrin but, after the revenge she took from that guy, since then, somethings happened but, Lorrin never shared them with them, it felt like since, then she had drawn a clear line between them, black eyes, bloody eyes, lack of sleep, stressed, bruised ankles and dull and lifeless so many times, but, they had no idea what was going on, Andrew also knew Lorrin was dating someone but, again he had no idea who it was and exactly since when, Andrew felt like he was nothing but just someone Lorrin knew and not her friend, he was highly doubting their friendship, though Liam was comforting, it was zero help to Andrew.

Andrew once seeing that, someone wanted to talk to Lorrin, he felt high responsibility that he should help her out, but, there didn't seem to be any point Lorrin was up for it, but, still he pushed her because somewhere he knew, she needed to talk to her, thus, that was the reason Andrew pushed for the conversation and when that girl told Lorrin, he felt that, it was needed, she needed an apology and an old friend but, for some reason Lorrin reaction was not what he expected, the person he saw right now was not the person he knew, she seemed like a totally different person, a stranger, he knew this meeting would help her but, he didn't know who that person was.

'Andrew, sometimes people don't show their true selves every time, they want you to see the best of them even if you have seen them in their worst, they wouldn't be open to the idea of showing their vulnerable and a different side of them that, you have never seen before, they would need some time to allow you to enter that place in their heart, you need to wait and be sincere and honest with them.' (Liam)*calm*

After hearing what Liam said, Andrew felt like he was being stupid doubting Lorrin's faith towards him, it put him in ease.