

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · 奇幻
7 Chs

My first friend

I swear I don't know how they got in here... I mean how could this be possible?

Also how did this cat's mother die? I don't see any hits or anything really strange

Of course I went and buried that cat's body in the yard behind The garden in the middle of the night, the time when my brothers and parents were asleep. As soon as I finished what I was doing, I went back to sleep immediately.

I lay on my bed trying to sleep, but that cat started meowing in my ear. Fortunately, this basement is relatively far from my brothers' rooms, as well as the servants' rooms. Man, in this palace, it is as if I live in another place, literally. It is true that I live under them, but not directly, as their rooms It is about 100 meters away from me

This is crazy isn't it?

After I grew up, as you see me in front of you now, I realized that creating this huge distance between me and them is not a coincidence, but rather a deliberate act.

really why ?

So it's clear

So no matter how annoying this little cat is, no one will hear him. Also, another thing is that it is very rare for anyone to enter this basement... This is harsh, isn't it, but let's look on the bright side, this cat will be fine. There are a lot of empty boxes in here. I'll use it if anyone comes here

Since it is still late and there is no study tomorrow, I decided to go to the kitchen and look for some food because it is the right time because I am not allowed to enter the kitchen and I am also not allowed to enter several other rooms and floors in this palace.

Ha, they have even prevented me from freedom of movement. My parents have been entrusted with the task of preventing me from entering those places for servants. They deter me every time I approach the kitchen or those guest rooms where my parents receive dignitaries and celebrities And the businessmen and rich people of the country

Well, we have gone off topic a lot. Where did we stop? Yes, I was still searching for food in the refrigerator. I found a bottle of milk. I took it immediately, but as soon as I was about to leave the kitchen, I heard the sound of footprints coming towards me.

Damn this was unexpected

That person, who was a maid, entered. I was hiding behind the door as soon as I had the opportunity. I came out immediately. It seems that I survived

I tried to feed that cat using the lid of that bottle and he started drinking until he was full. Finally I could sleep without hearing his meowing

I woke up the next day after Christmas and it seemed like this annoying cat's favorite sleeping spot was my face

.I woke up and started trying to spit out his hair that was stuck in my mouth and tongue. You annoying cat

But I was really kind of happy because finally at least there was a creature that comforted my misery, even if it was this little cat, I really stink, so you don't know how much I need this.

I remembered something that I did not tell you. It is the custom of parents after this holiday to put money in their children's shoes as a kind of surprise. Well, I do not deny that they are beautiful traditions. I do not know if you still maintain them. The important thing is that my generation did

Well, I'm not interested in this anyway. Naturally, I'm not expecting anything, but there is an inner voice telling me to go and check this.

I did. I went to check my shoes and saw that they were also thick and heavy. I jumped up and was happy, and I think that I am finally receiving some of the tenderness that I was missing. Do you finally remember that I belong to this family?

But... there is something wrong, why is this piece of cloth over the shoe like this!!!...As soon as I removed that piece of cloth, I was surprised by a disgusting smell that entered my nose and played with the settings of my brain. I did not imagine that this would happen. It was literally the last thing I expected to happen... What the hell is this? Who did this?

As soon as I said that, I heard the sound of laughter coming and going down those stairs... Oh my God, this is really very bad at the beginning of this morning, damn it, they are my brothers.

I started to feel nervous and afraid because they are all here except Hastouri, who is the only one who is not with them at these times.

Until Arthur says, "Do you like this smell? It's the smell of cow dung. It's a disgusting and hideous smell, just like that damned face of yours."

The others started laughing while I hung my head in frustration. I did not imagine that they would reach this extent

Yi Lian: "It was a really great idea, Sarah. You are so evil, haha, but I will find an idea that will make him cry."

Karma started laughing as he mocked his sister Sarah's words and he said, "Crying, you want him to cry, and you are also thinking of a plan for that, you idiot. The solution is in front of you. Look, and unexpectedly, Karma slipped that shoe and threw it at my face."

