Andy Kazuma after graduating from college moves to a cheaper city to live in a rented shared home and work as he pays off his student debt meets his roommate a 21-year-old short, cute and slightly too thick for legal comfort girl (thick loli). Will he pay off his debt or go to jail only time will tell. And he is extremely unlucky. THIS ENTIRE STORY IS FILLED WITH EXAGGERATIONS *IMPORTANT* I do NOT own the rights to the cover photo and is always available to be removed by me if the owner demands it.
(For the best experience while reading this novel, use the audio feature. Trust me.)
My name is Andy Kazuma. I am 23 years old and I was never popular or most handsome in high school. I was just average.
I never had a girlfriend in my entire life or had the time for romantic relationships. I wasn't the smartest in school either. I was just smart enough to get a scholarship to help with a few expenses but still had a school loan.
I never grew up in a wealthy household. My father died in a car accident when I was 5 years old, leaving my mother and me to barely fend for ourselves. Funny enough, I can't even remember what my dad looked like.
But despite all my misfortune, if I was given the chance to change one thing in my life, it would be that I would've experienced love in high school.
Silly isn't it? Instead of bringing back to life my dead father or trying to be more popular in high school, I would choose high school romance.
What can I say? I've always been a hopeless romantic. The true idea of love was mesmerizing to me. A life long partner who you could love unconditionally and always be happy with that person or at least that's how my mother spoke of my dad and love.
I didn't want the kind of love that was always showcased on television series. Those relationships were built on lust, betrayal, pride, envy or materialism. They weren't fulfilling in my eyes.
I've always longed for something more than just being pleasing to the eyes and flesh, something more emotional than physical. Something built from trust, happiness, patience, hardships and loyalty.
But what do I know about love? Maybe love is just meant to be like the ones shown on TV, realistically at least.
On the other hand, I graduated within the top 30% of my class but now there was a bigger problem. I was in debt!
School loans were up to my neck and daily living expenses weren't far behind especially rent. So the first thing on the list is finding a cheaper place to rent.
Luckily I found one with the help of my loving mother but I'll have a roommate to share the rent. Which is a plus but I have no idea who they are yet...
Probably a creep or a good guy, the possibilities are endless especially if they're having roommates to share rent with.
"Hmmm! I think I'm lost?"
"After 2 hours of walking around this maze of a city! I'm lost! It's hot, probably 1000°C! Why is it so hot in spring? What kind of dumb map is this? It's way too confusing and my phone is dead so I can't even... Argh!! Use Google maps-." I fell to my knees, pulling on my hair with frustration.
"Excuse me, sir are you okay?" A soft voice spoke to me and a hand tapping my shoulder.
Just then, thinking to myself, I realised what had happened.
"Wait? Did I say all that out LOUD!? Oh no, everyone's staring at me. Embarrassing!"
"It's just the heat. Blame the heat." I thought of an excuse.
"Yeah, my bad, it's just this heat getting to me, that's all. I feel like a turkey in an oven." I laughed awkwardly while getting back on my feet.
"Well, you should probably buy a drink and cool down over there." She giggled pointing to a convenience store
"Thanks! You saved my life."
"No probs." she turned around and left waving to me.
"Wow, that went well." I thought to myself
Upon entering the store the AC hit like a fresh gust of wind at the beach. MUCH BETTER than the hot oven outside. It was heavenly, I could sleep here right now.
"Thank you! Please shop here again sir!" The cashier bowed politely as I left.
"Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug!"
Water actually tastes best when your exhausted, who would have thought. I was standing at the pedestrian crossing waiting for the green light and trying to understand this ancient map to find my destination.
Just then, a petite girl walked past me with earplugs in both ears about to cross the street.
"Hey, it's red!" I shouted but she couldn't hear me because of the earplugs
"Vrooooom!" "Sskkrrtt!"
"Are you okay?!"
With eyes wide open and slow heavy breathing she mumbled. "Yeah... Thanks."
I actually did that. Wow! That was scary. I saved her life. Is this what Superman feels like? Well, I am kinda 'out of this world.'
"Watch where you're going next time idiot!"
"Vroooom!" The driver sped off irritated.
Frowning at the attitude of the driver, I offered my hand to her. "Here, let me help you up."
She was at best 5ft, wearing a thick hoodie like it was cold. This hot weather did not faze her. Not a drop of sweat could be seen. She looked like she was in middle school probably 6th grade at best.
Which made me feel even better for saving her life.
"Thanks." She got to her feet, brushing the dust off her clothes. "I owe you big time, please let me repay you, sir."
Not wanting to bother this little girl I said. "No need to do that, I'll just be on my way-" I froze mid-sentence.
A gust of wind flew past and took my map and in less than a second, it was airborne, flying over buildings and leaving me forever, to embark on its own adventures.
In overwhelming despair, I fell to my knees with mouth wide open and hands grabbing my hair.
The stranger I saved earlier knelt beside me "Um... I can help you."
