
Lia's Diary

A diary written by Lia, a village girl hailing from Tañong Bayan. She was living her best life until tragedy struck. Now she is on a journey of revenge.

Shane_Badow · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Day 11: Wonders and Reflections

Dear Diary,

The pain from yesterday's attack lingers, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurk within this beautiful yet treacherous jungle. My left arm is bandaged and throbbing, but I'm determined not to let it slow us down. Enki, ever the reliable companion, carries our supplies with a steady gait, his presence a comforting anchor in this unpredictable world.

We set out at dawn, the cool morning air thick with the scent of rain and foliage. As we ventured deeper into the jungle, the terrain transformed before our eyes. We passed through groves of towering trees whose branches intertwined to form natural arches overhead, creating a verdant cathedral. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The beauty of it all took my breath away.

"Look at this, Enki," I said, marveling at a cluster of orchids clinging to the side of a tree, their vibrant colors a stark contrast against the green. Enki responded with a soft grunt, his large eyes taking in the scenery with what I imagined to be a quiet appreciation.

By midday, we stumbled upon a hidden gem—a waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff into a crystal-clear pool. The sound of the rushing water was a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. The sight of the waterfall, with its mist creating tiny rainbows in the sunlight, was like something out of a dream.

"We should rest here for a while," I suggested, and Enki seemed to agree, lowering himself onto the soft grass near the water's edge. I took a moment to drink from the cool, refreshing pool, the water washing away some of the exhaustion that had settled in my bones.

As I sat by the water, the memory of the previous day's encounter with the wild beast replayed in my mind. I remembered the surge of warmth, the power that had coursed through me, enabling me to fend off the attack. The mana stone had granted me a gift, but it seemed elusive, beyond my grasp when I needed it most.

Curiosity and determination drove me to try again. I stood by the waterfall, the mist kissing my skin, and focused on my outstretched hand. "Come on," I whispered to myself, willing the magic to return. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the sensation I had felt before, trying to summon the water's power once more.

Minutes passed, and nothing happened. Frustrated, I let out a sigh and opened my eyes. "Maybe it's just a fluke," I muttered, feeling a pang of disappointment. Enki watched me with what I imagined to be a look of understanding, as if he knew that this journey was as much about discovering myself as it was about survival.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the waterfall, we decided to set up camp. The spot was perfect—secluded, with plenty of fresh water and a serene atmosphere. I gathered some fallen branches and managed to start a small fire, its crackling flames adding warmth and light to our temporary home.

While Enki grazed nearby, I settled down beside the fire, the events of the past days weighing heavily on my mind. The loss of my village and my family was a wound that would never fully heal, but out here, surrounded by the wonders of nature, I felt a small sense of peace. There was a vast world beyond the boundaries of my old life, filled with beauty and danger in equal measure.

As night fell, the sounds of the jungle came alive around us—the calls of nocturnal creatures, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, the distant roar of the waterfall. I lay down on the soft grass, Enki's warm body close by, and stared up at the canopy of stars visible through a gap in the trees.

"Tomorrow is a new day," I whispered to myself, feeling a renewed sense of determination. The journey ahead was uncertain, and the power of the mana stone remained a mystery, but I had survived this far. With Enki by my side, I felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Until tomorrow, Diary.
