
Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

A world thats rushing towards a dark ending. An slave traveler that yearns for his freedom. A fire that will consume anyone who stays behind. Will he be able to break the chains that bound him and reach the peak or will he just die like a sheep waiting to be slaughter. Wach him rise from the bottom and tries to discover why he came here. To save the world or rush it to that dark ending. This is a story of a traveler _________________________________________ Notes-Welcome to all new readers. This story was first published in the Novels section and only recently I have moved it to the fanfic part, in case you are wondering why there are two stories with the same name, that is why. I want to say that I am not a professional and that English is not my mother tongue so I hope you can forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

TheWitnes · 作品衍生
381 Chs

Chapter 183: A 'Warm' Welcome

'New member?' Audrey thought in shock that immediately turned to joy. She quickly turned to look at the aforementioned.

It was difficult to see the more specific details of The Sun thanks to the gray fog but Audrey could still see some.

The Sun has brownish-yellow hair and wore a unique black tight suit that was different from the clothing of countries in the Northern Continent.

'What curious clothes... Maybe Sun is from Feysac?' Audrey thought excitedly, trying to figure out the origin of the Sun.

She was very excited to see the growth of the Tarot Club. She felt like a protagonist.

Alger creased his brows, a bit annoyed that The Fool dragged in a new member so suddenly.

'He should have mentioned it to us at least... But a great figure like Mr. Fool shouldn't care about our feelings...' He thought in exasperation before giving a simple greeting to Justice, Chariot, and Sun.

Adryan for his part, just gave a simple greeting to the rest and returned his attention to the ceiling but actually looked at Sun out of the corner of his eye.

'Something's weird... Isn't it too early for Sun to join? If I remember correctly, he joined in the middle of August, that is, a week later...' The redhead thought seriously as he looked at the young Sun.

He held back a sigh as he then rested his cheek in his palm.

'It seems that things are happening faster than I expected...'

Audrey after analyzing Sun and coming to the conclusion that he was someone young and that he gave the air of a lone wolf, left her Spectator State and looked at The Fool.

"Mr. Fool, I have collected another 2 pages from Emperor Roselle's diary." She said with joy.

'It really was 3 pages but I only managed to memorize 2... The symbols were too complicated and too difficult to memorize.' Audrey added in her heart a little embarrassed.

'New pages?' Klein's heart gladdened. He smiled and asked.

"Miss Justice, what do you need?"

'Please something easy!' Klein added in his heart.

He wasn't worried in the least that someone like Justice would ask for money, she showed she had plenty of it. He was worried that she would ask for something that he could not give.

Audrey's eyes lit up with excitement but she responded in a reserved manner.

"I would like to know, if possible, the name of the following Telepathist sequence."

'Hey girl, aren't you in a hurry? Just a few weeks ago you got the formula for your Secuence 8 and now you want to know the name of the next sequence?' Klein began to consider what to answer.

He couldn't tell Justice the name of the next sequence because he didn't know it but if he did he wasn't sure he would tell her...

Thanks to someone, Klein didn't have to worry about responding.

"Telepathist? Like the Telepathist that is followed by the Psycho Analyst?" The Sun interrupted.

Audrey looked towards him puzzledly.

"You know of it?"

At the same time, she saw a problem through her Spectator instinct.

The Sun had used the old title Psycho Analyst instead of the modern title, Psychiatrist!

'This guy is a little weird…' Audrey examined Sun's every move.

'What did I tell you before?! Don't talk carelessly!' Klein wanted to slap his face with all his might.

He used the corner of his eye and saw how what Sun had said had caught not only Justice's attention but Chariot's attention.

The strongest member of the Tarot Club was looking directly at Sun.

Klein wanted to slap Sun on the head for drawing the attention of who he shouldn't have!

'Great as soon as Sun arrives he's going to be bullied...' Klein lamented for the young man but he couldn't do anything to help him, he could only pray that he wouldn't blurt out anything that would draw Chariot's attention even more.

'Now I just wonder how long it will take Chariot to discover the origin of the Sun... Maybe in the next Tarot Club or the one after that? It would be ridiculous for Chariot to conclude today that Sun is from the Forgotten Land of the Gods... right?'

Remembering what had happened at the first Tarot Club, Klein bit the inside of his cheek.


'You don't know how to shut your mouth, do you?' Adryan thought with an amused smile as he looked at Sun.

Not knowing that he was already dancing on the wolf's tongue with an apple in his mouth and bathed in sauce. Sun, or as he was better known, Derrick Berg, responded seriously.

"I can get you the formula!"

Then, he felt guilty because he couldn't provide it right away. He tried to explain himself.

"It is a sequence that comes from the Dragon race. And our City of Silver was once ruled by the Giant King imperial household. As you know Giants and Dragons are sworn enemies. Hence, Silver City of Silver has all sequences 9, 8, and 7. I have ways to get them."

'This kid…' Klein wailed deeper and was barely able to stop himself from slapping himself across the face.

The boy had walked in that by himself...

Now all that remained was to wait for the show.

He could have stopped Sun at any time if he wanted to, he just had to stop translating and the rest of the Tarot Club wouldn't have understood him at all.

But Klein took another path. He felt this would make his image as a great existence stronger and further remove any doubts Chariot might have. So he just sat and listened to everything with a smile without saying anything.

'I can also get more information without having to ask and ruin my image. So the origins of the Spectator sequence come from the Dragon race... That explains the Dragon on the back of Justice's seat...'

