
Lethal Beauty

What would you do if you get reincarnated in the body of a useless second generation rich young master who can't even protect himself and his family assets from his wicked and scheming relatives Chandler lived a regretful life when he was alive. His indifference to life itself was a big flaw, but that's who he is. He being a computer genius ,one of the world's top hacker and being inhuman,cold,cruel and ruthless assassin, famous in the underworld, going by the code name Lucifer. People trembled when they heard his name, calling him the fallen angle, the devil with an angle's face and so on. During the day he wore a facade of a kind and gentle handsome University student and a fearsome hacker and assassin at night. The night time was when he truly lived, when he got to be himself,a bloodthirsty maniac. He was betrayed by the organization he worked for. They set a trap during one of his assignments which resulted in his body being blasted to pieces by an intentional explosion. Now he has returned to life in the body of an innocent boy who is the heir to a multi national cooperate and a wealth of billions. But this boy is also naive and foolish, letting those wretched brach family scum take away his belongings Now that Chandler has taken over Rael's body and life, he shall make a rise so glamorous and powerful, the whole planet shall stand watching as he takes over the whole world and brings his family and business to the peak of supremacy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY BOOK!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dear readers, I am a fresh writer(14 year old kid) and don’t have any experience in writing a book as this one is my very first. I welcome all comments and please do leave suggestions on how I can improve my writing style and depiction of story. Please subscribe to my book and add it to ur list!!! Thank you

7 Chs

Then I Died.......

Chandler's POV

The whole conference room quieted down as I stood there shell shocked, clutching my chest, staring wide eyed at nothing in particular. I realized that this was not the time to dwell in shock, I quickly masked the surprised look on my face with the usual cold expression. I silently went up to the head of the table and sat down without a word.

Soon the discussion started and the 13th elder's assistant started presenting from the projector and explained about my next mission in brief. I had to go to a warehouse in the outskirts that was under military surveillance and retrieve a package. About an hour later, I stepped out of the conference room holding a file in my hand containing details about my mission, this mission had to be carried out immediately so I ha to do it tonight.

I arrived back home and undressed before getting into the shower, after washing myself I went to sleep on my bed because having enough rest is essential for any mission. I woke up at 7 in the evening, I git up, stretched, had my meal and slipped into a tight fit black suit. I threw on a black turtleneck ,a pair of pants and a coat over the suit. I took out my violin case in which I carried my guns instead, put in my HK hand guns and stepped out of the door.

I went down to my parking lot and drove out my bike. I reached the metro station in fifteen minutes and parked my bike out side. I had to ride the train to make sure to not get tracked by anyone and keep my location undisclosed. by the time I was a mile away from the location, it was way past midnight and the pitch black night made it hard for me to see.

I put on night vision glasses and started to look around for any possible threat, as I saw nothing, I proceeded further even though I felt something was obviously wrong, how can a location under military surveillance be this unguarded? it bugged me to no end but I still had to complete the mission no matter what. I reached the inside of the warehouse and saw that there was only a big round conference table in the middle of the huge warehouse.

I became cautious and took out my gun and military grade knife and walked towards it with caution. as soon as I reached the table, the ear piece in my ear started making static sounds so I had to take it off immediately so that my ear didn't get damaged. the lights suddenly shut off and the computers on the table lit up showing all the data about me.

What's going on? I wondered. suddenly there was a voice that spoke through the intercom, "you are a threat to my position in the organization and thus you must be eliminated at all costs, don't worry, no one will miss you and please don't hate me, its all just business" the voice said with glee and the screens went red showing a count down of 10 seconds.

I frantically tried everything I knew to stop the bomb from going off, but it was impossible and the came the ever awaited explosion. my last thoughts before my mind went blank were," in my next life, I want to be the worst demon they will ever meet, I will make them regret getting on my wrong side", and then I died.

To be continued.....

sorry to my non existant readers!! I was on hiatus for so long because my last high school year has been hectic and I don't have time for any oh my hobbies these days. My exams are still going on but I still took out time from my precious Sunday to finally write something. thankyou for reading my amature book!!!

I hope you enjoyed the bare minimum two chapters that I have written and please add my book to your library!!

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