
Justice Diary

“Who do you think will die? Will father die or he will be able to exorcise the evil spirit? If your give me the wrong answer you are safe but if it’s correct I have to exorcise you then." Aizawa was terrified of this Mysterious Man.

YourPenguin · 武侠
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - How to Exorcise a killer?

It's 10'o clock in morning and court is surround by the noises of camera flashes and questions of news-reporter. Everyone is eagerly watching a person coming out from the end trail of court. It was rare for that many media and news channels to gather at same place. 

 Many popular and big news channel's reporter came and gathered at one single place. The person who is coming out from court is the suspect of murder of Naoki, his wife and daughter.

 Aizawa, the suspect of murder is not just your ordinary man. He is famous doctor and widely known in the city. He own the biggest hospital of Shibuya 'HelpOk Hospital'. 

 Being owner of that big hospital, He have many big connections and influence. In hospital he treats everyone equally and kindly whether it's staff or patients. This is the reason why everyone respect him and adore him. He is also handsome and tall and have normal muscular body with broad shoulder. His skin is also fair and hairs are black and silky. 

Everyone in hospital idolize him. In hospital, Naoki work as floor incharge. Aizawa and Naoki both were close friends. Both families knew each other. Aizawa always go to the Naoki's house at Saturday to hang out and dinner. It was routine of every week for them. 

 This Saturday like always Aizawa was getting ready to go Naoiki's house and Aizawa's phone rang. 

"Man who is calling me at this hour? I will get late" 

 Aizawa looked at the phone and wondered why this Naoki is calling? He know I am coming to his house.

"Hello buddy, Are you missing that so much that you called me? Can't you wait for me?" Aizawa said in funny and casual tone.

"Ofcourse I am eager to see face on my one and only soulmate. You are taking more time even than my wife. What are you ? My second wife who like to make me wait like this?

 "Have a little patience. I am all set and ready and picking the key of my car and I will be with you in 30 minutes. Just wait till that"

 "Ok come brother I have something to discus with you. It's kinda important"

Naoki's take a pause of a min before said this in anxiously. Aizawa was little worried and lost in thought "What make him anxious like him?" Aizawa turn on the car' eingine and reached at Naoki house. 

 Aizawa ring the bell of Naoki's house. 

"One moment I am opening the door." A girl's voice came from inside. After few moment a little girl opened the door. 

 "Welcome uncle. Papa Aizawa uncle have came". This girl is the daughter of Naoki. She is 15 years old. But she is much intelligent and mature from other children of her age. From the birth, she love to play with Aizawa. She especially loves the Horror ghost stories Aizawa tell her. 

 Aizawa pat her head with softly.

"So which story you wanna listen today? Ghost? Zombie? Theif? Or something thriller?

 Aizawa were talking to Naoki's daughter while Naoki came out to door looking for Aizawa.

"Do you plan to spending your rest of night at my front door? Just come inside. Aoi let's uncle come inside first."

 Aizawa did replied with smile and took off his shoes. He hold Aoi's finger and came inside in living room. Naoki's wife came from kichen with dinner.

She served dinner on dinning table which was in the corner of room. 

 In appearance she is tall and slander women with shoulder length black hair and eyes with with wide pupil.

 She has long, thin and defined nose. Her skin tone is lighter and have long limbs especially her legs with small waist. She is beauty of whole apartment. 

 "Mrs Nanika, you are looking gorgeous like always. What's the secret of your beauty?" Aizawa said in flirty way.

"No please you are praising me too much." Nanika replied.

"If you done flirting with my wife can we start our dinner?" Naoki said with a smile while holding spoon in his hand which was enough to tell he is not here to listen their cheesy flirting lines.

Nanika served the dinner and everyone sit on chair and start eating. With jokes and laughter everyone finished their dinner. After dinner both sat on sofa and Nanika bought drinks and to eat something with it. 

Aizawa is better in holding alcohol than Naoki. Naoki has habbit to drink untill he knocked out when he is drunk. 

