
Jujutsu Kaisen: Honor Is Useless To Me

After the shocking weight of being brought to another world passes. All there is left is gaping hole of having no dreams and wants. After the bliss from strength is gone, the euphoric feeling of growth vanishes, and the word meaning becomes meaningless. What is left? Throughout heaven and Earth only few know this answer and sadly Kuta is one of them. I accidently posted this under novel and not fanfic so here it is fixed.

Zxl_Numa · 漫画同人
26 Chs

New Beginnings

-5 years later-

As I laid in my bed, I tried manipulating my cursed energy around me.

'After 5 years I can only accomplish this.' I had a frustrated look on my face before hearing steps leading to my room and then someone knocking. I got up and walked over to the door opening it to a smiling kid.

"Big bro you want to go outside and play." As I looked at my little brother Tokito, I looked at him with a smile before rubbing his head. "Sure, what you want to do." My brother looked at me smiling before leading me outside.

"Let's play tag." I looked at him with a funny expression. "You never beat me in tag." He looked at me with a challenging expression. "I'll catch you this time I promise." Before long He was chasing after me, eagerly trying to catch me. I was able to easily outmaneuver him while thinking about my Cursed energy training. 'With my Current strength I'm at least a Grade 3 sorcerer. But with my current strength I couldn't even make the smallest impact on the cursed society.' I gained an annoyed expression before jumping on Tokito's back to invade him.

"Hey that isn't fair." Tokito looked at me with a pouting expression. "Sorry I wasn't even paying attention." After I said this, I could notice Tokito expression become even more frustrated. "Big bro when will I be able to do stuff like that."

I looked at him a lightly chuckled. "Maybe in a million years Tokito." He looked at me deepening his pout before running inside sad. I followed behind him with a sly smile. "Mom Kuta won't play fair against me."

'You snitch.' I quickly put on a good boy smile before looking at my mother sitting on the couch relaxing. "Kuta how many times do I have to tell you. Go easier on your brother, he's 6 years younger than you." I looked at Tokito with an evil smile before answering back. "Yes mother."

Tokito gained a scary expression at my smile and quickly sat next to mom. before looking back at me and sticking out his tongue. 'Brat.' I walked toward the kitchen thinking of what to make before hearing mom say.

"We're out of eggs. You mind picking some up Kota." I let out a quiet sigh before answering. "Yes Mom." I quickly walked towards the door noticing dad's shoes there as well. He must be in bed asleep. Mom allowed me to stay out longer than a normal kid because I know the neighborhood better than anyone. I walked to the market before noticing a strange energy in an alleyway.

Lately I've had more cursed encounters. 'What a drag.' All though the curses where annoying they still were good practice for the future.

'Probably a curse' as I entered the alleyway, I saw a small creature and approached it coating my hand in cursed energy. The creature was weak, before long I exorcised it with ease. Looking up at the sky I could tell that the sun was starting to set. As I stood in the alleyway looking at where the curse had died at, I started thinking.

'Didn't I go on patrol two days ago. There shouldn't be any curse spirits around these parts.' As I stood there and thought, I quickly shook it off before leaving the alleyway. I walked home feeling the wind on my face. A strong putrid scent filled the air.

'I'm getting a bad feeling.' As I walked home, I walked towards my front door and my heart suddenly slowed down. I pushed on the door and felt the door slide with ease. As I opened the door a strong scent hit my face. As the smell exited through the door, I felt my knees become weak.

"MOM, DAD, Tokito." I felt my throat instantly dry; my words barely made it out before I heard an evil laugh. I Walked through the door I saw something that I thought impossible. Standing on the bloody pile of limbs was a laughing curse.

'I wasn't even gone for long. How... did you even get here.'

I looked at the curse as he chowed down on a limb. He looked at me just smiling and eating it. I could tell he was loving the despair I felt.

The Moments all of them ran through my head.

"Big bro you want to play."

"Kota help mom right quick."

"Kota You're pretty strong for a Kid your age."

I felt all three voices mix into one.

"Kota, I love you."

The monster finally feeling that his meal had been seasoned properly with delicious despair rushed him delivering a punch right to his stomach.


The punch the cursed deliver was stronger than anything I had ever felt. I struggled to get onto my feet. The cursed look at me surprised that I could still stand. I felt tears fall slowly down my eyes.

'I can't cry right now.'

I wiped my tears and put my guard up surprising the curse. Coating it in cursed energy I prepared to battle the curse. It quickly approached me hitting my guard with a barrage of punches. I felt my arms slowly going numb. I could barely dodge the attacks thrown at me. My movements where sluggish and I was running into furniture placed around the living room.

'I can't win. If I hadn't dumbly taken that hit from the start than I probably would've had a chance to attack back.'

I felt my body press onto a wall. The monster gained a big smile before approaching again.

For a split second I could feel everything stop.

'How unlucky could I be. My Cursed Technique didn't manifest. On top of that I let an opponent near my level get a free hit on me.'

As I saw the monster's huge fist slowly approach my head, I instantly focused on the fight. 'Focus Kota, your family wouldn't want you to die here. Focus everything into your cursed energy manipulation.'

In a split second I dodged the monster's attack before countering. As the counter hit, I could feel my wounds slowly healing. But even better a spark of lighting sprayed out of the monster.


The monster smacked into the wall adjacent to the one my back was to. The monster slowly dissipated. I instantly feel on my knees feeling my eyes water.

'I won.' I looked at my hand feeling accomplished. ' I avenged them.' I looked at what was left of my family and slowly grabbed everything I could. I placed them in the backyard building a grave for them. As I looked at them, I could only feel a wave of sadness wash over me.

'I won but what. I could care less about that I want my family.' I sat on the ground looking over the graves. Although I won, they were still gone. I looked up at the sky feeling it blur.

"Did the News say it was going to rain." I looked up at the sky feeling my voice shake.

I sat there looking at the sky. The blue sky slow turned a hue of darkness. I didn't know for how long, but the exhaustion from the fight slowly engulfed me before long I felt my consciousness slip. Before long I awoke in a dorm room of sorts.

I lifted my head and looked around before getting out of bed. When I got up, I looked at what I was wearing.

'Is this the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College uniform.'

As I stood up, I noticed the familiar uniform on my body replacing my previous clothes. While checking out my clothes I heard someone open the door to my room.

"Oh your awake."