While Ye Lian puts her hand to her mouth and says, Oh my God

And they started laughing at me all at once while I was frozen in place because I simply cannot do anything. I am weak. This shoe covered in feces was thrown at me like this.

What would you do if you were in my place?

Nothing, of course. I just wait until this ends. I just endure it and hope that this ends quickly

Sarah: "Look, Karma, he's not crying

Then I had a blow to the stomach that made me kneel in severe pain, and then tears began to fall uncontrollably while Arthur laughed hysterically and said, "Look, he's crying." Haha, this is the best Eid ever.

Okay, let's get out of here. It smells really disgusting. I'm going to throw up if we stay here any longer.

I got up and started to clean myself of this dirt. It is good that there is at least a bathroom and water here

But I don't have any other clothes. I had to wait for it to dry while I was in just my underwear. Sorry if this is inappropriate, but man, I was living the life of a vagabond while I was rich... at least that's what normal people can see.

It is good that this cat was hiding in those boxes, as if he realized that he should not make any sound... because these monsters will not naturally have mercy on him, and this is clear if you look closely at my case.

A few days passed and this cat started to get stronger

It will become more difficult to hide him because he will become a naughty cat who loves to play and roam. I cannot think that any of my brothers or servants will find him.

Finally my clothes dried and I can go now... I came out of the basement and walked until I reached the living room and I saw my mother watching TV with my brothers and they were watching a recorded video about my brother Hastori He got first place as usual, and the teacher began asking him one question after another until she reached that question that made me interested in knowing his answer, which was: What do you want to be when you grow up? Hastori answered her automatically, as if he had been waiting for this question all his life. He told her, "I want to become like my father. This is what I was created for."

The teacher could not believe that these were the words of a child, and all of the students began to applaud him

And how my mother was very happy and proud of him while my brothers hugged him in such a cute way, but... what the hell is wrong with him? If I were in his place, I would have flown with happiness. Why does he make such a sullen and cold face?

Then I had this spark of enthusiasm and I went back to my basement and started trying to study, but...damn, how hard is this?

My mind was slow to understand and memorize, and it was quick to forget...it was horribly and damned dull

I felt bored after a few minutes, but I said to myself, I don't have to study, I have to improve myself a little, I don't want to stay like this.

But...this annoying cat is playing with me and biting my foot haha, you're tickling me haha

I studied and studied and studied until I fell asleep. I woke up and it was unbearably cold. This basement has water pipes running through it, as I mentioned to you in the previous chapter.

It was pitch dark, but I'm used to it. If you didn't know, I've been living in this basement since I was five years old, so my eyes are used to the darkness.

I got up and decided to walk in the garden for a little while. If one of the servants saw me here, he would scold me severely... Ironically, I know my status in this palace is lower than that of the servants.

The place was very quiet and the light of the full moon was illuminating the place. It was a beautiful sight enough to make me forget the hell of my life for a few minutes.

I continued walking until I saw Hastori entering that garden, and I followed him without realizing it. I hid behind a tree while watching him. He was standing in the middle, raising his neck and watching the moon.

Days passed, day after day, and I followed him and watched him every night. Don't ask me why, but I found him interesting. I was interested in knowing anything about him, if I could.

But... that night I made that mistake. I was hiding behind the same tree from which I was watching him, but I accidentally stepped on a branch that I had not noticed and it made a sound.

Hasturi noticed and turned to the source of the voice and said: "Who is there?"

What will I do now? Why did my damned curiosity push me to follow him? I will fall into big trouble if he sees me here

I wanted to withdraw slowly in order to escape, but my rage began to advance towards the tree behind which I was hiding, oh man, damn it!!! As he walked towards me, he said: "If you don't come out to me, I will come to you."


And here is the end of this chapter ❤️ Thank you for reading. Also, if you have tips or instructions that improve the quality of the novel, I will be more than happy to read it. Bye, see you in the next chapter ❤️👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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