Aizawa poured drink in glasses. They both cheers and start drinking. After gulping first glass Naoki looked at Aizawa with distressed face. Aizawa remembered that Naoki wanted to talk with him on something. But before he can ask something Naoiki was drunk. And started babbling things on his own. 

Next day in morning around at 6'o clock Milkman came to deliver the milk but after ringing bell no one came out. He called and shouted if someone is inside but no one answered. After few minutes a maid came and asked "Why are you standing outside the house and shouting like a madman?"

The milkman told her that no one is coming out from the house. Maid is working in Naoki's house since 2 years and she had a spare key in case of emergency. 

With the spare key she opened door and when she went inside she saw Naoiki was laying on sofa and his head was bleeding. And with him Nanika was laying on carpet with bruises and ripped clothes. Her head was bleeding too. Maid screamed out of scare. Maid's scream made Milkman to came inside. 

He was shocked after seeing this scene. He checked both's breathing but they were dead. Milkman also got panicked and called police. 

After 15 minutes police came and they told them everything about the situations.

"Who was the one to found them dead?" Police officer asked.

"I found them laying in blood when I come to check" Maid replied.

"Who are you and how do you know them?"

"I am Hana and work here as a maid. When milkman was calling them out but no one came, I opened the door to with spare key to check and found them laying unconscious."

"I came inside after I heard the scream of Ms hana. When I saw them laying, I checked their breath and they were dead so I called you"

After asking questions, Police officer inspected the flat and examine the dead body.

Naoiki's head was smashed from behind and it seems like he dead because of the wound and loss of blood but there were no sign of resistance on his body.

Nanika's forehead was smashed and there was a clean cut on her neck. There were several bruises on her body. Her clothes were ripped and she were laying half naked so it was not hard to tell that some one sexually assaulted.

"Was there only two people in this family?" Inspector asked.

"No, They have a 15 year old daughter" Hana said with teary eyes. Her face was telling clearly that she is about to cry at any moment. 

She were barely holding herself. Since she were working there from 2 years, she developed attachment with them. And it was heartbreaking for her to see them dead.

Police officer opened the door of a room and saw Aoi hanged with ceiling fan. Aoi's body had lots of deep cuts of knife. She were hanged only with her underwear on.

Her whole body was covered with blood. The hands were tied behind her back and she were blindfolded. 

Lot's of chunk of muscles and skin was cut off from her like body like thighs, hips and arms. Her one whole breast was cut off as well. The bed sheet was covered and wet with blood.

The police officer put her body down. 

"Is not Mr Aizawa here? He were supposed to here yesterday whole night." Hana asked.

"Who is Aizawa?" Police officer asked to hana.

"Aizawa is the director of Helpok hospital and Naoki's friened. He always come Saturday for dinner and nightout with Naoki. But he doesn't seem here." Hana replied.

After inspecting the house and bodies, police officer sent bodies to the forensic lab. 

The sound of alarm wake up Aizawa. He was sober but his head was still killing him because of the drink which he had too much last night.

"Haruka can you bring me a cup of coffee?" Aizawa asked her wife.

"Yeah give me two minutes. Until then go and wash you face."

Haruka is the wife of Aizawa. She married him 5 years ago. She is tall and have slim body. She is a very beautiful, graceful, and fairly tall young women with a slender, curvaceous frame. 

She have long and straight black hair which reach till her mid-back. She has dark brown eyes and short bangs covering her forehead.

Aizawa stand up and went bathroom to wash his face. His face was slight pale maybe it could be because of hangover and tiredness but he didn't said any thing and went in living room. Haruki come with a cup of coffee and give it to Aizawa.

"What happened? You are looking unwell. You also came early yesterday."

"It's alright my dear wife I was little distressed and tired because of hangover. But thanks to your coffee I am all well now". Aizawa said with a sweet smile while kissing Haruka's hand.

While Aizawa and Haruki was talking someone ring their house bell. Aizawa went to open the door. After opening the door he saw 4 police officer standing at the door of his house. 

