
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · 漫画同人
106 Chs

Time to Close the Net

"Esteemed lords, I've spotted their patrol team!"

At this time, Ao hadn't yet acquired his proud Byakugan, but was merely an exceptional sensory ninja, excelling in reconnaissance. Under Yagura's command, few could match his sensory abilities.


As they neared the coast, he sensed the location of the patrol squad.

"Oh? Quickly, tell us."

Hōzuki Suigetsu hurriedly urged.

After listening, he was overjoyed.

He had to admit, although he didn't get along with Yagura, the latter did act in the interest of Kirigakure. Despite their disagreements, Yagura had still sent a capable hand, showing thorough consideration.

"Let's see... We can take this route, exploiting a slight gap in their patrol timing."

Fuguki Suikazan took out a map and pondered, identifying a route.

Ao, however, was somewhat worried.

After examining the route, he couldn't help saying, "Though this route allows us to avoid detection, once we start fighting, the Leaf ninja can easily encircle us from behind."

"We've already made it to Nagano Mountain, of course we should fight to our heart's content. Who's thinking of fleeing?"

Shibito Azuma looked at him with an expression of seeing a fool.

As expected.

The man Yagura brought shared the same trait as Yagura.

They ignored Ao's suggestion.

Hōzuki Suigetsu pondered for a moment, then with a wave of his hand, continued forward along the decided route.

Kyōichi, observing them heading towards the trap, knew these people had fallen into the setup.


From the situation of the Seven Swordsmen, he roughly estimated the range of their sensory abilities.

Almost equal to the limit of the Byakugan.

He immediately relayed this information back—

There could be no mistakes!

The Seven Swordsmen, unaware, charged forward, straight into enemy territory. Heading towards Nagano Mountain, they encountered only two patrolling ninja—Hayama Shirakumo and Might Duy.

This was, of course, intentional.

But how could the Seven Swordsmen know?

"Only two people on patrol?"

Hōzuki Suigetsu frowned.

"Judging by their aura, one is a jōnin, and the other's aura is unclear, not ruling out the possibility of a taijutsu jōnin."

"Two jōnin."

Fuguki Suikazan was in a dilemma.

Killing two jōnin wasn't satisfying for them, but they had to admit, Konoha's defense was airtight. Even the gap in their line had two jōnin on patrol.

This, in turn, reassured him.

He pondered for a while and said, "Killing two jōnin is not bad either. Let's take them down first, then adapt to the situation as it unfolds."

"Sounds good."


The Seven Swordsmen hesitated no more.

This was true recklessness!

As Kyōichi proceeded, using his chakra sensing technique, he sighed inwardly.

The Seven Swordsmen were truly inflated with pride.

Plainly put.

Stacking seven blades together might barely match a Kage-level ninja, but in the vast world of ninja, Kage-level meant little; death awaited those destined for it.

Kyōichi, keeping within Ao's sensory range, trailed behind.

After a while.

He frowned slightly.

Someone else was following?

This chakra signature and intensity...


He quickly summoned a slug, using its clone to communicate with another clone he had previously positioned with other patrol teams.

"The Seven Swordsmen have someone following them, at a distance... Be ready to intercept."


All patrol teams received the message.

Uchiha Yashiro was surprised; he knew Kyōichi held a high position, but he didn't expect that Kyōichi had also acquired a contract with the Slugs.

As for Inabi.

He looked at Yashiro and the other clan members, feeling genuinely disappointed.

Even after some investigation, Inabi knew of Kyōichi's high standing in the village, yet they seemed truly disinterested in external affairs, content with living off the Uchiha's past glory.

They were so behind the times!

Kyōichi didn't care what they thought.

Yagura had actually followed them!


The situation changed again.

They must resolve the battle quickly.

Kyōichi hurried towards Might Duy's location, and at that moment, Might Duy and Hayama Shirakumo were already close to the Seven Swordsmen.

The night, shrouded in mist.

Their Hidden Mist Technique was hard to detect.


Behind them, in the early morning mist, Hyuga Hoheto was following.

"Good morning, sir. There's a distribution of chakra in the fog ahead. It might be the Hidden Mist technique."


The Seven Swordsmen probably had the same idea as before: if there's a chance, attack the main base stealthily; if not, kill a few and leave as a demonstration of power.


What they didn't realize was that, in addition to tactics, guerrilla warfare requires extremely precise intelligence.

I have chakra sensing techniques, Byakugan.

What about you?

You have the form but not the essence.

Isn't this just an invitation!

No wonder Yagura was in such a hurry to get here. He must have sensed something amiss too, but unfortunately, he didn't expect the Seven Swordsmen to be rushing to their deaths. Moving instantaneously, at full speed.

For a while, he couldn't catch up.

So, no more chances then.


"Be careful."

Hayama Shirakumo warned in a low voice.

Might Duy nodded slightly.

He was a bit nervous.

Although he had been a ninja for over twenty years, most of his tasks were escort missions or logistical support. This was his first time participating in a Jonin level battle.


He soon stopped being nervous, because the Seven Swordsmen made their move!

Mist Instantaneous Body Technique!

Then followed a slash with a large sword.

Biwa Juzo took the initiative.

His target for assassination was none other than Might Duy.

"Be careful!"

Hayama Shirakumo drew his sword to help, but at that moment, a sword swung towards him, glowing with the light of explosion.

Explosive Sword - Splash.


There was a huge axe.

Two were focusing on him, while the others charged at Might Duy.