"No, I can't bother such a cute princess such as yourself with my insignificant problems," I spoke trying to regain a calm composure.
"But where will you sleep then?"
Shrugging my shoulders, I said.
"Meh! I'll just sleep in the park a second time, no problem-."
"That's illegal, the police will arrest you. You just got lucky the first time."
"How did you-? Anyway, I'll just sleep in a hotel then."
"If you could afford a hotel then you wouldn't sleep in the park."
Feeling cornered from her drilling questions, I gave up.
"You win but I can't accept your help."
"What! Why not?"
"I don't want to disturb your busy day.", I spoke to her while avoiding eye contact.
(If I a 6ft 6ins guy follows a little girl, I'll go straight to jail no questions asked. Not chancing it!)
With hypnotizing puppy eyes she begged me. "I'm just repaying you for saving me. Please!"
Feeling utterly defeated by her adorable demeanour, I gave in. "Fine, you win. Do you know where Winchester lane is?"
With a big smile and bright eyes, she said. "What a coincidence, I'm actually going there too."
"We can just walk together then." She said grabbing my hand.
"By the way, my name is Ami Emerson but just call me Ami."
"I'm Andy Kazuma but just call me Kazuma."
Her name sounded strangely familiar but I just couldn't figure out why.
We were walking non-stop for 15 minutes. Left, right, left, right, too many turns to count and what made it even worse was the sun glaring down my back but Ami was okay.
Not once did she ever slow down and why is she wearing a hoodie in this heat. Thinking about it, even if I didn't save her she probably would be fine if she can tank this insane heat.
Hearing my dog-like panting Ami stopped. "Let's take a break. You sound like you're going to collapse any second now."
"Sorry, I just can't stand this heat." I apologized "But how can you wear that hoodie? Isn't it hot to you?"
"Is it really that hot? It feels cool to me." She replied, "it's usually hot in summer."
Taking a step back in disbelief and fear I said. "Huh! Then... Do you guys experience SUPERNOVAS in SUMMER!?"
"Hahaha! Stop exaggerating! It's just a little heat." She laughed holding her side.
"Wow! She's cute when she laughs" I thought to myself. "Well, I'm feeling a little bit better, let's get back to walking."
I felt a cloud of bad luck surround me. I knew it was a bad idea to follow her.
People have been staring at me disgustingly. I'm done for. The cops are gonna come for me any minute. I'll be thrown in prison for years and become someone's plaything.
My buttocks are really sensitive so I can't afford to be anyone's plaything. I'm scared! Mommy help me I didn't do it! Please believe me!
Turning and walking backwards Ami asked.
"Are you moving in somewhere?"
"Yeah. I should have arrived since yesterday but I got lost."
"Since yesterday? Did your things arrive too?"
"Yeah, they should have arrived already. Why do you ask?"
With a pleasant smile, she turned back around.
"No reason."
Scanning the place with my eyes I asked. "How long till we reach Winchester lane?"
Pointing to a sign further back Ami said. "We're already here. Didn't you see the sign?"
"Huh! Seriously! Then you've done more than enough. Thank you very much, Ami."
While I turned to leave, Ami held my hand.
"Wait! We are already at your house."
"How do you know that?"
"I was expecting you since yesterday but you didn't show up so I was worried but luckily I met you today."
"Wait, YOU'RE my roommate?!"
"Yup." She said smiling.
"But you're a little kid!"
Ami's cheerful expression changed to a sad one with tears welling up in her eyes and her speech stumbling.
"That's mean... I'm a full… grown adult."
In an attempt to better the situation, I tried to compliment her appearance.
"Wait! Don't cry! You're like an 8 grader at best... So... that's better... I guess."
Needless to say, it was a horrible attempt.
"Waaah! Waaah!" Ami cried
"Wee! Woo! Wee! Woo!" Sounded the police sirens.
"Get on the ground!"
To my fright, a police officer with the sexiest and manliest moustache dashed towards me.
"What did I do!?" I panicked.
The officer leapt at me, tackling me to the ground and restrained my arms behind my back.
"You're under arrest for paedophilia! Scumbag!" The officer responded
"Are you okay little miss, did he do anything to you?"
"I was *hic* helping him *hic* find his home *hic* when he... Waaah! Waaah!" Ami started crying again.
With an angry expression he twisted my arm while placing his knee on my back and shouted.
"You filthy and sick bastard!"
Scared for my life and future as a functioning member of society I appealed.
"Please! Context! It's not what you think."
"Shut up! You're going to jail prick and there gonna really like you in there."
"No! Please not that! Damn it! I knew you were bad luck."
"Get in! You're going away for good." The officer demanded, forcing me in the car.
"I'm innocent! Please believe MEEEE!..." I screamed at the top of my lungs as the police vehicle drove off with me in it.
Will I ever get lucky? Will I eventually get out of student debt? Will my map ever return from its adventures? Will the officer release me before I get r*ped in jail? Who knows? But those are all questions for another time