"What lead you to come her Mr Inspector Ichiro?" Aizawa asked.

"Do you aware that your close friend Naoki is dead?" Ichiro replied with a question.

"What? How? Are you serious?" Aizawa disbelieve this.. He was in shock after hearing about the dead of Naoki. His legs lost the strength. He took support of wall to stand.

"He found dead in his home with his wife and daughter. Everyone is dead and after asking to their maid we got information that you were at Naoki's house yesterday night. When did you came back?"

"I came back early because of the argument between Naoki and his wife. After drinking, both got in argument. I didn't spend much time there because of their quarrel and came back home early."

Aizawa's tear were leaking from his eyes. He was so sad and broke because of the dead of his best friend and his whole family. 

Because Aizawa was the last person who met naoki police suspected him and asked to search the house. Aizawa didn't stop them . After searching all house they didn't found anything. So in the last police officers went back. 

After police went back Haruka give support to Aizawa cause he was looking so distressed. Haruka know how close Aizawa is with Naoki. Aizawa hugged Naoki and stand like this for few minutes without saying a word.

Case was so offensive. Because Naoki was a doctor of a big hospital, this news spread across like a wild fire which build lots of pressure on police department to caught the murderer. 

Inspector Ichiro was waiting for forensic reports for clues. A junior inspector come with report in hand. Ichiro took the report and opened the file with hope. After seeing report it clear that how they died. There was alcohol traces in blood of all three Naoki, his wife and his daughter. 

Nanika's leg was fracture, her skull bone was cracked, bruises was on her body which she get in resistance and her vaginal wall was wounded and bleeding so it was clear that she were raped. The cut on her neck was so precise and clean which could be by surgical blade or a super sharp and thin blade.

Aoi seems to be badly torture and sexually assaulted. The cut off of muscles seems to be so deep. In some areas her bones was visible. There so deep and large cut all over on her body. Ichiro was hoping for big clue what there was nothing. Even the DNA and fingerprint they found was of Naoki and his family.

Suddenly this thing caught his attention. Aizawa was there too but there is no fingerprint to be found in naoki home. There should be atleast one or two. And the cuts were so deep and clean which could be by surgical knife. These things were suspicious. Ichiro already had doubt on Aizawa. 

Ichiro went at Naoki place again in hope he may find something. While searching whole home his attention got stuck at a broken glass which was thrown in dustbin. 

It's a broken tumbler glass which people use to drink cold drink, juice or alcohol. While looking it closely Ichiro found few blood stains on it. 

Ichiro become confidant that he might have found evidence to caught Aizawa. He sent it to forensic lab and according to the report it has dna of Naniko and fingerprint of Aizawa. It was enough evidence to caught Aizawa.

Ichiro went straight to Aizawa hospital to caught him. After seeing Ichiro coming Aizawa didn't runaway. He was standing there. 

"Yo! Inspector Ichiro what bring you there? Are you unwell?"

"I am well but you won't well from today. I am come to arrest you for murdering and assaulting Naoki, Naniko and Aoi."

Aizawa didn't resisted and went in police van corporately. It was shocking to see Aizawa getting arrest for the accusation of murder. In hospital he was the role model of everyone.

After the arrest of Aizawa, the news spread wildly. Everyone was astonished. Some were in support of Aizawa and some were against him.

After 2 days of lockup in jail, Aizawa's trail date came. It was the first time that court was so crowded. The trial end in one day and because there was no solid evidence the Judge acquitted Aizawa.

There was not any guilt on his eyes infect his eyes was shinning like he achieved a great achievement. It was looking like he win a big victory. Aizawa was heading towards van with inspector ichiro. 

"You seems so relieved Mr Aizawa. I wonder if you are innocent or you have pulled some strings to save your neck?"

A news reporter was standing near the of van asked aizawa. He appears to be a handsome man in his 30's with his black hairs and violet eyes which outstand his appearance.

He looks so cam and collected not rushy and pushy like other reporter who were bombarding Aizawa with questions.

"Think as you want I don't give a dime to what other think. I just wanna spend my rest life in peace so I don't want to answer any question to ruin my rest of life."

"You seem to have misunderstood me Mr Aizawa. I just thought you have used to get of these same typical questions. I should come to the ask something different. How did you felt when you killed your best friend and his daughter and raping his wife."

"Don't you think I killed them? Even court acquainted me from murder charges of naoki and his wife. Are you doubting in our honourable judge's decision?" Aizawa said in discomfort voice. He just wanted to get out from this place.

"No no that's not I meant. How could the decision of our honorable Judge. I am just a ordinary reporter. I am just curious as other what was the reason Naoki and her wife got murdered?"

"How would I know this? Your should ask the real murderer not me."

Aizawa tilted his head down to look at Id card. 

"Well Mr. Hiroki you should use your time on catching the real murderer. It's been one week since I haven't eat my wife's hand food. My wife is waiting for me at home. So I would like to leave now Mr reporter."

After saying this Aizawa went straight into the van with the expression of relief on his face. The driver start the van and Hiroki was standing with blank face in crowd and watching van going far and far.

After reaching the home, Aizawa ring the door of his flat and Haruki open the door. She hold Aizawa while crying. 

"It's ok now. Why are you ruining your beautiful face?"

"You are looking so thin. Did they mistreated you? You are looking so weak." Haruki said while worrying about Aizawa. Haruki is living with Aizawa since 5 years. She trust him blindly."

"There was no food of your hand so obviously I will be thin. I want to take bath. My hairs are so greasy and I am feeling like I am so dirty. So I am going to take bath till then you prepare food."

Aizawa went in bathroom. His eyes are filled with pride and have a grim smile on his face.

"Even after murdering, blackmailing, assaulting I am here safe taking bath in warm water and cleaning my body with scented soap. What can police, court and media do me? Nothing I am invincible it's not like it's my first time doing this. It was my small mistake that a little evidence left behind. Ahh that reporter, he asked who is going to be my next target? He seem interested person. That poor Naoki, he died because of his stupid stubbornness. If you were drunk and passed out you should be stayed like that. Why to wake up in middle? Should have let me fuck her wife just once quietly. He and his family should be alive and he would have been the chief manager now. He asked if I can recommend his to hospital council for chief manager post. I just asked to let me sleep with Nanaki once for recommending. But whatever let's eat dinner first then think about how should be my next my target?" 

Aizawa came out from bathroom and called Haruka to bring dinner on table. But there was no reply. He went in kitchen to while looking for haruka but she was not in the kitchen. As he turn around someone smacked his head and Aizawa passed out.

Aizawa gain his conscious and open his eyes. He found himself hanged on reverse cross sign.

"You know this scene is my favourite scene of this movie. See how she is crawling on wall. Do you think father will exorcise her successfully or will he die?" 

Aizawa saw a man was sitting on wooden chair beside Aizawa and watching show on tv. Aizawa has not saw that person before in his life. He was confused and wasn't abled to gather his thoughts.

"Who are you? Did you tied me there? What do you want from me? Money?"

"Be quiet it's climax of this movie. Can't you see I am busy right now?"

"Are you fucking crazy? Let me go. What do you want? Money? How much money you want? I can give you any amount you want."

The mysterious man paused the movie and turned his face to look Aizawa with menacing smile. Mysterious man is tall with medium muscular build. He has black hairs and menacing eyes. He wore a black turtle neck pullover, a black denim, leather boots and gloves which cover his entire body. 

"Who do you think will die? Will father die or he will be able to exorcise the evil spirit?"

Aizawa was not able to collect his thoughts. He didn't ever saw this person before in life. Aizawa was scared for the first time of his life. His throat dried because of fear. He asked demands of mysterious Man to let him go. But there was no change in his face expression. Mysterious Man's face has a slight smile. It was appearing as it's some kind of game for him.

While ignoring what Aizawa was saying, He asked again.

"Who do you think will die? Will father die or he will be able to exorcise evil spirit?Give a answer quick I don't have much time. We have to reach second level of this game."

Aizawa assumed till now he is not a normal sensible person. He can kill him if want anytime. Aizawa thought it's better to play with him.

"Spirit will die for sure. Father can exorciet evil spirit. I gave you right answer so lemme go."

"Thiiiiiiiiiiii." The mysterious man pressed a buzzer.

"Sorry that's a wrong answer. Now you have to prepare for the punishment for the sins you have committed."

"Please, let me go. What have I done to you? If I did something I am sorry. I will do anything you want."

"Stop cring. You should be happy that you went to next level. Wait I have something to show you."

That Man went in corner of room and bring a cart with him. Because of darkness Aizawa was not able tell clearly what was in cart. 

The Man bring a cart and stopped it in front of Aizawa. After seeing the cart aizawa started to sweating in fear. 

A wooden board was attached to the cart and a person's body was hanged blindfolded.

That person's arms and leg was tied into board with rope in T shape.

"Oh did you recognized your team mate?. He went on 2nd level earlier without you. He is waiting eagerly for you."

After TV screen light on face of that person Aizawa become was too stunned to speak. 

"Our Judicial judge sir is endurable than I thought. Even after all bleeding like this he is still alive." 

There was no layer of skin on his entire body. He was bleeding fom head to toe. His mouth was stitched and cart was drenched with blood.

 Mysterious man put a tennis ball in Aizawa's mouth and stick a tape on his mouth.

He grabbed a potato peeler and started to peel Aizawa's skin. Aizawa's tears and snot falling and he was struggling but it was no use. Just as he peeled Aizawa's leg skin, He lost consciousness. 

After around 30 minutes Aizawa gain consciousness and saw That man stand in front him with peeler. He tried to move his legs but was not able to feel them. 

When he look up to see. He was stunned by seeing there were no skin or muscle tissues on his legs. There were only bones and tendons.

"You wake up. Let's us start from where we left. I exorcise your half body. Now other half is rest to be exorcise."

Again he started to peel Aizawa. Aizawa was writhing in uncontrollable pain. He pissed, cried, tried to shout but was helpless. He was drenched in his blood piss and tear. 

"Wow, Now you completely peeled like a potato and red like a tomato." He said while holding Aizawa's face and with a big ear to ear shining smile. He again put his hand in cart and bring out a staple machine. 

"Congrats for clearing 2nd level. Now we are in 3rd level. I will toss a coin and you have to guess whether it's Tell or head. If you guessed it right I will staple our honorable Judge and if you guessed it wrong I will staple you." 

He removed the tape and ball from Aizawa mouth. There was no skin on his whole body. His muscle tissue was visible. And there was nothing on his legs expect bones and tendons. He was hanged upside down because of that all his pissed was leaking and and drenched his body which caused him burning sensation and too much pain.

Mysterious man tossed a coin and caught it in his hand.

"Head or tail?." Mysterious man asked but Aizawa was not able to speak because of pain. 

"Look like I have to guess. Tail? Let's check. Wow you are so lucky it's a tail mean it's judge's judgment time. But since Aizawa can't choose I am changing few rules in game. I will staple the looser till he lose consciousness or die. So according to rule It's the time of our honorable judge to play."

He started to staple pin in Judge's body. After stapling for 5 min the movement of body stopped. Mysterious Man checked his pulses to know if he is dead or alive.

"Look like our honorable judge is out of game. I was expecting a lot from him but he lost. My friend Aizawa you won the game. As per rules of game I am going to let you alive fix everything means #fullrecoveryzerodamage."

He picked a piece of skin and started to staple it on Aizawa's body with stapler. As he completed stapling this chest with skin, Aizawa died.

"There are not a good player or winner nowdays..These participates were not that amazing but atleast I exorcised them. Let's complete the task of today. I can't miss evening snack." He lighted the body and cart in fire. After doing stretching he open the door of room and went out. 

This is my first time writting something. I hope you will like it. Free feel to tell me if there is something I need to improve.

YourPenguincreators' thoughts