
Journey of Blood and Cruelty

(I was inspired by real life events to write this novel) What if no matter what you said or do, no one would believe you. What if no matter how you walked or talked, people would find you as a nuisance. What if no matter how much sense you tried to talk into a person. They just wouldn't listen. What would you do? (The first chapter is probably gonna suck ass. Other chapter's are fucking amazing!) Disclaimer - This novel is like hella gorey, and the depictions of cruelty and showing's of how a person play's with someone's emotions and other stuff are like hella scary, I've warned you.

Fuketsu · 灵异恐怖
4 Chs

2nd Chance

Chapter 2 - 2nd Chance

Waking up in a cold sweat, Norman turned his head to see the beautiful face of Rebecca. "Oh that was quick" She said with a smile. As she was about to continue talking Norman cut her off. "I know, the fighter's are defending this place." Norman stated. Before getting out of his sleeping bag and running out of the shelter. To the right of him was a hill. And on top of them was a bridge, Turns out norman was sleeping under a bridge.

Seeing Teska's figure made Norman angry, suddenly an impulse to kill him emerged in his mind. Holding his head in annoyance Norman fought the thoughts. Teska noticing this didn't take it to heart. Norman was a big guy, nothing can hurt him Teska though to himself.

Rebecca finally catching up to Norman saw him holding his head and looked worriedly at him. Coming closer to try and comfort him Norman pushed her violently. Causing Rebecca to fall to the ground. Teska seeing this decided to intervene. 'If I can make Norman look bad, then Rebecca can be mine' This seed of greed was planted in his heart. Causing Teska to act out on impulsive. Whipping out his knife and standing in front of Norman with his back turned from Rebecca acting as her protector. "You bastard. How dare you hit a woman!" Teska exclaimed, with a wide arch growing on his face. From Norman's memories he knew that Teska wasn't this impulsive and villainess. So what's causing him to act this way? Suddenly Norman thought back to his skill set and remembered having a skill called Norris's Curse and Villain's mindset. That would explain his villainess impulse and his bad luck.

The impulse to kill them grew stronger. While Rebecca on the other hand had scraped her hand on the pavement causing it to bleed. Impulsive thoughts flew into Rebecca's mind. "It's best if we hand him over to the zombies" Rebecca whispered in Teska's ear while pointing at Norman signifying that they were talking about him.

Removing his hand from his head. Norman knew the best course of action was the runaway. Looking at the bridge above them. "Teleport" Instantly Norman teleported away, and appeared onto the bridge. Soon a huge wave of fatigue hit Norman like a tidal wave, causing him to pass out. Although he had only used it once he was already this tired. Norman had guessed that it was the distance that he was crossing not the amount of times he had used it that caused the fatigue. Although both could also be a contributor to it.

After a few minutes the fighter's had finished fighting the zombies, Looking back at Teska and Rebecca. "Where's Norman?" Randolph asked. His green hood waving in the air creating waves on it. "Up there" Teska pointed at the sleeping figure of Norman on the bridge. Looking at the distance from where they were at to the bridge, Randolph found it impossible to get that far up there in a few minutes. He couldn't believe it. "How'd he get up there?" Ezekiel asked, dissolving his blood sword into a pool of blood, before having it go back into his body. Lack of blood can cause Anemia you know.

Ezekial had thought the same thing as Randolph, it was simply impossible for a normal human being to get up there that fast without the help of super powers. Hearing Ezekial's question Teska made a thinking expression for a few seconds. "He teleported" Rebecca interjected. Hearing this Randolph impulsive yelled out. "That bastard! He lied to us! He told us he didn't have any powers. Let's kill him!" An evil arch grew on his face. Hearing this news caused Teska to clap his hands in joy. