
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 24 Food, Hunts and Dungeons

Chapter 24

I woke up and wanted to rub my eyes, but my hands were locked to my sides. I tried blinking away the worst of it while looking around and noticed I was not in my room and my parents were both hugging me too tightly from both sides. I sighed and went ghost to get free; however, Fluffy also ghosted with me, so I had to pick him up and put him down on the bed before I floated over to my parents bathroom to relieve myself.


After getting into the bathroom, I ghosted out of my onesie and put it to the side. I sat down on the toilet and started to relieve myself, and that's when I noticed that something was horribly wrong as I looked down and saw that there was nothing there!!! I forced myself to not panic until I was done, and while wiping myself clean, I figured out I was a girl! This reeks of Fluffy's doing. and I was in my parents bed… either mother put him up to this or he did it himself, but either way he betrayed me and he was going to pay!


I changed back and was relieved to get my equipment back, as I never really intended to turn into a girl again unless it was for a prank or a disguise. I put on my onesie and then floated out of the bathroom to my parents bedroom, where I gently picked up Fluffy with a viscous smile. I then phased through the wall to appear outside my house and floated a bit away from the house to not disturb anyone, and cocked my arm back before THROWING FLUFFY AS HARD AS I COULD.


I watched him fly away at a record pace, turned around to go back, and snuggled down between my parents again. I then mentally screamed over our link. It did not take long for distress to come over our bond, and I could hear him curse up a storm. I've never been this far away from Fluffy before, and I kind of already regretted doing that, but dang it, you don't mess with another man's equipment.


I told Fluffy to just use the rift to get home, but for those few seconds it took him from entering the rift to appearing here were the worst few seconds of my life. The connections me and Fluffy have were not severed, but it felt like it were stretched to a point it were never meant to, and when Fluffy appeared with a rip, he flew into my arms, and we cried silent tears as I hugged him closer as did he. We swore to never get that far away from one another again.


"I'm sorry, I whispered to Fluffy. In a quiet voice. 


We just laid there in bed and held each other close until my parents woke up not long after. Mom was the first to notice that something was wrong and pulled us tighter into a hug.


"What's wrong, sweety? Did you have a nightmare?"


"N… no" I got out between some sniffles.


I had not lost this much control over my emotions for a long time. I filled my mother in on what had happened between sniffles, and she said she should punish me for throwing Fluffy away, but it seemed like karma had already punished me, and she hoped I learned a lesson from this. I nodded my head in agreement as she picked us up and carried us down to the kitchen, where she held us until my dad had finished making food for us. She put us down then and fuzzed over us as we ate breakfast. I made myself ready for school and had a hard time putting on my clothing, as I was reluctant to even put down Fluffy for a minute. My mom got annoyed and just held Fluffy for me while I got changed out of my onesie.


Later at school, I met Izuku and filled him in on my adventure in the fantasy world, and he grilled me on every detail. He would have kept going nonstop for the rest of the day if we did not have school and was forced to stop when class started, my only saving grace. Izuku made me promise him that I would wait for the weekend so he could join me on my adventure in the fantasy world. So I changed my plans to just do low-level quests in the guild and raise my rank to D so he would not have to slug through having to do basically menial labor.


I waved goodbye to Izuku as I left school to go home with dad and get ready to go on another epic adventure to... raise my rank from E to D. I was not too thrilled with having to wait for two more days before I could go and hunt some magical creatures. Fluffy was the one who really wanted to do it, but we did promise Izuku to wait.


After getting home, I changed into my hero outfit and hugged Dad goodbye before leaving to the fantasy world. Mom would have wanted to say goodbye also, but she would not be home for another hour, so dad got all my love for himself.


I soon appeared in the alley I had left from with a tearing sound and walked out on the street. It was only now that I remembered that I had forgotten exactly where the guild was from where I am. I had just walked around aimlessly to something caught my interest, and that's how I ended up here at the end of the day. I took a left and followed the road, looking for any guards or someone to ask for directions. I mean, I could have just cheated and flown up into the air to find the gate, and from there, I could have followed the road to find the guild. But I had to wait for Izuku anyway, so I might as well take this time to learn how to navigate this city and maybe find something interesting on the way.


"Excuse me, Mr. Guard," I said as I tapped the guard on his armor.


"How can I help you, child?" the guard asked me in a friendly tone.


"I'm not a child; I'm 10," I said with my best childish pout. Sometimes, being stuck as a child lets you get away with doing stuff like this.


"Ahh, of course… kid, so what do you want to know?" He emphasized the kid part just to spite me.


"Do you know where the Adventurers Guild is? I'm lost," I said while looking around, like it would just pop out.


"It's down this road until you see the very big road. Take a right, and you will see it if you walk for another 30 minutes." He gestured with his hands and was really helpful, so I thanked him and ran to find the big road, while I heard from behind me.




I soon found the main road he talked about. I turned to the right and started to follow the main road as I looked into every window and entertainer on the way to the guild, so it took me a bit longer than the 30 minutes the guard said it would take.


I could finally see the guild building and was excited for what quests there would be for me to do as my first adventure. I had to wait for Izuku anyway, so I thought I should see if I could speedrun as many quests as I could in the meantime. I walked into the guild building, and it was lively, as last time people were bustling about talking loudly with lots of laughter and cheering.


"They are way too loud for my taste," Fluffy said as I walked over to the quest board.


"Ya, but nothing much we can do about it," I said as I started to look at the bounty's


"Wow, I think we are on the wrong side of the board." On the board, I saw A rank quests and titles that sounded so cool, but I teared my eyes away from that before I broke my promise to Izuku and tried fighting a dragon by myself.


"Look, there seems to be the E rank section," Fluffy said, pointing to my right.


I walked over to the E-rank section and started to look at the quests. There were a lot of menial tasks like cleaning, lifting heavy stuff, helping grandma with grocery shopping, and so much more. I think some people with money just pay adventurers to do menial stuff as they are cheaper to hire than actual workers. Hmm, I guess I ask the receptionist why they even have an E-rank section. Are they doing the same as Naruto and making adventurers do community service as both training and better publicity?


I found a quest to kill rats and cleaning the basement afterwards by a young man who wanted someone to help his mother in her old age. I took the quest to the other side of the room, where the receptionists were. The counter I had been taken to the last time to get registered was way smaller… Maybe it's the counter for dwarfs? Who knows? The normal counters were just way too tall and were not kid friendly at all… I totally did not pout… honestly… Totally thinking about all the dwarfs here… Yup, that's it.


"Why do you monologue everything like someone is listening?"


"I'm bored, and you are half asleep in my arms. It's like I'm driving and you are sleeping on the passenger side."


"Well, driver, get your butt to work then," he said with a big theatrical jaw as he pretended to fall asleep. I wanted to shake him, but I was already first in line to the receptionist, so I had to let it go... for now.


"Next," the receptionist said.


"I said next, sir," she said, glaring at the man who was grinning ear to ear.


"Ahh, miss receptionist, I'm not the first one in line," he said while pointing down at me. The receptionist leaned over and saw me as I gave her a wave.


"I feel like the counter is not kid-friendly," I said as I floated up so I could see over the counter.


"Ooh, you are the kid from yesterday."


"That's me," I said, handing her the quest I picked.


"Oh, is this your first quest?"




"Are you alone?"


"Nope, I got Fluffy here," I said, pointing at Fluffy, who was still pretending to sleep and now drooling… Ew! She did not look impressed.


"Would you be willing to take another approved guild liaison with you on your first quest?"


"What are those?" I just want to be sure I am correctly guessing what they want.


"It's a person who will go with you and give us an unbiased report of the quest."


"Ehh, I guess?"


"Ahh perfect"


I was told to wait to the side, and about ten or so minutes later, the receptionist led me over to a table where a group of people were laughing and chatting with one another.


"Mr. Grey, if I can have a moment of your time,"


"Ahh, what can I help you with, Miss Receptionist?"


"You will be shadowing this boy for his first contract and accessing him for his work."


"Ey, ey, mademoiselle," he saluted, making his friend chuckle.


The man looked to be in his thirties. He had shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes, and decent-looking leather armor.


"Hello, Mr. Grey." I waved at him.


"Ah, you can just call me Grey Kid; everyone else does... well, except the receptionists; they are to prim and proper."


"Like it should be, and so should you, Mr. Grey, you are on the clock."


"Now do you have a map of the city?" the receptionist asked me as she got down on a knee. I shook my head. She sighed and held out a map for me, telling me she would pull it from my card. Then she marked the house on the map and showed me the fastest way to get there.


"Thanks, Miss Receptionist Lady," I said, giving her a quick hug. and ran to the doors to wait for Gray to come. And with my super hearing, I heard what they said after I left.


"Wow, Miss Receptionist, it looks like you have an admirer." Gray said with a chuckle.


"He is just a kid, so please act professional, Mr. Grey," she said, and when she turned away from him, I saw she was flushed red in the face… Oops, I thought to myself, maybe I should not hug everyone. It has just been so ingrained in me for the past decade that I did it without thinking.


"You got some balls, kid," he chuckled.


"Let's go and see what you can do with this first quest," he said, walking out the doors as I ran up beside him.


"Kid, you are supposed to be the one leading the quest. I will be walking behind you, so lead the way; I won't be helping you."


"Oh, ok," I said, walking in front, following the route that the guide had told me, but I soon hit a dead end wall in the alley where the guild lady told me to go, and I was super sure this was the correct way.


"Are you stuck, kid?"


"No, this map is wrong. I'm sure I am walking the right way." Hmm, maybe this is a test? So how do I want to solve it? Well, let's go with a cheeky strategy to prove I can do it.


I walked up to the wall and went straight through it to the other side, and the alley continued on the other side. So I walked back and stuck my and Fluffy's heads through the wall with a smug grin.


"What? Are you not coming?" Gray looked stunned.


"Hey Fluffy, it looks like he can't even shadow us correctly."


"What a loser!" Fluffy said with his trademark foxy grin.


"What! This is so unfair."


"Hmm? What's unfair?"


"Oh, eh, nothing…"


"Give me a second," he said, backing up a bit and using wall running and jumping off the walls to get to the top of the wall. He jumped down on the other side, I pulled my head out to see him do a perfect hero landing. I gave him applause, saying again! Again!


"Not today, kid. You got a job to do, so get going."


"Oh… yeah, right," I said, and followed the map the rest of the way to the house.


When we got to the house, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer the door, and soon enough, I heard someone coming towards the door. An old lady opened the door and peaked out to see a five year-old-looking kid and an adult in leather armor standing a little to the left and behind him.


"Ehh yes? What can I help you with?"


"Hi Granny, my name is Leo, and I'm an adventurer from the adventurers guild, and I got a quest to hunt rats and clean the basement."


"Oh yes, my grandson told me he put up a quest in the guild for it, but no one has answered the quest in the past month. I thought they forgot about me."


I felt bad for the old lady and wanted to help her even more now. I turned to Grey, as I just thought of something to ask him.


"Erm, Gray, is it normal for it to take that long?"


"Hmm, no, not really, but not everyone thinks it's worth their time hunting rats, and if the quest was only to clean, I think it would have been done a lot quicker."


"Huh, oh, well, I'm here now, Granny, so let's go and make your basement sparkle," I said extra cheerfully to cheer her up.


"Ahh to be so young and energetic."


"Well, follow me, the basement is this way."


We followed her to the basement door, where she took a lantern and lit it before walking down the stairs into the basement of the house. It was not that dusty, but I saw maybe 30 rats scattering and a lot of rat drops on the ground… EWWWW.


"So, kid, got any idea on how you want to start?" Grey said, looking around with a slight grin on his face… I think he was enjoying the idea of watching me clean this room in revenge for the wall thing.


"Well, I will be upstairs if you need me," the old lady said as she walked up the stairs with the lantern.


"So how are you going to deal with the darkness?"


"What darkness?" I said, like, I did not know what he meant.


"What? You saying you can see in the dark?"


"Ya…? You can't," I said with a teasing tone. I heard him grumble a bit before a magic ball of light flew up into the air.


"I SEE what you did there," I said with a smirk.


"Enough with the pun's get to work, kid."


"OK!" I saluted


"Waky waky eggs and baky," I said, shaking Fluffy a bit energetically.


"Stop it, you brat!" Fluffy said


"Well, it's your time to shine. Go hunt some rats."


"What! but they are only rats," he said with a whine.


"It won't even be hard!"


"Well, shrink to a rat size or smaller, and then you will be fighting giant rats."


"Hmm, you know, that might be fun," he said as he wiggled out of my grip and shrank to be slightly smaller than a rat before he peeled off at a fast speed.


"WHAT WAS THAT!" Gray asked me while being shocked.


"Oh, right, Fluffy can shrink or make himself bigger, so now the rat's got a tiny fox that is hunting them down." and just as I said that we heard a rat shrieking that got cut off in the middle of that scream.


"Ok, that's not terrifying at all."


"Yupp Fluffy is my cute little fluffy ball of murder, death, and destruction." I said it with a chuckle.


"Well, you still have to clean the room while he… uh, hunts the rats."


"Oh ya! GO GO CLEANING MAGIC!" I said this while pretending I was a magic girl and doing a jojo pose.


A wave of cleaning energy pulsed out from where I stood, and all the dust, grime, and rat droppings disappeared. I went around the entire room, saying new "magic" words every time, as I figured it would take Fluffy some time to hunt down all the rats in the area. Ten minutes later, the room looked like a professional cleaning crew had gone through the basement and cleaned every surface. And the entire time, we heard rats dying in the walls, I saw Grey sudder once or twice.


After I was done, I sat down on the now clean floor and waited for Fluffy to come out. It took him another 40 minutes to clear out the entire wall of rats, and he put all of the rats into the inventory… EWW!!! It's if we needed proof of the kills, Fluffy came out of the rat hole and walked up toward us, and as he grew to his chibi size, I could see he was covered in rat blood. The sneaky fox tried to jump onto me and cover me in the rat blood, but I used my cleaning power on him before he could, and he pouted in my arms.


"Wow, that is a convenient power. I would like that after some of my own adventures. Hmm, maybe I should hire you to clean my house also."


"Ya! Is it not amazing?"


"Well, let's go up and tell the old lady we are done. Oh, and I would like to ask, how many rats did you kill… ehh Fluffy?"


"57 rats," he said proudly.


We walked up the stairs as Grey turned off his light spell, and the room fell dark.


I opened the door and shouted


"Granny, the basement is now rat and dust-free!"


"Oh, you are done already? It's not even been an hour."


"Yes, I can confirm the kid did a really good job. You are free to confirm his work."


The lady took her lantern and walked down the stairs, and I heard a gasp.


"Oh my goddesses, I have never seen the basement this clean."


After she came up the stairs, Gray handed her a contract that she signed and then told us to wait for a bit as she shuffled down the corridor. A minute later, she came back with a small cloth bag with embroidered flowers, and she handed me the bag.


"I baked some cookies earlier today, and I want you to have some of them for such good work, Sunny."


"Thanks granny" I gave her a hug and took the bag.


"Oh my gosh, this makes me so happy," she said, giving me a hug back.


"Do you hug every cute girl you meet, kid?" Grey said it with a smile. She let me go and turned to gray


"Oh? Do you also want a hug from this cute girl? she said to him, giving him a wink."


"Ahh, I am fine, but thank you for the offer," he said while backing up a step.


"Well, we should get going," he said, ushering me out of the house a bit too quickly for my liking. We heard the grandmother laughing as he closed the door behind us.


"Well, that was rude of you, I said."


"Please don't tell the receptionist." He pleaded with me.


"Hmm, I think about it," I said, taking a bite out of the cookie while getting another cookie for Fluffy.


"Well, let's get going back, You did this quest so fast, I think it might be a new record… for a rookie like you."


Oh, did you say you want to race back?


"Like I would lose to a kid like you." he said.


"The first one to the outside of the guild doors wins," I said.


"GO!" he said and ran ahead.




"LIFE IS NOT FAIR!" he shouted back while laughing…


I turned invisible, intangible and flew up and towards the guild building in a straight line. I had to wait another 10 minutes for Gray to appear. I stood there, invisible, as I saw him coming, giving glances backward. And when he was close enough and looked back, I turned visible, and he almost stumbled when he looked back and noticed me standing there, polishing my nails on my hero suit.


"Wow, Fluffy, it took him 10 minutes to get here after us. Have you seen someone this slow?" I said in my most snobbish, high aristocratic voice.


"Oh, maybe he is just getting old… or is just too poor," Fluffy said with a posh accent. Before we both fell to the ground, giggling up a storm at his expense,.


"Haha, just laugh it up, you two."


After getting done laughing and maybe getting a few weird looks from people walking by, we walked inside the guild house. Gray took the lead and walked over to the counter, where we could see the guild lady from before working. We had to wait in the queue for the people in front to get done, so I looked around the room until Gray tapped me on the head to get my attention.


"Ahh, I see the both of you are already back. How did he do Mr. Gray?"


"This kid works way too fast. If they did not need to hunt the rats, he could have been there and back in about half an hour."


"That is certainly faster than expected."


"To start from the beginning, he followed the route without a problem, and when he met the alley wall, he just phased through it. After that, he met with the client, and he was polite and cheerful. The kid has dark vision, so when he was left in the dark, he had no problems, so I did not have a chance to see him figure out a solution there. The kid used his cleaning power to make the basement more clean than I even think it was when it was new. Then the Fox cub in his arms used an ability to shrink and was able to hunt the rats in the walls to very great effect."

"Very good," she said, holding out her hand, and he handed her a paper.


"Hmm, it looks good." She stamped it and put it away.


"What was that paper?" I asked Gray after tugging on his pants to get his attention.


"Ahh, it's a signed paper that says the job was done and must be signed by the client to prove you have completed the quest."


"Oh, so that's what that paper was."


"Well, you are free to take on more quests, and before I forget, here you go." She handed me a more detailed map of the city, and this time with actually correctly placed walls like the one from the alley.


"That is the correct map of the city and the actual map I took payment for, not the fake map I gave you earlier for the test. I gave her back the fake map, and I got the real map."


"Oh, eh, thanks?"


"So, kid, what are you going to do now? Maybe do some more quests? The pay is not that great for E rank, but it will put some food in your belly."


"I think I will do some more quests and then look around town some more." I said this as we walked away from the receptionist counters. 


"Well, that sounds good, kid. I guess I see you around." He waved goodbye as he walked back to his table.


I walked over to the quest board and picked out another quest I thought I could complete relatively quickly, and that's how I spent another few hours doing quests all over town. Sometime in the afternoon, we took a break to eat a big lunch. Afterwards, I went to the market and bought a bunch of meat from creatures I had never heard about but that the vendors promised were super delicious. I then found a bookstore and got a small bookshelf worth of books on both monsters, stories, and anything else that looked interesting. I opened the recipe book I got and looked at herbs and spices to see what I should buy, as I wanted to eat something from the cook book when I got home.


After that, I went back to the marketplace and got all the stuff I would need to cook most of the recipes in the book. Now I only needed to find a store where I could get someone to put some magic on my glitter, but when I asked a shopkeeper, he just shrugged his shoulders and told me to ask someone who deals with magic. I left the market place after that and were decided that I had no idea where to start, so I figured I ask the Adventurers Guild for help.


On the way there, I got distracted by a group of performers who had put on a show for kids. It was the tale of the heroic spirit and its adventures to slay the evil monster. However, the group pretended to forget the names of all their characters and would ask the kids for their names. So you had the hero Fishstick fighting the evil Fart monster, and all the kids would giggle every time. The show went on for another half an hour before it was done. The sun was setting and the stores were closing, so I had to do it tomorrow instead. I sighed. I was at least going to go to the Adventurers Guild and ask some questions before I had to go.


I soon found myself outside the guild, and when I opened the door, I saw it was packed full of people laughing and drinking themselves silly around the tables in the middle of the room. I made my way around the outside of the room, where there were fewer people, and found the receptionist counter, where I had to float up to get noticed by one of the receptionists.


"Hello, little guy, how can I help you?" 


"I was looking for a magic shop that could enchant or put magic spells on stuff. Do you know any place like that?"


"Are you enchanting your own gear or items?"


"Ehh… Items?" I pulled out one of my smaller bags of glitter.


"I want to enchant this glitter to stick to someone for a prank."


"Oh, that sounds fun. Do you have a map? so I can mark down some stores I suggest you visit tomorrow." I pulled out the map from my inventory and saw her eyes go wide… I think she was not here when I demonstrated my powers, and no one told her. But she was professional and noted down the locations.


"Thank you, lady."


"You are welcome."


I was about to leave the guild house when I felt someone tap my shoulder, and when I turned around, I saw the guild leader.


"Are you not out a bit late, young man?"


"Maybe," I said in my most cheaky tone.


"But I was on my way home now anyway."


"Ahh, that's good."


"I heard you did very well on your quests today; I must congratulate you."


"Oh, eh, thanks." I said bashfully


"I see a lot of adults come in here, and with an entire party, don't do as well as you, so don't sell yourself short. I wanted to tell you that you are doing really well, and I would like to hire you tomorrow to clean the guild building with your cleaning power."


"Wow really?"


"Yes, this building is very old, and I have never heard a spark that can clean something as thoroughly as yours. So would you be up to doing it tomorrow? I can even sweeten the deal and let you get an early promotion from E to D rank."


"REALLY! YES PLEASE!!" I said before he could change his mind or something.


"Well, let's shake hands on it, and I will let you get on your way." He held out his arm, but in my excitement, I gave him a hug instead and only thought oops when already doing it.


"Haha, well, or a hug, I guess." He gave me a light squeeze back as I retreated a few steps, blushing.


"Hahahaha!" I heard Fluffy laughing over the mental link.


"I, eh, should go now," I said before turning on the spot and running away as I heard the guildmasters bemused laughter.


I find an empathy alley and quickly throw myself through the rift to get away from the awkwardness and let my future self deal with the problem. I soon appeared at home, where Fluffy jumped out of my arms, chanting


"I'm going to tell mom and dad." Over and over again

"Tell them what?"

"That you hug everyone today!" haha

"GET BACK HERE!" I shouted as I ran after him.


I caught up to him just as we ran into dad, who was in the kitchen.


"No running in the house, both of you. I don't want you to break something... Or your mother would be angry at all of us."


"Sorry," we both said.


"So what got you both so worked up?"


"Don't you dare, Fluffy!"


"Sora hugged almost everyone he met today," Fluffy said in a teasing tone as he hid behind dad's legs. I only bent down as I felt my face turn red.


"I didn't mean to do it." I said drawing circles on the ground.


"There is nothing wrong with giving people a hug, Sora."


"It is when you are supposed to be all professional and stuff like Mr. Gray was supposed to be."


I then had to explain everything as my dad tried not to chuckle. We talked and had fun for a while before I got really tired and went to take a nap… on the couch. I woke up to my mom gently shaking me awake.


"Good morning, Mom," I said, giving her a hug.


"It's almost 6 p.m., darling," she said, pulling her hand through my hair.


"I had a long day of adventuring." I said while jawning.


"Oh, what did you do today?"


I explained it again to mom as we sat there on the couch while I could hear dad cooking in the kitchen. Soon the smell got really good, and my stomach would grumble. I took out the monster book to distract myself and called over Fluffy, as he was not there when I woke up. He was the one who really wanted to hunt monsters, so he was much more interested in reading the book than I was. Together with mom, we skimmed through the monster manual, and Fluffy gushed at all the monsters he wanted to fight. Mom could not understand any of the text but liked the detailed pictures that were drawn of actual real life monsters.


Soon, dad called us to eat, and I told them both of all the food stuff I had gotten that we could use to cook with and even a recipe book with ingredients from that world to use in the cooking. My mom almost wanted to go and make some of the food directly, but was told by dad to do it tomorrow. So after lunch, she made me look through the book and write down the recipe so she could look it over for tomorrow.


I was still tired even with my nap from earlier, and after having to translate the recipes, I was dead on my feet. When I got to my room, I just phased out of my clothing and was dead asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


The next day before school, I called Izuku and told him not to bring any lunch to school as I had a surprise for him. He met me in front of the school, and while walking inside, I told Izuku about what had happened the previous day. He tried to get me to spill the beans about not taking any food with him, but I kept quiet. At lunch time, I pulled out various street vendor foods from the fantasy world, and the smell was mouth watering. Some of our classmates would crowd around us and ask me about the food, and I gave out some meat sticks to them, and everyone loved it. Bakugo just glowered but did not approach us, so I gave him a wave. He only looked away and tried to ignore us after that.


The rest of the day was not that eventful, and tomorrow Izuku would come over to play, I asked him if he wanted to have a sleepover so we could have more time to go on adventures. He loved the idea, and we asked his mom when she came to pick him up, and she agreed as long as my parents were okay with it. When my parents came and picked me up, they said it was ok for Izuku to have a sleepover as long as we behaved. I called Izuku when I got home to give him the good news, and he said he would be over at around 10 a.m.


I changed my clothing to my hero outfit and traveled back to the fantasy world after telling mom and dad goodbye. Mom told me to be safe and not to fight any monsters while giving us the mom glare until we reluctantly agreed.


I soon appeared outside the guild building and made my way over to the receptionist counter. No one was in the queue, so I greeted the receptionist.




"Who is there?" I heard the receptionist say. I sighed and floated up enough so she could see me.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I did not see you down there," she apologized to me.


"It's ok. So the guild master asked me last night to come in today as he gave me a quest to clean the guild house."


"Ahh, yes. That's right. Let me just get the paper," she said as she walked away. She soon came back and turned the paper around so I could read it.


"So the quest is for you to clean the entire guild house from the bottom to the top, both inside and outside, with your spark." And yeah, the quest paper said the same thing, but...


"THE ENTIRE BUILDING! I should have known it was too good to be true," I said as I slumped down on the floor.


"Hahaha, it sounds like the guild master pulled a fast one over you, kid," the adventurer in the line beside me said.


"Well, good luck, Leo. Have fun. I'll be sleeping somewhere over there." Fluffy said it out loud as he tried to float out of my arms.








People from all over the guild saw this as pure entertainment, and if there were cellphones, someone would be recording this right now. I was not going to spend twice as long cleaning the entire building alone while Fluffy slept away the entire day. I had to pull out the mom card, but when that did not work, I threatened to get a power that would let me dial back powers and put Fluffy at 1%, and he knew that I would.


I reluctantly floated up to the counter and told her I accepted the quest. She gave me a cheerful smile as I took the paper and shoved it into my inventory. And that's how we spent almost the entire day, just cleaning the entire building from bottom to top. At least we got to see all the rooms in the building and behind the reception counter. When we got to the third floor, we met the guild leader, as we needed to clean his room also. I saw the gold statue I made on his office table sparkling. The room held a lot of artifacts and other really cool magical items, and I wish my own inventory had as much cool stuff like the glowing staff or that floating urn. that was totally not leaking evil fog... Okay, maybe I don't need something like that in my inventory.


When we were finally done, I was both mentally, emotionally, and physically drained from cleaning the entire building. I had to be led around in certain areas of the building, and having someone stare at you while working is just so uncomfortable. Fluffy flew into my arm and directly proceeded to slum over while making pitiful noises for extra sympathy points from anyone who could hear him.


Everyone congratulated us when I floated down into the main lobby again. The entire place looked almost new. I heard from the staff that the building is hundreds of years old, and even with the best cleaning magic sparks, it could never get everything, so little by little, the dirt grew into the floor and other parts of the building. People who had been out on adventures came back to the building looking to clean compared to the other building beside it. I guess for a while after this, they can just say, Look for the cleanest building in the city, I thought to myself with a smile.


"Here you go, Miss Receptionist." I handed over the now-signed paper by the guild master.


"Very well done. Give me your guild card, and I shall upgrade it to the next rank."


I handed the card over to her. She then left us to go and upgrade the card or something from rank E to D. Five minutes later, she came back and handed the card back to me, and it now read.


Name: [Blank]

Aliases: Leo

Rank: D rank

Class: Superhero

Card Class: Black


"Thank you for your hard work," she said, giving us a slight bow.


"Thanks," I said tiredly.


I then walked over to a cushioned sofa that was standing along the wall to sit down for a bit and just rest my eyes for a little bit before I went on with my day. I woke up some time later and saw I was still on the couch, but someone had given me a pillow and blanket. 


"Good morning, little sleeping beauty," was the first thing I heard when I woke up, still tired.