The Seven Swordsmen deemed Might Duy the weaker target, wanting to kill him with one strike. Meanwhile, Hyuga Hoheto, anxious, stood up and hurried over.


Before he could take a few steps, he saw terrifying chakra erupt from Might Duy.

What's this?

Eight Gates Release!

Hyuga Hoheto recalled a piece of news.

The Third Hokage had lifted the ban on two techniques, one being the Eight Gates and the other one was Breathing Vitalization Technique.

And the user of the Eight Gates...

It seemed to be Might Duy.

It's him!


Might Duy opened the Sixth Gate and disappeared from his original position, then his fists, fast as a raging storm, attacked one of them.



Biwa Juzo reacted quickly.

He moved his beheading sword in defense, barely blocking Might Duy's fist. However, Might Duy was too strong, his fists too fast, giving Juzo no time to counter.

The ear-piercing collision sounds gradually turned into sparks.

Morning Peacock!

"Save me!"

A look of terror flashed in Biwa Juzo's eyes.

What technique is this?

Impossible to block.

Without needing his call, Hōzuki Suigetsu was already there.

He stood in front of Biwa Juzo, his body turning to water. Although instantly shattered by the fists, water was what they had in abundance.

In a moment, he reformed.

The strength of the Hōzuki clan lay here.

Might Duy, catching his breath, bypassed him, swiftly moving to attack Biwa Juzo.

He didn't understand tactics.


He knew how to fight—

Focus on one person and beat them down!


Kyōichi arrived!

"Save me!"

A desperate cry for help came from behind.


The next moment, the cry stopped abruptly.

Kyōichi, with Wind Release Chakra Mode, Instant Body Technique, and Earth Spear all activated, didn't care about Ao's Shuriken or Kunai. He simply drew his sword and slashed.

One strike!

A blur of light and shadow, a figure moving forward.

Ao, dead!

Until the end, Kyōichi couldn't recognize him, only feeling that the face was somewhat familiar, similar to a character in an anime, but...

It didn't matter anymore.

Dead men have no future.

Fuguki Suikazan "Hair Spike Projection!"

Countless hair turned into a thousand needles, sweeping towards Kyōichi, but they were useless against the Earth Spear, Wind Release Chakra Mode, all deflecting these needle hairs.

Even as the hairs fell to the ground, piercing the ground.


They couldn't break his defense!

"He seems immune to normal attacks."

Fuguki immediately fled, joining others in attacking Hayama Shirakumo.


"This technique must be Earth Spear, right? I'm on it!"

Raiga Kurosuki grinned, his dual swords crossing, gathering lightning, and then a swath of thunder covering forward.


His lightning was countered by Wind Release Chakra Mode.


Sword Draw Technique - Vacuum Blade!

Wind concentrated to the extreme, wind chakra enveloped everything, devouring the thunder, the air, turning it into a vacuum.

Following that.


A high-pressure water column shot out from the sword, accompanied by the lingering Wind Release Chakra, turning into a tornado water column.



Hōzuki Suigetsu cursed.

Damn it.

Might Duy had just left, and now it was all up to the newly arrived Kyōichi to handle the situation.

His arm muscles bulged menacingly.

"The Technique of the Mighty Water Wrist!" he exclaimed. Following that...

Boom! A clash of a blade and a high-pressure water jet, but the latter could not be stopped, piercing a hole straight through the arm.

Fortunately, it turned into water.

By holding off Kyōichi, Might Duy decided to open up the remaining gate.

"The Seventh Gate, open!" he declared, recalling Kyōichi's words from before.

"The Eight Gates should be used in conjunction with special taijutsu. Beyond the Seventh Gate, perhaps one can use air and punches to execute even more powerful physical techniques."


"Daytime Tiger!" he roared.

Fuguki Suikazan appeared in a flash, bringing down his Samehada towards the Daytime Tiger.

This move was unbeatable.

The unspoken understanding among the Seven Swordsmen was a significant part of their strength.

However, this was not a ninjutsu.

Boom! The sword Samehada was sent flying by the collision, Fuguki Suikazan meanwhile stood in bewilderment, only to be engulfed by the Daytime Tiger in the next moment.

Fear flickered in the eyes of the other members of the Seven Swordsmen.

Especially those behind the Fuguki Suikazan, who had been planning to attack Kyōichi, fled instantly, with no intention of saving their comrade.

How could they? This technique was so powerful that even the Samehada couldn't withstand it, and by now, the Fuguki Suikazan's physical form had dissolved into a mist of blood.

The scene descended into chaos, and no one paid any attention to Kyōichi anymore.

In the next second...

"Yin Seal Release. Hundred Healings Jutsu!"

Then, "First Gate, open!"

Kyōichi didn't use the Seven Heavens Breathing Method against the Seven Swordsmen; there was no need for that now, with his buffs already maximized.

In the next moment...

He flashed towards Kuriarare Kushimaru.

Hayama Shirakumo was indeed struggling to fend off two or three opponents at once, even temporarily repelling them with the Vacuum Blade. But under the onslaught of their relentless steel wire traps, he was in constant peril.

"In that case, I'll finish you off first!" Kushimaru's face twisted into a cold smile, confident in his steel wire traps that could even cut through earth spears...

But in an instant, his smile froze.

The steel wires, upon touching Kyōichi, were severed by an overwhelmingly powerful chakra flow.

"Superhuman Strength Jutsu, Wind Style Chakra!"

Although it wasn't an augmentation of physical strength, the principle behind its use was similar.

The steel wires were destroyed in an instant.