
Kakashi Hatake : I'm The Copy Ninja

Reborn as Kakashi Hatake the Copy Ninja with the knowledge of Kakashi from the Retsuden Novels. This Story will focus on the OC/Si and the Hatake Family. AU The Artwork Is Not Mine obviously. The World Map that I will be using for this story Is Not Mine Credits belongs to xShadowRebirthx

SirGoofy · 漫画同人
5 Chs

Chapter 3 : Training

Konoha Academy

Walking out of the academy never felt better, not having to listen to the teacher ramble on for what felt like an eternity, nevertheless, it's good to be out I could finally use this time to train, it's time to start putting in the work, these weights Duy handed us, will come in handy for strengthening and conditioning my body.

"Yo, Kakashi!" A boisterous voice called out to me.

turning around I saw a blur running towards me at high speeds. preparing to dodge, but before I could, he stopped right in front of me.

"Kakashi!" Obito spoke with excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah?" I said curiously as to why he was so excited.

"We were wondering if you want to hang out with us." He said pointing his thumb behind him at Rin. "It's okay if you don't want to, we don't want you to feel pressured into hanging out with us if you're not feeling it,"

I could, but I need to train, and I don't know if I have time to goof around. but judging by that desperate look on his face, they were probably hoping my answer would be yes. hmm, I could compromise. I could train and bring them along that would kill two birds with one stone. yeah, let's go with that.

"Sure," I said, seeing his face light up I quickly spoke. "but I have training that I need to do, and I can't skip out on my lessons, you guys can come with and I could help you practice your ninjutsu or taijutsu. so if you're fine with training follow me." 

turning around I began walking when I heard both of them walking behind me, so they made their choice. well, it takes a while to the training ground. so now is the time to gaze at the sky and think of unnecessary things until we get there.

(I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I)

Third Training Ground

"So this where you train, not bad" Obito spoke.

"so what do you usually do here, Kakashi?" Rin asked.

"Well, I practice my Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, and the Lightning Chakra training that my Father had been helping train me to use. although that last one has me thrown through a loop, I can't quite get Lightning Chakra down. but that's a lack of chakra control on my part. "

that is why I am here, so I can improve my Chakra control by using the tree climbing practice to Improve my Chakra control, and the water walking once I master the tree walking exercise. so I might as well help them to become stronger earlier than their canon counterparts. walking over to a set of trees I beckoned them to fellow.

"Here we will begin what most Shinobi know as the tree walking exercise, to begin, clasp your hands together focus your Chakra to your feet, and begin walking up the tree," I explained to them.

"Wait, the tree walking exercise, what does that do?" Obito asked confused about what benefit the tree walking exercise is supposed to bring.

"What Obito said, why are we walking up a tree, you didn't explain why we are doing this," Rin questioned.

she is right, I thought they would know already. I'm stupid, not everyone has foreknowledge about this stuff. now to explain what this practice entails.

"Sorry, that's my fault for not explaining to you what this whole exercise is all about," bowing I apologized.

"It's fine, don't sweat it, people make mistakes all the time," Rin hastily replied.

"Yeah, what Rin said." Obito spoking trying to cheer me up.

"Nevertheless, it's my fault for expecting you to know this exercise, most Shinobi only learn this after you already graduated or have a clan member to teach you," I said.

"Moving on, what this tree climbing practice does is improve your chakra control, so that when you perform Jutsus you waste less Chakra casting it," I explained.

"So this training will help us lose less Chakra performing Jutsus?" Obito asked.

"Correct," I replied.

"Now start infusing chakra into your legs, and climb up that tree," I ordered.

"On it!" Rin said

"Fine!" Obito replied.

Now time to join them in this boring and repetitive but worthwhile practice.

If you have any Ideas on how I could Improve let me know.

Word Count: 3941

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