
Life as a lust demon

Kira777 · 都市
6 Chs

1. Painful day

I am sam. 17 years old. currently is in last year of high-school. "was" to be exact. Well i died a few moments ago by an accident. I was on my way to school and when i was crossing the road a car ran through me and i died. Currently i don't have access to my body but i am conscious. And i am at a place filled with darkness. I can't see anything nor can i fell anything. I wonder if is it afterlife? Well, if it is i am definitely sure it's not heaven.

I fell sleepy all of a sudden. I thought we don't need to sleep in the afterlife. Well whatever "awwm". I fell into a deep sleep.

I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital bed. Was i dreaming? It felt so real. And i thought i died. I guess not. Ahh i have a headache. It felt worst. The pain of a car running through my body is nothing compareing to this pain. And i couldn't scream nor could i move my body. I was just a statue felling enormous amount of pain in my head. And with that i felt a huge chunk of information in my brain. And that information really gave me a shock. Cause i was not on earth anymore yes i was in another world and not just that i was not sam anymore. I am currently occupying someone elses body. And my my name is nethen. Well the original user of this body also had an accident and i think he died and for some reason I'm currently occupying his body. Well I am just glad that i could live again. As i was thinking suddenly i heard a woman's voice

"nethen" calling my name she came running toward me with tears in her eyes. I know this woman from the information i had or i can say from the memories of the previous owner of this body. She had a very sexy body. With two big breasts. Her face was oval shaped with two beautiful blue eyes and Long black hair. With this face and this body she is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. Well she was the mother of nethen. Or now i could say my mother now.

" how are you feeling? Does it hurts anywhere?" she gave me a hug and asked the questions.

"i am okey. And it's doesn't hurt anywhere. And i think I'm ready for discharge"

Well the original owner of this body fell from a roof of a two story house and hit his head. The injury was serious but i fell good now and it's doesn't hurt my head. So i guess I'm okey. Well i have been sleeping for two days so i think I'm all good now.

After i having a chat about my health with my mother and having the doctor check up i was discharged from the hospital.

Currently I'm at nethen's house or my house. On my bed i was thinking It was a crazy day. First i died and then i got into someone else's body who also died from an accident. But i can't acess every memories of nethen. Such as what was he doing on that two story building. Did he attempt suicide or was he murdered. If he was murdered then i would like to know why? So that i could be alarted. When i was thinking that i suddenly heard a sound.

"installing system" it was like a mechanical female voice in my head. I was surprised by the voice. Suddenly a gist of pain ran through my whold body. It was not as bad when i was dying. But it was not toleratable. I was felling sleppy again and i heard a voice in my head whele i was falling asleep

"user please choose a spices you want to evolve into

1. Lust demon

2. War angel

3. Dark angel


So on...

If user don't want to evolve and want to remain human please say" remain human". No command given. Automatically evolving user into the first choice.

"installing system 1%...10%........100%"

I didn't heard everything as i fell into deep sleep. it was a painful day i hope i don't feel this much pain ever.

[A/N : i don't write novel. It's my first. I know I'm not good. But there is one thing that is worse that my writing that is my English. Even if you read it and enjoy then. "thank you." - say it to me ;) ]