
Hinata 2.0 Breakdown and girlfriend?

The last match finally came right after Temari was transported out to be put one antibiotic agents, Lee had been depressed all along and even if it was now is turn he felt his luck had been down recently. But with the spirit of youth he would prevail. Yeah, i am not going to tell him off, but even if Gaara is more tame i didn't believe he would lost rather the contrary. Gaara had displayed the most of his skill from after Naruto had convinced him to stop his wide spread massacres.

The boy standing before Lee was not a mass murderer nor a killing machine. He was a true genius that could fully display his skill as a jinchuuriki. In the end the results were pretty similar to what would have been if i had not done anything Gaara used his sand although he now had more control and could make some strategy to counter Lee speed. The son of the Kazekage ended up being jolted around like a ragdoll. Lee ended up injured by his own attack each time because his opponent had added some of the flooring to the composition of hi sand.

Each and everyone's of Lee attack recoiled toward his body who was already in a lot of pain from opening the gates. If possible, i would like to teach him the tailed chakra control, but for Lee who was bad in all ninjutsu and genjutsu related matter, this was near impossible to master. Still, i would give Gai sensei the scroll just in case his youth manage to overcome the hardship.

I heard a breaking sound just now and my eye settled back on Lee, byakugan in full use. That was nasty and here i thought Gaara would be more compassionate toward Lee since he had become a better person. I had keep a file on the boy since the time i helped him when we were 6, restoring his broken seal with a new one made him more human. If i have to think of it Lee probably made him panic, i know for a fact Gaara never had trouble with missions he had done some B rank ones and came out without so much as dirtying himself.

In the end like it was in the original timeline Gai stopped the fight. Gaara seemed surprised but he then looked horrified at his action after all he had never been much of a killer since the time i helped out. At most he would break the bones of his opponents and let other members of his team do the deed.

-I… I am sorry i didn't want to go that far. May i ask a question?

-Sure you can boy since you just did.

-Why would he… ...push himself so far?

-Sometime, people are born without much talent and to prove that they exist they need to work harder than others. Breaking bones is sometime better than the hopelessness of giving up. This is something genius can't understand quite well but that the burden of the one called losers.

-You're over dramatizing all this Gai sensei. Lee might be useless in genjutsu or ninjutsu but his taijutsu is really not bad. He put five time the effort into it that make him a genius of effort in my book.

-You're Hinata. Yes you're correct my beloved disciple is indeed a genius of effort. But i am more worried about his injury this was a nasty sound just now.

-I will look him over to patch him up don't worry.

I started my examination of the unconscious boy but his state was bad beyond what i could do on the go like that. Unlike Temari, this was not something rebirth regeneration could just heal like that because their were shards of bones everywhere. 3 of his vertebra's had also been fractured, i suppose from the repeated impact at high velocity. I could do nothing for him now he would need to have a surgery before i could do anything for him. It not also that i could not do it myself but to do that i would need him in a sanitized environment.

For Temari her arm had been cut clean from a high temperature burn the healing process was laborious, but their was not danger of infection. That was not the case with Lee lucky for him i could style operate and he was not in a critical condition that would require immediate surgery for him to get back to normal.

-I will be frank Gai sensei, for now i can't do nothing for him i will need to have him be sent to Konoha hospital and have a surgery room booked for him. When the surgery room has been booked i will contact you for you to come support Lee san in his time of need.

-I understand, at less you have a way to help him. I know people have been saying you were as good as princess Tsunade but seeing it is believing. I believe it is the fire of youth that has put you on Lee road to help him out, i am also most grateful for your help and shall honor you by performing a 1000 time the most polite of bowing down to the ground.

There was some cold sweat running down my back. I had totally forgotten Gai was like that probably because Lee before graduation was mostly a normal kid with a lot of will. Now however he was and hyper kid that followed his sensei to the letter. I wonder if i can have Gai go and do is think in a temple.

-You know Gai san, i think you should do it in a temple it would be more effective after all the procedure is not without any risk even for me.

-OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!, such marvelous idea, i shall oblige!!!!

There was now tears coming out of his eyes like fountain while he was grabbing my hands in his own to thank me. Behind him, i could see Neji and Tenten laughing at me for having startled the tiger like we say. Inside i was also crying i hated those kind of forceful people that were just too hyper for their own good.

Later Lee was transported to Konoha hospital, and the passing examines had to draw lots for the next test, the big tournament. With 11 passing to the next phase the board was unfairly heavier for some people. Naruto vs Neji, Sasuke vs Gaara and Hiruki vs Hinata on the first side and the winner of my fight would go again the winner of Sasuke fight. Kankuro vs Maki, Sana vs Shikamaru and Sakura was to fight the winner of the last fight. I think that would still make for a long tournament considering the one from the series had only 9 participants that became 8 before it started.

After some careful consideration, i decided to go and help Naruto train until Jiraya came in. After all he would need his toad invocation soon enough, maybe i could even make it so Jiraya teach him the sage form before the three year time gap? Naruto having a trip to mount Myoboku earlier than the original timeline would make a big difference.

But that didn't mean i was not worried about some of the other participants, mainly Sana who had received the cursed mark from Orochimaru. If i let her use the system that mark could probably be removed, or be integrated to her bloodline. I felt Maki would also benefit from training a bit under the effect of my power she looked really tired after only fighting Shino, on another note she was exhausted from the second test. I need to talk to Sasuke about Sana, to see if he think it would be alright for her to train under the system.