'Giant King, Dragon race, City of Silver...' Audrey was confused. She first took a look at the Hanged Man opposite her, but she could tell he was just as shocked and confused by his body language.

She then turned and saw how Chariot simply had his cheek resting on his palm as he looked at Sun with a smile that was very familiar to her...

'Looks like Chariot knows something...' Audrey only allowed herself to look at the man for 3 seconds before looking away.

Not wanting to suffer the wrath of that smile, she simply glanced sideways at the seat of honor at the top of the bronze table. The Fool watched everything that happened with a smile. The figure covered by grayish-white fog showed no shock, no thought, no curiosity, and no doubt.

'He knows... He knew all this...' Audrey and Alger came to the same conclusion.

"He he..."

Already familiar with the laughter, Audrey and Alger turned to look at the smiling Chariot.

Derrick for his part, looked somewhat confused at the laughing man, not understanding why he suddenly laughed.

'Here it comes...' Klein thought heavily as he watched Chariot cover his mouth with his right hand.

'At least maybe I can get more information on the Forgotten Land of the Gods through Sun's suffering...' Klein tried to see the bright side of what was about to happen.

Lowering his hand, Adryan looked at the Tarot Club members with a small smile.

"Oh excuse my manners, it's just that what Sun said is quite amusing to me."

Derrick frowned and looked somewhat annoyed at the man.

"What do you think is funny Mr. Chariot? I didn't tell any jokes."

"Hahaha Oh sweet summer child~ I think you misunderstood me." Adryan said amused. Annoying and embarrassing Derrick a bit.

"Then explain please." Derrick said a little upset.

Adryan smiled some more.

"You see little Sun. It's not like you told a funny joke it's just that you revealed where you're from without letting me guess for myself."

"huh?" Derrick was confused and a little stunned.

"It's a little game of mine, in short, it keeps me busy." Adryan explained shortly but then continued with a sharp smile.

"But at least where you come from is very interesting you know?"

Before Derrick could question what he mean by that, Adryan continued.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but it's 2583 years in the dark right? Having only lightning to light up your day must be a horrible thing knowing that if you stay in the dark you'll disappear never to be seen again, and the monster that crawls out of the dark ready to devour..." He said with a heavy tone and then added with a small smile.

"It must be very hard living like that right? If you can even call that living."

Audrey and Alger couldn't help but be stunned.

Lightning to light up the day? Disappear in the dark? Monsters? What the hell was Chariot talking about?

What he described seemed like a nightmare. They both turned to see Sun.

What kind of place is where he lived?

Klein barely held back a sigh.

'Of course, he would know...'

Derrick felt offended but also a little confused.

The way Chariot had said it was not how someone from the City of Silver would have phrased it. It was as if the man had described a place he read about?

Derrick looked at the man and noted his red hair. While there were a few people with red hair in the City of Silver, none of them had such a bright color.

'I would remember seeing someone with that hair but I've never seen him?' Derrick thought seriously as an idea struck him.

'Could it be possible that he is from another surviving city? Is the City of Silver not alone?' Hope burned in his heart and he wanted to ask very badly but held back in the end.

'This is the hope of the City of Silver... I have to act carefully, I can't jump to conclusions.'

"Mr. Chariot you do not appear to be a part of the City of Silver. What city-state are you from?" Derrick asked.

Adryan smiled

"I'm not from any city-state Little Sun"

He pointed at Justice and the Hanged Man.

"Actually, none of us here are. Let me ask you a question. If we're not from where are you from, where do you think we are from?"

Derrick was a little stunned and very confused. If none of the members were from the City of Silver, where else could they be from?

Making a wild guess, he looked uncomfortably at the members and asked sheepishly.

"Are you from another planet?"

"Hahaha hahaha"

Seeing poor Derrick's confusion, Adryan laughed and shook his head.

"We are all from the same planet Little Sun but in some ways we are different."

Seeing that Derrick was still confused, Adryan smiled and explained.

"While your skies are full of black clouds and thunder, ours are blue and with the sun illuminating us. While your darkness will devour you if you stay in it too long, ours does nothing. You fight monsters to survive, we don't have to ever worry about that."

Adryan leaned back in his seat and inclined his head with a smile.

"With everything I've said by now you should know where we're from."

Derrick began to tremble and looked at the group in astonishment.

If what Chariot said was true, there was only one place they could be from!

"You are from the World of Light!"

Adryan smiled and winked mischievously.


"The world of light..." Derrick lowered his head and continued to tremble but not with anger or annoyance but with joy!

Extreme joy!

'Not everyone was struck by calamity! There is hope!'

Derrick felt his blood burn but he bit his lip to keep from reacting. He didn't want to offend the godlike Fool.

After more than two thousand years the City of Silver had finally gotten an answer and a new hope!

He couldn't afford to lose it because he reacted like a little child!

Audrey seeing how Sun was shaking misinterpreted his extreme joy with discomfort. Unable to help but empathize with the young man, she tried to help out a bit by attracting Chariot's attention.

"Excuse me, Mr. Chariot? You seem very familiar with the Sun's place of origin. Would it be possible for you to tell us a bit more about it?"

Klein looked at Justice with emotion and internally sighed happily, having someone like her helped a lot.

Adryan turned to look at Justice and tilting his head slightly to the side, he smiled.

"Of course Miss Justice. Also, don't worry~ This one is in the house."

Pointing his hand at the trembling Sun, Adryan's smile grew.

"Our newest member is from the Forsaken Land of the Gods."