"Go away," I mumbled.


"Ahh, you should have seen all the girls who came in and saw the sleeping kid and just wanted to mother him. Ahh, it makes a man jealous. Why won't anyone baby poor little old me." I opened one eye and saw a guy dressed like a typical bard and figured he played his stereotype well, at least. I closed my eye and hoped he would walk away, but he did not.


"SHUT UP CLYDE" I heard a thump and a smack, and someone crashing into the floor.


"Stop pestering the poor kid; can't you see he is tired."


"But Dorry," he whined as I heard him being dragged away.


"Sorry, kid, for my stupid friends' antics; he... is a handful at the best of days." I heard another voice say


"Thanks miss" I said sitting up and saw several people looking at us.


"You know I woke a bit earlier, then you and several people gushed and said stuff like, Oh, how cute he is, or I just want to pinch his cheeks," he giggled.


"Shut up," I told Fluffy while totally not blushing.


"Anyway, I think it's time we left," I said, standing up.


"Uhh, what should I do with the blanket and pillow?" I asked Fluffy.


"Leave it on the couch; we will take care of it." I heard one of the receptionists say


"Ok… thanks"


I quickly left the adventurers guild, took out the map to see where the closest marked store was, and made my way over there. Fluffy got me to stop for some snacks, and we ate them on the way there. The meat in this world is just amazing, and I am going to have to hunt like a bucket load as I can never go back to normal meat now.


The first store was a bust. They only had pre-made stuff and did not do commissions, and they were so rude when I asked if they knew any other store that did it. The next two stores did commissions but did not know how to do it but both recommended a store that was on the other side of town, so that's where I went. When I entered the shop, I saw a lanky guy standing behind the store counter reading a book. He closed it when he heard the bell jingle and looked surprised to see a very young kid, or so I guess from his quick expressions of surprise and confusion.


"Are you lost, kid?"


"I don't think so?" looking around, thinking I might have gone to the wrong store.


"This store specializes in enchanting items and weapons, and we only really do commissions, and they are rather expensive."


"Then I am at the right place," I said with a smile, and I walked up to the counter.


"Can you enchant this to stick to someone and sparkle and stuff?" I said, pulling out the glitter bag.


"Hmm, what's this?"


"It's called glitter; you can throw it around and it will stick to most stuff and get everywhere, and you will be finding glitter for months after that."


"And what exactly are you going to use this for, kid?"


"I'm going to prank Alfred, our buttler, for messing with my prank on dad," I said with an evil smile.


"Hmm, that sounds fun. Do you have any ideas for the enchantments?"


"I hoped to ask you if you had something that could be fun to add to them?"


"Hmm… I can make it stick to anything for 24 hours and glow in the dark if that's ok?."


"Oh, that sounds amazing!"


"Can you do this big bag also?" I pulled out the REALLY big bag I had.


"That's going to cost extra."


"How much?"


"Hmmm… Roughly 2 gold coins"


"Is that not expensive?"


"It is, but when you are one of the best and the only one in the country that can do what I do, you can set the price also."


"Huh… neat."


"So, how long will it take?"


"Come back tomorrow afternoon and pay now."




I said using my guild card to pay. It's really funny when they pull out a card reader like we do in modern times. It is always going to be funny to me. Like, oh, you want to buy a cow and some wheat? Sure, just whip out your bank card and pay.


After that, I left to go home and just take a break and save all the fun adventures for tomorrow… But before I left, Fluffy bullied me into getting one more snack for the road… I tried really hard for maybe 3 seconds before I agreed, and now we are eating ice cream. I did buy some extra so I could give it to mom and dad. I then went to find the closest alley, and when no one looked, I jumped through the rift.


After coming home, I changed my clothing and went to find my parents to tell them of the evil guild master. Mom and Dad were trying their best not to laugh when I told them how the guild master had tricked me into spending hours cleaning the entire building, both inside and outside, from top to bottom, and that I got so exhausted that I fell asleep in the guild lobby and that everyone had seen me sleeping there. And Fluffy went on to tell them how all the girls had stopped and said how cute Sora was and how they wanted to pinch his lovely cheeks. Please kill me now. I was hiding my face, and Fluffy commented that my ears were even red from blushing so hard. Mom gave me sympathetic hugs and told me she still loved her little baby boy in that sickly sweet voice.


After that embarrassment, I went to my room and decided to make a sleepover room inside my inventory. I first created a new button beside the button to make the corridor retract, and when pressed, it would raise up a room from below with everything I could think of for a sleepover. Two beds, a ball pit, all the pillows, snacks, the biggest 8K TV you have ever seen, movies I collected, a doorway to the big playroom, bookcases with books I collected, surround sound, beanbag chairs, and a life sized statue of All Might for Izuku. I was not going to break his ideal dream of all might, as he was still a kid and thought all heroes were perfect. It's around this time that I heard someone knock on my door and open it.


"Sora? Where are you?" I heard my mother say


"I'm in here, mom," I said from the closet door that I used as my entrance to my inventory.


"I thought we should get a bed in here for when Izuku comes over an-"




"You like it, Mom?"


"Yes, it looks really good, and… how big is that TV?"


"I don't know… VERY big, I guess?"


"Where did you get such a big TV from?" My mother said suspiciously


"Same place, I get everything inside my inventory that I don't bring in… From my powers, duh."


"Oh, so it's like one of those things that can only exist as long as it's inside your inventory?"




"Then why didn't we have movie nights in here instead of the living room?"


"Uhh… Family? Reasons?" I said it as if it were a question.


"Well, we can start using it from now on then"




"So, what have you done here?"


"Well, I did not have that much room for a sleeping bed in my room, so I thought I would make a sleepover room in here. I made everything I could think of, like a BIG TV, books, pillows, snacks, a playroom, and a statue of All Might for Izuku."


"Well, it looks like you got everything covered. So do you want to come down into the kitchen and we can cook some of those dishes from that fantasy world?"




"FOOD!!!" Fluffy said, his tail was wagging hard.


We went down into the kitchen, and I helped mom cook by handing her all the ingredients from my inventory. I was then told to sit down and watch a pro cook. She spent a few hours cooking the different dishes and made me store them in my inventory so she could cook more. Fluffy was given a piece of cooked meat that mom made for him before he broke free of my grip to eat it directly out of the pan. I seriously think food is Fluffy's weakness. If he has any, then that's it, and maybe fighting, but I can only see that as positive, as I am not that interested.


After a fun night with the family, I went to bed, as tomorrow Izuku would come over and we could go on actual fantasy adventures. I wanted to do a dungeon and go hunting monsters for both quests and fun. Or as Fluffy say's it, PLAYING WITH MY FOOD! While giving a foxy grin... and drooling on my sleeve... again... EWW!


I woke up the next day excited and started fuzzing over my room, the clothing, rearranging the sleepover room, adding more details, checking the clock... It's only 8 a.m. I HATE TO WAIT!


"Sora, come down and eat!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs.



After coming downstairs, we all ate breakfast together. After we were done eating, Mom told me that we would be cleaning the house. I pretended to groan and protest until mom threatened to make me clean all the toilets in the house with a toothbrush.


"Who is complaining, certainly not me, so where do you want me to clean, Mom?" I said backing away.