Maki on the other hand, i would talk to directly. Sakura could use some training under it but that would make a lot of people know about the system, even if they didn't know it was actually my own power. I should talk about that to the Hokage and Kakashi sensei to see what they think about it, after all they are older and have more experience than me. Oh, thinking about it maybe i should talk to them about the fact we met Orochimaru in the forest of death?

****6 hour later****

I ended up having to convince Hiruzen dono that Sana, Sakura and Maki would greatly benefit from using my power for the next month of training, but now i am officially out of gas. We have 4 week to train before the tournament happen, i tried to convince some other people to come train with me but Neji and Shikamaru didn't want to. Neji was going to be trained under Gai for the next month and Shikamaru just said that what i call training is not fit to be called so.

I was just opening the hot water faucet, i pulled the lever for the shower to start an the water started running. It was hot probably in the low 70 my skin became red in second, but i still keep myself inside the water. It finally came over me, i started breaking down. I had been in the anbu for years, seen countless gruesome scene, but what broke me was the possibility of losing someone dear to me. Once again i recalled that night, were my two parent died along my younger sister leaving me all alone.

This should have been something from the past, heck it was from my previous life. How many year of therapy did i go through to finally close the wound, for it to be reopened just like that. That when i heard some noise, i took out a kunai from my pouch and jumped out the bathroom in my birthday suit. Only to find the person i was most worried about losing, Maki Uchiha.

-That a strange way to say hello.

-Maki… … people knock before entering a shinobi home, or they die breaking in, you know that no?

-I would have if i didn't think you would have ignored it anyway. Hinata, something happened while the second test was on no?

-Nothing much a snake tried to bite my friend i tried to burn him but he escaped.

-Wait you met Orochimaru? But, i feel this is not all, if i am right he opened a wound on you a mental wound.

-You know me too well Maki. Sigh, that is something i can't explain easily.

-Still try it, i have time.

-If you want to know he threatened to go after you and that broke something inside me. I love you Maki too much for my own good apparently.

-Why would you say that Hinata? You know, i also love you dearly your my best friend but that not all whenever i am with you i feel like my soul is whole again.

-I… i… thank you Maki. That mean more to me then you could imagine.

Seriously, i had never been that emotional. Even when my period came about i would only be easy to anger nothing more. But now i was broken and crying like i never did before since that day, only this time those were tears of happiness. The girl from the Uchiha came closer and hugged me it was like every of my worry had come to an end and i fainted in her arms.

I woke up hours later Maki was humming while making breakfast. I looked at her back, i was anxious of what i would tell her. Yes i had told her about my secret about my past life about my power, but sharing this was truly going bare. But i took it on myself, if i wanted us to make it work together, i needed her to know who i was why i broke. She put a dishes before me with grilled fish some rice natto and so one, it almost made me laugh that was very traditionally Japanese.

-You seem better now so you're ready to open up?

-Yes i think i do.

I started eating and between mouthful of food i talked about my youth, more precisely the event that lead me to become an orphan. It was a rainy day i just came back from school, i knew i had promised to go with my younger sister and the rest of the family to a super then view a movie at the theater. I could not go has i had to study for a make up exam. In the end a tragedies came to be and i could only look at the images of the accident

It was nothing too much just a slip on the road while it was wet. It was enough for the car to roll over tens of time and fall down a cliff. The police came for me that night, i was only 16 at the time, but i remember them trying to conform me. Yes as if that would have worked have you ever lost you family? No? Then piss off that was what i wanted to say but the words never came out.

Two week later the assurance paid for the burial, i also received the compensation money from their death about half a million i finished to pay the mortgage on the house. I took off school for month only going out to see my psychologist, this helped a little and in time i was able to take back my life in hands.

Over the year i made some friends, i got a job, then that was when it started going down hill again. I became sick and after 3 painful years i died. The next time i came to i was Hinata Hyuga 3 year old who had just lost her uncle. That what i explained to Maki, she hugged me again and i gave her back the hug. This was really comforting, maybe if i had know that, i would have made a girlfriend in my last life rather then having quick shot with girl that never mattered to me.

-So Hinata what are you going to do now?

-First, i will get back on my feet. I need to go to the hospital today to do a check up on Lee i can't stay an brood over a past that i can't change. Also , if you'd like we could hangout and have a date.

Oh my god, i was surely red like the Hinata from my memory when she was in front of Naruto. But that when Maki surprised me the most she simply took my head while caressing my hair and gave me a kiss. Damn are kiss supposed to feel like you're melting away, i think i have officially found the greatest weapon to use again me. After the long kiss i finally took back my breath and looked over Maki i then smiled and that was my turn to kiss her.

It was not before 2 more hour that i gone out of my house to go check on Lee. I was really happy that i had bought my own home, gosh what would my parent thing if they knew about if. I don't think Hana chan would say anything but dad would be beside himself after all two girl can't have children's. I would one day change that fact but for the moment i had more pressing matter to attend.

As i had though Lee injury were even more severe then i first had taken them for. After some more examination i booked a surgery room for the next day. I then had one of my summoned fox go find Gai to inform him of the surgery date.

I ended the day by going through the friends i had selected to train with me and Naruto. Sana was reluctant until i told her it might help with the cursed mark, Sakura was overjoyed and Maki just say yes. Well my girlfriend was a simple but sweet girl after all, if not she would not have melted my ice block of a heart so easily. OK, she is also really quiet happy now? Oh i forgot , we didn't do it so don't go make some weird drawing of me and Maki or else…

Author note: they really didn't do anything. Now Hinata, could you please let go of that blade?