
Long Live Love

This story will follow a man that finds somebody that was similar to him, atleast on the inside. He will face many challenges and obstacles to get what he wants, as he embarked on his quest. For love! Daddy daddy do! ------- This ff will be based on the interaction between my mc and Ruka Sarashina. Let there be tingles and butterflies as Operation W is a go! I hope that for those that read this will bare with the decent grammar and plot as I have troubles with making up plots, and chose to make this ff to get more of a feel for making up certain types of stories. I chose the girl Ruka Sarashina because I feel that she is a great person. That is it, I hope I get to deliver a great story, or atleast a decent one. Any characters and cover in this ff, I do not own. The only things I own would be my oc's thank you. Please tell me the owner of the cover if you do know, i will put their name here. Thank you. Read the tags carefully. Those that under 17 I hope that you take notice that his book has a lot of grey things or nasty things that will cause sensitive viewers to feel a little weird. So please do take note. Completed, feel free to read and give your review. Bye bye!

BedisLaifu · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Trip

"Ah! I forgot to give it to him!" The girl that Haru met a couple of day ago shouted in her bedroom as she had his card with her.

She hoped that she would meet him soon again so she could give him the card.

Now she has a reason to talk to him, is what she thought.


She grinned and set out to find a Haru!

Haru who was dreaming woke up and felt it was a nice day to go out today.

It wasn't because of what he saw in his dream.

He laughed loudly and set up for the trip. He had spare money laying around so he decided to make a trip plan for himself.

He set it up and went out of the hotel in his shorts that had palm trees as a design, he had sunglasses, a pink and blue shirt that was filled with palm trees and a sombrero, or a hat.

He also had a suitcase that was colored blue that he drags around. This was given to him by his mother and father back in Canada where his mom and dad lives now.

Haru had made up the mind to go to Japan because he wanted to see what his mother and father's home place looked like.

His dad and mom smiled to him as they gave him enough money to live by himself here.

He set out as he looked towards a bus station leading to the mountain that was famous.

Mt. Fuji!

He stepped on the bus as he looked at the driver and nodded, he payed the fee as he chose a sit next to a girl and sat down. He looked at his seat mate and he felt that she was very familiar.

The girl also looked at him and she got chills around her body as she screamed inwardly.

'It's you!'

Her face was replaced with a bright smile as she took out the card that Haru dropped.

"Thank you for helping me Sanjuu san."

"No worries. And how do you know my name?" He thought as he said.

He looked down at his card and slapped his head.

"Oh, so that's why something felt missing. Thank you for returning it to me."

He smiled at her as he asked for her name.

"Ruka Sarashina!" She made two fingers and put it in front of her face.

"Are you alone Sarashina san? He asked as he looked around.

"Yeah, i was actually planning to find you in this city but I guess fate wanted us to meet and here we are. I guess I should get going as I had already given you your card. There's no other reason to stay." She smiled and started getting up from her seat.

And in that second Haru grabbed her arm as he said.

"Do it with me." He said looking serious.

"W-what? Sanjuu san! What are you talking about? We have only met for three days and you.. you already want us to do that..?"

Haru tilted his head and finally realized as he shook his head hurriedly. He didn't want other people calling the police on him as he hurriedly said his words.

"What I mean was for you to come with me to Mt. Fuji, a trip if you say."

'A trip..?' She thought and then she felt her heart beating faster as she soon came to a realization that he had invited her into a date!

She is misunderstanding!

Originally Haru wanted to go to Mt. Fuji and had no plans on bringing somebody with him but, now that Ruka was here he would naturally change his plans and try to invite her to his trip. He didn't think about having a date with her at all, more like a hangout or get to know.

She completely misunderstood him as she sat down with a red face as she felt her heart started beating faster and faster.

Badump, Badump.

She gradually mustered up her courage and opened her mouth slowly as she was fidgeting a bit.

"I-if you want me to go with you then... yes, I'll accompany you." She said while looking away from him.

Haru on the other hand was looking at her with strange eyes, perhaps he was seeing things but he felt like she was an angel at the moment. He was no longer admiring just for her beauty, he was admiring her personality, the way she acts as well. As his hear started beating faster as well.

He had grown accustomed to interacting with others and knowing what they feel based on their body language. Right now he felt like Ruka was somehow embarrassed and tried to tease her.

He got close to her ear and whispered.

"Are you embarrassed Sarashina san?" He grinned as he whispered into her ear making her shudder and look at him instantly.

"No I'm not!" She said while looking at his eyes, which she felt her hear beating so fast that it would explode. Eventually she fainted as she couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep on Haru's shoulder.

Badump, badump

If the heart was a speaker, the bus would have heard Haru's heart beat beating like a machine gun.

He looked at her face and felt like his day had gotten better just from looking at her.

He smiled and slept as well.

Two teenagers fell asleep as the sun went down.

They arrived at the bus station as men woke them up.

"Miss, Sir. Please wake up, we are here at Mt. Fuji." The men woke them up as Ruka was the first to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and squinted it looking at Haru that was sleeping in her head. She could feel his breath passing her head as she felt warm from his nice breath.

She blushed as she woke him up.

"Hey, Sanjuu san we're here." She rocked him back and forth but he didn't wake up so she intensified it.

"Hey! Wake up!" She finally managed to wake him up as he rubbed his eyes and looked at Ruka's beautiful face. He stood up and grabbed her hand.

This was another type of Haru, the half asleep Haru.

"H-hey what are you doing?" She said while looking at Haru."

"Let's go, we need to go to a hotel. He said while yawning and walking while holding Ruka's hands.

"Oh yeah." She nodded and they walked to a nearby hotel. They entered it as the receptionist looked at the both of them.

"Welcome miss, and sir. Would you like a room?"

"Two rooms please." He said as he held up two fingers. Ruka nodded as well as she held up two fingers too. The receptionist laughed a bit when she saw the chemistry between the two.

She looked through the available rooms and only one room came up as available.

"Sir there is only one room available." She said while holding up her pen.

"Does it have 2 beds at least?" Haru said while slapping the mosquito on his arm.

"There is only one bed, but it should be fine as the two of you are in a relationship right?" She smiled as she filled up the room.

"Wait!" Ruka held up her hands as she looked flustered. Was she about to spend a room with Haru? And on top of that on a bed with him? This was too much for her.

"Is there really no room left?" She quickly said while having a red face.

"There really isn't anymore miss." The receptionist sadly said and then continued.

"So would you like the room?" She said and glanced at Haru and Ruka.

"Yes, and Sarashina san if you would like I can sleep on the floor if your uncomfortable with sleeping with me, after all we only met a couple of days ago."

He looked at her waiting for his decision.

Ruka nodded and said "Let's go with that."

Half asleep Haru was a gentleman as he and Ruka walked to the room and entered it.

Haru set up a bed down on the floor and laid down on it.

Ruka suddenly felt bad looking at Haru, it must be cold down there. She thought.

When she was about to invite him to the bed Haru was already fast asleep as he was snoring loudly.

Ruka found this cute and started laughing and slept as well, she gave him her blanket as she slept with none.

Haru's previously uncomfortable expression turned into a nice one after he felt another blanket on top of him. He smiled as he started sleeping well. Ruka also slept as she looked at Haru that was sleeping soundly on the floor.


Have a nice day everyone!

Fixed small mistakes, please do point out any mistakes that I had made, whether it is spelling or grammar please do so as it would help me out a lot! Thank you!