"You can start with the living room, and Fluffy can help me with the kitchen. I need someone small to clean the top of the shelves." Fluffy stopped mentally laughing at me at this point.


And that's how we spent the time cleaning the house until the Midoriya family came knocking on the door. I wanted to run and open the door, but my mom was faster and greeted Inko Midoriya with a friendly hug. They started to talk to one another, so I greeted Izuku and pulled him to my room before mom could think of something to delay our departure for adventure!.


"Are you excited?" I whispered to Izuku as I pulled him up the stairs.


"YES!" he fist pumped


"Well, let's go to my room. I need to change into my hero suit before we can go."


"I want to go to U.A. and get my own hero costume also." Izuku said excitedly.


"Well, we can always go to the same world. I got my costume and get you one."


"WHAT! Can we do it right now, please?" Izuku said, his eyes were sparkling and looking like Christmas had come early.


"No way; I wanted to go to the fantasy world, and it takes longer than a sleepover for her to make the costume anyway."


"Oh…" Izuku said. We just came to my room, so I opened the door and pulled him to the closet.


"Well, are you ready for a surprise?"


"Yes!" he said excitedly.


I opened the closet doors dramatically to show him the sleepover room.




"Yup, you like it?"


"I LOVE IT," Izuku said, running into the room to start looking around.


I really wanted to make this a nice experience for Izuku, and watching how excited he was made me happy. I showed Izuku around the room for a while, and as a last present, I told him to fly up and sit on the arm of the All Might statue. I then took a picture of him on top of the statue arm, and he looked tiny compared to the life sized statue. I made the statue have one hand on his hip and the other one flexing his other arm, and that's where Izuku sat.


"Here you go," I said to Izuku as I handed him the picture.


"THANK YOU!" Izuku said, giving me a hug and just staring at the picture with a big smile.


I went and got changed into my hero costume after that, and I was about to go and tell my parents when my mom came into the room.


"You two ran away so quickly you forgot to take Izuku's backpack with his sleepover stuff."


"Oh, thank you, Miss Dubois." Izuku said, giving my mom a bow.


"And I keep telling you that you can just call me Maria," my mom said with a smile.


"Oh, sorry, Miss D... I mean Maria." Izuku said, flustered.


"Hahaha" Me and Fluffy snickered at Izuku's flustered face.


"And you could be more courteous like Izuku here," mom lightly scolded me. I stuck out my tongue and said,.


"Nope, I don't wanna."


"Oh, maybe we should just cancel the sleepover then?"


"NO! No takebacks," I said, hugging Izuku and backing away. Mom only snickered and told us to have a fun adventure and not do anything too dangerous.


"Ok, Mom," I said.


"Yes, Maria," Izuku said. After she left, I pulled Izuku to the sleepover room and closed it after telling Izuku I will see him on the other side.


"Are you ready, Fluffy?"


"YES!" I opened the rift, jumped through, and soon appeared in the alley I left from yesterday.


I opened my inventory after checking that the coast was clear and pulled out a standalone door so I could let Izuku out. I opened the door slightly and peaked inside, and I saw Izuku peaking back and standing super close to the door.


"Hi, Izuku, are you ready?"


"Yes, yes, yes, open the door already."


"Are you reaaaaally suuure?" I said teasingly.




"Then let's GO!" I said, swinging the door open.


Izuku walked out and started to look around excitedly, but stopped when he saw we were in an alley. I laughed, closed and put away the door, and took his hand to lead him towards the Adventurers Guild. As soon as we came out of the alley, Izuku's face lit up, and he started to look at everything excitedly again. So the entire way to the guild we played, answer a million questions, and I found that I could not answer a lot of them myself. I really did not know a lot about the world, only the most obvious stuff, like that's a store. We soon came to the Adventurers Guild, and it stood out like a sore thumb as it was too clean compared to every house around it, and Izuku asked me why. So I told him how the guild master tricked me into cleaning the entire building from top to bottom, inside and out.


When we got inside, I took Izuku to the receptionist counter to ask what the rules were if a friend helped me on a quest. As we stood in line for one of the receptionists, some of the girls in line cooed at us, and I heard them whisper to their friends.


"Oh my goddesses, it's the sleeping beauty kid, and look, he is holding hands with that green hair kid. Are they maybe brothers?" The girl whispered to her friends


"Shh, they might hear you... and yes, they are super cute." The other girl whispered back.


I was turning red in the face, but I don't think Izuku heard them, as he was too focused on looking around the room. It soon was our turn, so I floated up and had to tug at Izuku as he was still spacing out. He noticed and started to float up beside me as well.


"Hello, Miss receptionist lady. I wanted to ask, What's the rule for taking a friend with you on a quest?"


"There are no rules on taking a friend with you on normal quests, but escort quests or bodyguard quests require you to ask the person you are guarding if it's ok."


"That's great"


"Ehh Sora… What is the lady saying?"


"Huh? What do you mean?"


"I don't understand the language."


"OH!" I had forgotten that, as my power let me understand them.


"Well, she said there was no problem for you to go on quests with me, so let's go and pick a quest."


"OK!" he excitedly said, so we went over to the quest board and left a very confused receptionist lady behind.


Together, we found a quest to exterminate a pack of wolves that had been harassing a nearby village. We took the quest back to the same receptionist, who tried to discourage us from doing such a dangerous quest with only two people. But I was a D-ranked member of the guild, so she could not deny me and gave me the quest but told us to be careful. After getting directions from her, I bought a map of the country that she could mark the village on.


"So, what did she say?"


"She did not want us to go on such a dangerous quest alone, but she didn't know that we were both really strong, and we got Fluffy with us."


"Ya Fluffy can protect us." Izuku said, petting Fluffy on the head.


"Yes, bow down to your superior and give him all the headpats and scratches," Fluffy said, melting from the headpats he got from Izuku.


I decided that we should fly there, as we only had a limited amount of time to play here over the weekend. So I handed Izuku the map and told him to figure out how to get to the village.


"WHAT!? I don't know how to read a map." Izuku said


"Well, you want to become a hero, and I bet All Might Know's how to read a map." That put a fire under Izuku, and with some help from me, we soon got to the village.


"Is this the village?" Izuku asked me.


"I think so," I said, leaning over to see the map.


"Yup, this looks like the place. Let's go down there and ask them where they have seen the wolf pack."


"I can smell the wolf's," Fluffy said mentally.


"Ya, but this is a training moment for Izuku, so be quiet or only give hints." I told Fluffy mentally.


We landed a bit outside the village and walked hand in hand. Izuku asked me why, and I told him it would look less threatening. The real reason was because I looked so young, so I used Izuku to pretend he was the older one and taking care of me. As we approached the village, we saw two village guards dressed in very cheap-looking gear. The village was small and had no walls to speak of, so I guess the area must be relatively safe.


"Halt kids" I stopped and pulled on Izuku to stop to


"What are you two doing here alone?"


"I'm with my big brother here. We are from the guild here to hunt the wolf pack that has been attacking your animals and people."


"And what are two kids going to do? Do you guys even have sparks yet?" I rolled my eyes… I figured it was going to be hard until I started to get a reputation.


"I have a guild card," I said, holding it up. The guard approached us, took the card, and looked it over.


