
Kengan Match

(This is an OC Kengan match) Story by SilentEvil4554 and his friends I do not own this fanfiction. And have no intent to make money on this, I'm just sharing it.

IsekaidMe · 漫画同人
46 Chs

Index Kengan Initial Fights

Round 1 Kaiya Nariko "Bullet Ant" vs Yaturo Gojira

u/Historical_Pattern - u/Jaxbemis

Round 2 Aiguo Zhànsh vs Oguzan "The Inescapable" Maharret

u/Painquirky - u/CanniTheAmazon

Round 3 Jerry "The Milk Man" switz vs Akayama Yuuta

u/GaYfUrRyTrAsH - u/Giover02

Round 4 Alexander Flesas vs Viktor "The Russian Experiment" Miller

u/dragora24 - u/ShadowSlayer222

Round 5 David "King vs Agatsuma Takeo

u/SilentEvil4554 - u/CRAZY_DORITOS1

Round 6 Maxwell Beckett vs Sigfried "Blood" River

u/6-Thunderbird-6 - u/EdsonBXD

Round 7 Qi Ling vs Jack-Guo Qiang

u/BigDongDannyD - u/alee51104

Round 8 Terry Jackson vs Okabe Saburo

u/Kaged200 - u/thealmightyzod

Round 9 William Brando vs Kun-Lee Jian

u/akuisme - u/strongerthenbefore20

Round 10 Antonio Dos Santos vs Victor "Wicked " Faye

u/nikovolilepinje - u/krakaillou

Round 11 Kachi Metsukara vs Yajū/p

u/WeeabooOmega - u/Manofmanyfandoms2002

Round 12 Lysander Martinos vs Marco "The Predator" Dos Santos

u/El_John96 - u/frostyisrealdangit

Round 13 "The Archangel" Raphael Empio vs Talon Hiragi

u/gayboi-4-u - u/DuckDoritos

Round 14 Steve Johnson vs Cassius White

u/raresmeche - u/Machampking

Round 15 Vlad "His Bloody Highness" Voiculescu vs "The Jiangshi" Shirokoma Kijin

u/beardedbiscuits - u/MartingelI

Round 16 Liska Drabek vs Akuyama Rohza

u/princesscooler - u/BigBadBlotch