
Lord of the Mysteries : I am the Outer God

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ******** Navigating the realm of the Lord of Mysteries and assuming the role of the backing spirit for Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, a seasoned traveler, found himself inwardly resisting the notion. Fortunately, he still retained the supernatural abilities [Truth and Fallacy] he had gained from his previous world. [Truth and Fallacy] were rule-based supernatural powers. [Truth] allowed him to steer fate, while [Fallacy] could manipulate reality. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo began by tearing apart the script of 008. He then fearlessly plunged into the maelstrom of the era, determined to combat the looming apocalypse. He toiled tirelessly, leveraging his supernatural prowess and foresight. He diligently managed events, gradually bolstering the strength of his faction to a point where he could rest assured. It was then that Lin Ruo's previously sealed memories resurfaced. At that moment, Lin Ruo came to realize that he was, in truth, a nascent foreign god—someone meant to impose restrictions. Lin Ruo:… Was it too late for him to flee? **** The cover picture is not mine. **** If you want to read early chapters ahead of time, then  you can visit, https://ko-fi.com/aayume/tiers and join my LOTM tier.

Nobody2NoBody · 作品衍生
38 Chs

Chapter 23 : Pathway

Dunn nodded in understanding without questioning how Lin Ruo had utilized the Soul Assurer's ability. He approached the member of the Secret Order and whispered something to them. The two of them then walked to a corner of the church, where they settled into chairs and fell asleep.

In essence, Dunn took the initiative to enter the dreams of the Secret Order members, intending to communicate with them there. After a few minutes, Dunn opened his eyes again. He didn't pay attention to the still sleeping Secret Order members. Instead, he got up and walked over to Klein and Lin Ruo. Addressing Lin Ruo, he inquired, "How long can you keep this up?"

Lin Ruo smiled and replied, "I can maintain it as long as needed, and I can end it whenever I want. Why? What do you have in mind?"

Dunn began by introducing the situation: "He is a member of the Secret Order. The Secret Order was established during the 4th Epoch Era and has connections to the Solomon Empire and certain fallen aristocrats—an ancient organization. The Antigonus family's notebooks originated from them. Due to a lapse by one of their members, the notes entered the antique market and were acquired by Welch. As a result, they had to dispatch agents to search for it everywhere."

"We have limited information about the Secret Order's members. This time, your 'Soul Soothing' ability worked on one of their favored individuals. I'm hoping to use this opportunity to extract more information about the Secret Order from him within the dream. The aim is to trace and capture their other members in reverse." Dunn explained this to Lin Ruo.

Lin Ruo understood the challenge in tracking down the elusive members of the Secret Order, yet he believed it was worth attempting: "While the results might not be perfect, given their ability to hide like mice in a sewer, it's still worth a shot."

Dunn then turned to Klein with a reassuring smile and shared, "Regardless of the outcome, this operation will send a message to them. They'll realize that we've likely obtained the Antigonus family's notebook or important leads. Unless the notebook holds truly vital information, they will generally abandon the pursuit. It's their survival philosophy." This was clearly Dunn's effort to explain and comfort Klein.

Klein, however, expressed his concerns: "But what if the notebook is indeed incredibly important?" As he spoke, he glanced toward Lin Ruo, seeking guidance from him because of the knowledge of mysticism imparted over the past two days.

Dunn remained silent but exchanged a knowing glance with Lin Ruo. He was well aware that Lin Ruo, as the Chosen One, held more knowledge than even the ordinary Nighthawk captain.

Lin Ruo raised an eyebrow in response to their questioning looks and explained, "You needn't worry. That notebook is indeed exceedingly significant. To my knowledge, it was once a Grade 1 sealed artifact of the Church of Steam and Machinery—an artifact of immense importance."

"Thus, I would advise against reading it if you obtain it. It could expose you to a hidden form of corruption that you might not even notice. While this contamination can be removed, it remains a latent danger." Lin Ruo's words were intended to vaccinate Dunn, as he knew from the original story that Dunn faced contamination after opening the notebook.

Recognizing the weight of Lin Ruo's words, Dunn thanked him, ensuring that he remembered this crucial information.

Though Dunn had a history of forgetfulness, this matter was unlikely to slip his mind. Lin Ruo thought to himself and then added, "By the way, credit for this endeavor should be attributed to me. Klein's participation can be acknowledged as credit for his assistance in locating the notebook through his spiritual intuition. Considering the potential hidden dangers, I believe he deserves a chance to choose a potion, right?"

Lin Ruo's initiative in raising this point was primarily motivated by his concern that his involvement might negatively impact Klein's path to becoming a seer.

Dunn took a moment to process Lin Ruo's suggestion and then nodded, confirming, "Indeed, with the credit from this mission and the necessity of finding the notes, Klein, you do have the opportunity to choose."

"A chance to choose?" Klein intuited the gravity of the situation and grew slightly tense. Dunn's demeanor shifted to a more serious tone as he elaborated, "Do you wish to become a Beyonder? You can only select from the initial sequence of Incomplete Sequence pathways that we have."

"Of course, you could continue accumulating merits until you can choose to become Sleepless. Given your current situation, that shouldn't take too long."

Klein's delight was apparent, as his choice had already been decided prior to this conversation. He posed his question eagerly, "Can I choose from those Sequence 9 potion?"

Detailed information was necessary to make an informed decision regarding whether to accept or decline and which Sequence to opt for. In response, Dunn dutifully explained the choices to Klein, while Lin Ruo listened attentively.

As in the original story, there were three Sequence 9 potions available to Klein:

1. Mystery Pryer : They have a comprehensive but rudimentary understanding and grasp of magic, witchcraft, astrology, other mystical knowledge, and they also know a fair number of Ritualistic Magic.

2. Seer : They lack direct skills confronting enemies but are experts in Divination. They master all kinds of Divination methods, including astrology, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, spiritual numbers, and scrying.

3. Corpse Collector : They gain certain corpse characteristics. They would develop a gloomy presence and develop lower body temperature. They gain knowledge about the characteristics and weaknesses of undead creatures. They also receive enhanced physical attributes.

Facing these choices, Klein hesitated, which Dunn understood well. There was no need to rush Klein's decision; the answer could be given by Monday. Regardless of Klein's choice, Dunn would support it.

"Okay then, I shall take my leave now," Dunn reassured Klein, informing him that he could rest for the day. He turned to Lin Ruo, saluted briefly, and then proceeded to lift the still-sleeping Secret Order member before departing.

Lin Ruo observed Dunn's exit, then shifted his gaze to Klein, inquiring, "Have you pondered your decision? Which path do you intend to choose?"