"The card looks legitimate," he said, giving me the card back.


He then reluctantly told me where the wolves had been seen and where the attacks had happened before going back to stand guard. I told Izuku what he told me.


"So, how do you want to solve this?"


"Hmm." Izuku was thinking hard.


We spent about an hour looking around the places for tracks, and with a few hints from Fluffy, he was soon pointing in the right direction. With our speed, it was not hard to find the pack, as they could not get away. Izuku did not want to kill them, but I reassured him that we could just knock them out and then return to the village to tell them we had cleared the mission. He agreed, and together we quickly dispatched the group of wolves. As we flew back, Izuku asked where Fluffy was, and I told him he would catch up. Soon, wolf bodies started to appear in my inventory. The final number was 23 wolf bodies, and when I asked Fluffy to return, he told me he smelled something good and wanted to investigate while we were still in the village.


When we were on the outskirts of the village, Izuku turned to me and asked me.

"Sora… Did... did you have Fluffy stay back and kill the wolves?" I reluctantly gave him a nod.






"You did not want me to kill, right?"


"No… I." Izuku gave me a hug, and I hugged him back.


"I… I know we did the right thing by stopping the wolves, but... they were just hungry, and... I don't know.


"Well, Izuku, to the villagers, we are the heroes who saved them, and well, the world is never as black and white as they like us to think on TV. Think about it for a bit as I go and finish the quest."


I told Izuku to stay in the village while I went and told the guard the quest was complete. They wanted proof of the kills, so I pulled out all the wolves and made a big pile of wolf bodies. I think the guard regretted asking me for confirmation of the kills, but he signed the paper. I put all the bodies back in the inventory and went back into the village to find Izuku. He sat on a park bench, looking at some kids playing, looking like he was brooding. So I shopped him on the head.


"Stop sulking… BECAUSE I AM HERE" I said in my best All Might voice. Izuku looked shocked before giving me a smile.


"Thank you." he said, rubbing his head.


I sat beside him and gave him an ice cream from my inventory as we sat in silence for a bit before I asked him.


"So what got so down? Still thinking about the wolves?"


"Yes… No… D… Did we really do the right thing?"


"Hmm, it depends on how you see it... This is another world with very different morals and laws, so in this world we are kind of the heroes who save villages from monsters or bandits, but... in our world we did kill animals and would have needed some sort of license to do so. But you know what I think."


"What?" Izuku said, looking at me with curiosity.


"I think we did the right thing by helping these people, and if not, what if those wolves had attacked one of those kids playing over there." I pointed to the kids playing.


"Oh, I guess you are right."


"Maybe next mission we take some monster that is actually evil and should be taken down to save people?"


"YES!" Izuku said more cheerfully.


We finished the ice cream as Fluffy came trodding up to me and jumped up on my lap.


"Welcome back, Fluffy," I said, giving him a hug.


"So, how did your little adventure go?"


"I found so many yummy animals to hunt." he said with some blood still on his fur that I cleaned up.


"Sounds like you had fun."


Together, we all flew back to the guild, turned in the quest, and found another quest to hunt a Wyvern nest that had killed a few miners up to the north. No one had apparently taken the quest, as it was too much work getting up the mountain and hunting flying monsters. For Izuku and us, this was not a problem, so we took the quest, and the receptionist tried to get us to not take the quest, but I was stubborn. It took us a while, and only after some back and forth did we finally get the green light, with the help from the guild master, who was apparently monitoring us or something.


After we left the guild, I quickly took a detour to pickup my order from the enchanter before going on the quest. I was really excited to have my first aerial battle against monsters, who are kind of like smaller, dumber, and weaker dragons.


Izuku led the way again as I flew beside him, helping him with directions, and we soon found the mountain range, as it was kind of hard to miss. However, finding the mine was quite a bit harder, but as we were searching, we got attacked by the wyverns for flying in their territory. Luckily for us, they are quite loud, so they did not get any sneak attacks on us. Together, we made short work of them, as they are quite strong for people in this world, but Izuku is broken as heck with his powers compared to sparks in this world. Izuku and I knocked them all out, and after that, we left Fluffy to clean up and let him go explore on his own for a bit while we talked to the miners.


It actually took us quite a bit to find the mines, as most of their equipment and other things we could have used to find them easier were all pulled to the inside of the cave. When we finally found it, we landed, walked inside the cave, and found a bunch of dwarfs and a few humans in the mine.


"HEY KIDS, GET AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE!" The dwarf closest to us shouted when they saw us. The other dwarfs stopped to stare at us before another dwarf shouted for them to keep working as the closest dwarf walked up to us.


"WHAT in the bloody hells are you two doing here!?" He spoke very loudly, with a visible vein popping out.


Izuku panicked as he did not understand what the dwarf was saying and pushed me forward while half hiding behind me. That did not really work, as he was a head taller than me.


"Stop shouting, old man," I said, sticking my tongue out.


"YOU BRAT. That's not how you talk to your elders. And I am not that old; I am only 60 years old," he said the last bit, like he was a bit insecure about it.


"Now how come you are here, kids? This is no place for children."


"HEHE We are from the guild, and we took the quest to hunt the Wyverns that have been harassing you guys." I said it in my most smug voice.


"HAHAHA, did you hear that guys? This pipsqueak is going to hunt the wyverns" They all laughed until I told Izuku to close his eyes as I pulled out one of the wyverns and dropped it on the floor beside us… The room went quiet, and you could only hear really far-away pickaxes clinking against the stone walls.


"Well, we might have already finished the quest on the way here... Oops," I said.


After that, it took them a while to settle down, and I had to show more of the wyverns, and when they finally believed us, they all shouted in joy and started an impromptu celebration. They even tried to give us dwarven ale, but I quickly shut it down as we did not need to have two drunk, overpowered kids breaking the mountain in two. However, they cooked one of the wyverns for us and paid us a reduced price for it. I didn't really care for money, so I just accepted the free meal that went on until nighttime. We said our goodbyes, and as we left, Fluffy came back. Together, we flew a bit away from the camp, and I took out a freestanding door, and together we went back home. I gave my mom a quick summary of what had happened today and told her we were going to sleep.


"What already? It's not even been an hour?"


"Mom, I can come back just when I left, so we can go several times in one day."




"Well, do you want me to wake you up in roughly 8 hours then?"


"Yes please"


And that's how Izuku and I went back and forth between the magical world and home over the course of the weekend. We hunted several monsters and creatures. Fluffy got to hunt to his heart's content, and on Sunday night, an hour before Izuku's mom was going to get him, we went on our last quick adventure.


We appeared in the same alley we used all weekend and walked to the Adventurers Guild. When we got there, there was a lot of activity as the staff was frantically trying to do something. I walked up and got the attention of one of the adventurers to ask what was going on.


"Hello Mr. Do you know what's going on here?"


"You haven't heard?"


"No, I just came in."


"There has been a dragon flying around close to the capital that seems angry, and it has been attacking several areas already. They are trying to get an experienced team together to hunt down the dragon before it kills any more people. However, there are no strong groups close to the capital at the moment, so they are trying to get people from other guilds."


"Can't the guild master kick it's butt?" The man chuckled at this.


"No, he is strong, yes, but he is not that strong to solo a dragon. Those creatures are natural disasters and need a whole team to take them down."


