
Life Simulator System in a Cultivation Novel

Bloodsniper · 玄幻
32 Chs

Ch-8: Getting a Master(2)

Bai Chenyu silently followed Elder Zhu Yu, who was dragging him by the arms with calm steps. Bai Chenyu observed the elder, noting a look of nervousness and helplessness on his face.

"Elder, who is this person? Is he a peak master?" Bai Chenyu asked curiously. He was keen to know who had asked the elder to fetch him. Elder Zhu Yu was just an outer sect elder, and many people held positions higher than his. However, other than peak masters, not even inner court elders could make him this nervous.

"Brat, you're very lucky. That person is beyond a peak master; he might even select you as his disciple. He has never chosen a disciple before in his entire life. Recently, he picked a female cultivator, and you might be the second to catch his eye. If it weren't for him, I would have taken you as my disciple, and the peak masters wouldn't have been able to stop me due to the rules," Elder Zhu Yu explained, expressing some regret in his voice as Bai Chenyu rolled his eyes at him.

After walking for some time, Elder Zhu Yu led him to a desolate area, where a single cottage made of wood stood. Bai Chenyu could feel a large amount of spiritual energy emanating from the cottage, sensing the presence of a person inside.

"Hahaha, a very good seed indeed. You've brought the little guy with you, Zhu Yu." Booming laughter echoed from inside the cottage. Bai Chenyu felt a brush of spiritual energy on his body as the person inside seemingly checked his cultivation, so he did not resist or show discomfort 

"Yes, Elder," Elder Zhu responded in a polite voice. He was about to provide more information but realized the person inside had already sensed their arrival.

"Good, come inside," the voice instructed, and the door of the cottage opened quickly. Bai Chenyu followed Elder Zhu inside.

The interior featured a decorated wooden ceiling, walls, and floor, with some ordinary furniture arranged neatly. Bai Chenyu noticed a middle-aged man with black hair and a black beard sitting in a lotus position.

His eyes widened in shock as he recognized the person in front of him—it was Mo Xiao, the sect leader for the Crystal Star Sect.

In line with the novel's memories, Bai Chenyu knew that Mo Xiao was supposed to be Su Chen's teacher after entering the inner court. However, he hadn't anticipated the Sect Leader taking notice of him this early. Although he had considered snatching Su Chen's master for himself, he didn't expect to garner Mo Xiao's attention so easily.

"Haha, kid, you are very talented for your age. Tell me your name," Mo Xiao chuckled as he asked for Bai Cheny's name 

"Disciple Bai Chenyu greets... um, Elder. May I know your name?" Bai Chenyu asked politely, seeking to avoid suspicion even if he knew the man's identity 

"Haha, I am becoming old; I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mo Xiao," he replied with a satisfied smile witnessing Bai Chenyu's polite attitude, stroking his beard.

"Disciple Bai, in case you didn't know, this Elder is also our Sect Master," Zhu Yu chimed in, and Bai Chenyu continued his act, widening his eyes in apparent surprise.

"Disciple greets Sect Master Mo Xiao," Bai Chenyu hurriedly bowed his head while cupping his hands.

"No need for formalities," Mo Xiao said.

You should already know the reason I called you for, right?" Mo Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes, Sect Master," Bai Chenyu replied in a respectful voice.

"I have been observing the test from the beginning. Honestly, I had expected, what is his name again... oh yes, Su Yang, to become the most outstanding among the trial disciples, but he still did not catch my attention. I did not expect to come across a gem like you," Mo Xiao said with a smile. Honestly, he was very shocked, as he had never seen someone as talented as Bai Chenyu pop out among the trial disciples. If he knew that someone like him was there, he would have rushed to bring him to his place.

"I think I am not worthy of such praise," Bai Chenyu said, trying to build a good impression.

"Hmm, that's good. You're not arrogant like most youngsters. Now, the main question: are you willing to take me as your master?" Mo Xiao asked with a smile.

"Of course, Sect Master. It would be my greatest fortune," Bai Chenyu replied, which caused an even wider smile to appear on Mo Xiao's face, while Elder Zhu Yu sighed from the side. Only the sect master could nurture someone extraordinary like Bai Chenyu; Bai Chenyu would have to be a fool to refuse such a powerful backing and master.

"Good, from now on, you can call me master," Mo Xiao said.

"Yes, Master," Bai Chenyu said politely.

"Oh, by the way, are you planning to hide that you have Heavenly Qi?" Mo Xiao asked with a smile, which shocked Bai Chenyu. He wondered how Mo Xiao knew, and Zhu Yu looked even more shocked, his mouth hanging open, able to fit an egg inside.

On the other side

Su Yang was currently in a very bad mood, heading towards the Peak Master-Disciple Selection hall where disciples showcased their talent, hoping to get chosen by a peak master. He clutched the token in his hand, received from Elder Zhu Yu, even tighter when he remembered how Zhu Yu had forgotten about him.

"Damn, just wait until I get selected by a powerful peak master. I'll teach you a lesson and steal the limelight," Su Yang muttered angrily, cursing Bai Chenyu in his mind like a typical third-rate antagonist. He seemed to forget that Bai Chenyu would also become a disciple of a peak master, and it wasn't certain that he himself would be selected.

Suddenly, Su Yang's footsteps halted, and his mouth clamped shut. His mind seemed to come to a standstill when he witnessed the scene unfolding in front of him, leaving him utterly stunned in place