
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · 漫画同人
72 Chs


Unbeknownst to Daniel, while he was getting measured for his school uniform, his companions were having their own conversation.

"Hey Kim Hana! What are you saying, go home first? Why would we!"

Olivia harshly shot back upon hearing Hana asking them to leave first and let her accompany Daniel by herself.

"I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but it means exactly that… I think it would be better if I was the only one accompanying Daniel." Hana replied calmly.

The four of them were talking amongst themselves outside the store, while Daniel was getting measured inside, so that they could discuss how to to proceed moving forward. The others didn't expect Hana to suddenly tell them to screw off basically.

"And let you monopolize that handsome guy? No way!" Sophie rejected that notion completely.

Daniel Park wasn't like the other hot guys from their school, the girls realised. First off, he was better looking than them. Secondly, he didn't have that arrogance that was usually associated with attractive people, especially ones as good looking as him. Daniel was nice, soft spoken and polite. Just this alone, coupled with his looks of course, without even considering any other aspects of his personality like sense of humour, generosity or kindness was enough to make him the most desirable bachelor in Jae Won High.

The four of them felt like this was a chance that had dropped into their laps out of pure chance. None of them was willing to give it up.

"Sophie's right. That ain't happening. More like, shouldn't you be the one to bow out first? You are so pretty; so many other guys would want to go after you…" Brooke said, crossing her arms with an insecure energy.

Hana frowned slightly but still subtly thrust out her large chest proudly. Brooke was right. Hana knew she was the most beautiful of their group, with clear skin, big eyes and a great figure. It wasn't something she had thought about deeply in the past, but now she was using it as a weapon because of Daniel Park.

"What does that have to do with anything? None of the guys at school can compare to Daniel. So I can't give him up just like that." Hana defiantly refuted.

"It's the same for us too!"

"Well, we can't all date Daniel together, what can we do then?"

"That's why I asked the rest of you to bow out and just leave Daniel to me. Don't worry, I will make him happy." Hana declared while proudly presenting her larger than average chest as a means of suppressing her friends.

"This bitch is going crazy?" Sophie growled out and jabbed Hana's left tit with a finger. "Just because your tits are uselessly big doesn't mean anything. If anything, Daniel clearly likes mine better. Did you see him blushing when I hugged his arm?"

Hana's eyebrow twitched, "That's only because you are shamelessly not wearing a bra!" Now she was the one jabbing at Sophie and even accurately poked her nipple which caused Sophie's face to flush red.

"W-where are you touching! That's sexual harassment!" Sophie recoiled from the poke and hid her chest with her arms.

Hana slyly grinned, "And what you did to Daniel was also sexual harassment!"


Brooke sighed and cut in, "Okay enough, enough! I have an idea that might resolve this…"

The other girls turned to her, "An idea? What is it?"

"Including today, there are 4 more days before school starts. Coincidentally, there are 4 of us. Do you see where I am getting at?"

The other three paused for a moment and thought about her words.

"You are suggesting that we… take turns going out with Daniel over these 4 days?"

"That's right. We take turns going out with him and in the end we will let him choose who he likes the most!"

"That's… not a bad idea…" The others considered her proposal. Going for a 1 on 1 date with Daniel sounded very appealing in the first place. And if they couldn't get Daniel even after spending an entire day with him then it just showed that he wasn't interested.

"Then we are all agreed?" Brooke, the girl who made the suggestion, asked.

"Wait, how do we decide who will go on which day? And what if he is not free on one of the days?" Olivia asked.

"Hmm, good point. Then we let fate decide." Brooke suggested.


"Rock paper scissors. Winner gets to choose first when they want to go on the date with Daniel. Second place chooses next and so on. If Daniel's not free on one of those days then too bad. Fate is not on your side."

"How cruel… but I like it!" Hana agreed.

"Doesn't really seem fair, but that only matters if I lose. And I won't lose!" Olivia said with eyes steeled and resolute.

Sophie saw her friends all fired up, and although she thought that there was probably a better way to do this, she didn't disagree. "Let's do this…

The girls prepare themselves, hiding the hand they chose to use in this epic battle from sight. Looking at each other warily, after a moment of silence, they all began together.

"Rock paper scissors shoot!"

In the end, after a few rounds to determine the order, the results were: Sophie, Hana, Brooke and in last place, Olivia.

Olivia looked at her hand angrily, "This hand of mine… how could you have betrayed me!?"

"Second last… I was the one who suggested this idea too…" Brooke pouted but still not as sad as Olivia.

The winner, Sophie, pumped her fist in the air, "Yosh! This moment was exactly what I have trained for my entire life!"

Hana looked at her strangely, "How exactly have you been training for this your entire life…?"

Sophie ignored her friend's question and started thinking about which day she was going to choose.

They had yet to ask Daniel if he was busy the next three days. So choosing any one of those would be inherently risky. There was only one day that he was guaranteed to be free and that was today. He had mentioned he needed to go buy new clothes after all.

The choice was obvious.

"I choose today." Sophie declared.

"As expected…"

"How sly…"

The others cursed silently with envy. They knew the risk of choosing the other three days.

"Then I choose Saturday (the day after tomorrow)." Hana announced.

"Kuk! That's the best of the three…" Saturday was well known to be the 'date day' of the seven day week. So going out with Daniel on a Saturday already had the implication of it being a 'date-date'.

Brooke then chose Friday (tomorrow) and Olivia had no choice but to settle for Sunday, the day before the start of the second semester at school.

With the order decided, the girls started thinking about what they were going to do on their future date with Daniel, even if they had yet to confirm he was available to go with them.