"What can we do to help?"


"I don't think there is anything we can do, kid."


"Thanks anyway." I said before we moved away, as I informed Izuku about what the man told me.


"But we have to help." Izuku told me looking for a way to help.


"EVERYONE, PLEASE GATHER AROUND." One of the receptionists shouted to get people to quiet down and get closer to hear.


"We have new information about the dragon. It seems that someone has stolen the dragon's eggs from its nest, and the dragon went into a bloodrage shortly afterwards because of it. But for some reason, it can't locate the one who stole the egg and is therefore rampaging at random. We know from previous documentation that even if the egg is returned, the dragon won't settle down, and therefore we still need to put it down. So we are calling off the search for the ones who stole the dragon egg until the dragon threat has been dealt with."


"Oh, Shit," Fluffy said.


"Hey, no swearing," I told Fluffy.


"Mom and dad are not here. But that's not important. Let's go outside for a bit."




I filled in Izuku on what the guild lady said as we walked outside and found a park bench further away from the guild to sit down at.


"So what do we do? Should we find the people who took the egg?" Izuku asked us


"Hmm maybe… but we could also fight the dragon."


"WHAT! But they all said it's dangerous." Izuku said


"Ya, but we got superpower, and don't you want to stop the dragon from killing more people."


"I… I don't know…" Izuku said, looking like he wanted to, but... we promised not to do anything dangerous to mom.


"What do you think, Fluffy? Should we go looking for the eggs or stop the dragon?"


"I…" He sighed


"I already know where the eggs are... I… kind of took them."


"WHAT!" we both said, looking at Fluffy. Fluffy's tail curled in, and his ears flopped as we stared him down.


"Well, you remember how I explored for a while and you two went and turned in the quests? Well, I kind of found the dragon nest, thinking it was that wyvern nest, and as we already killed them, I thought I might as well take the eggs… I think that was not their nest…"


"So are you saying I have the dragon eggs in my inventory?"


"Ya… probably… most likely…" I looked through my inventory and quickly found the eggs.


"Ok, let's see," I said as I took out the monster manual book and found the dragon section. It had a general description of what a dragon egg should look like. They mostly matched up with the picture enough for me to say those were the dragon eggs. 


"The picture matches enough with the dragon eggs in my inventory... We are in so much trouble."


"Do you think we can defeat the dragon by ourselves?" I asked Fluffy and Izuku.


"Hmm, if the dragon are like the Wyverns but stronger… we should be able to defeat it… right?" Izuku said this while having a thoughtful expression.


"Well, I have always wanted to fight a dragon," Fluffy said while drooling.


"Fluffy, you are such a battle junky." I said, ruffling Fluffy's fur.


"Well, one of us needs to be the battle junkie."


"Ok. Raise your hand if you want to go and defeat the dragon right now," I said, raising my hand. Fluffy raised a paw, and then we both looked at Izuku, and after thinking for a bit, he nodded and raised a hand also.


Together, we flew towards the mountain area quickly. Fluffy was keeping an ear out for anyone screaming, roaring, or throwing fire around. Izuku and I looked around for anything big and flying. It took us a bit to find the dragon, but when we started to get close, it was not hard to miss the dragon roaring so loudly that it would have broken every glass window for miles if this were in a city.


"So what's the plan?" Fluffy asked both of us.


"How should I know? We have only been trained to fight humanoid enemies by dad and not dragons." I said to Fluffy


We were flying over a big forest close to the mountains, and the dragon was attacking something in the forest by repeatedly flying down and crashing into the ground. There was now a big open clearing and a lot of smashed trees.


"Well, if we have no other plan, then my plan is to just hit it REALLY hard!! LET'S GO!!!" Fluffy said as he grew to his maximum size and rushed forward to hit the dragon.


"Let's go and help Fluffy." I told Izuku, he nodded, and we both flew in to attack.


Fluffy flew in from above and crashed hard into the dragon, making it shoot like a missile into the ground and creating a dragon-shaped crater. The dragon roared and flew out of the hole, not looking like it had taken any damage. But before the dragon had a chance to get close to Fluffy, both me and Izuku came from the side and kicked it in the side, making it fly off and making another crater further away.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE, KIDS?!" I heard someone shouting.


I looked down, and there stood an adventurer in white armor. The guy looked really cool in his pristine white armor, and by the looks of it, he must have been the one the dragon had been attacking.


"WE ARE HERE TO HELP!" I shouted back.





"LOOKOUT," Izuku said, pulling me out of the way of the dragon who had come back.


"Thanks Izuku"


"You've got to be careful."


"I would have been if he had not distracted me." I said it with a pout.


"Stop talking and hit the bloody dragon," Fluffy said as he flew past us.


Together, we flew after the dragon and traded blows and dodging claw strikes from the dragon. It seemed to be highly resistant or immune to physical damage, I noticed, as it didn't really seem to get hurt.


"What do we do? The dragon seems to be resistant or immune to physical damage," I told Izuku and Fluffy after we sent the dragon flying once more.


"I don't know! Maybe we should retr-" Izuku tried to say that when the dragon appeared behind us and sent us all flying in different directions,.


I flew down into the forest and through several trees, feeling a buzzing sensation through my entire body. If not for the pain dial, I would probably be crying from the pain if the buzzing is anything to go by. But with my regeneration, it soon went away. I stood up and saw the line of trees I had flown through. I must have hit at least a dozen trees before stopping this crater.


I flew up and looked for the dragon, and I saw it was fighting Izuku by teleporting around Izuku and swiping at Izuku without being able to cut through his skin.


"THE BLOODY DRAGON CAN TELEPORT THE CHEATER!!" I heard Fluffy say over the mental link as I saw him rush ahead towards the dragon.


We both flew to help Izuku, but the dragon did something new again and made his claws light up with a yellow light before cutting Fluffy in half while leaving itself open to taking a hit from Izuku, sending the dragon flying away.


"NO FLUFFY!!!!" I screamed


"Don't worry, Sora. I'm fine; I can regenerate from this," Fluffy said while spitting out some blood. I saw him starting to regenerate, but it was so much slower to regenerate lost body parts.


"Land on the ground, and we will take care of the dra-" That's when the dragon appeared again, this time taking a huge bite out of my right side, taking my arm and part of the right side of my body, and sending me flying into the forest yet again.


"FLUFFY!!! SORA!!!" I heard Izuku scream as I saw Izuku go berserk on the dragon. Before I crashed into the forest.


I had never been hurt so badly before in this or my previous life, and seeing my missing arm and the blood, my emotional control quickly spiraled out of control. I started to cry and soon lost consciousness. This is not the first time this has happened to me. In my previous life, when I got badly injured as a child, my body would make me fall asleep to not deal with it.


"WAKE UP!" I jolted awake, seeing that I was inside my rift.


"You are finally awake," Fluffy said just as we exited the rift into our hallway at home.


"What happened"


"We survived thanks to Izuku and that guy in white armor, but you should worry about how you are going to tell mom and dad about our injuries," he said to me mentally before shouting.




"What's the shouting, and OH MY GOD!" Mom shouted when she saw us.


"OH GOD we are so grounded for the next decade," I said, but I was also so happy I somehow survived. My tears flowed down my face as I lost my emotional control.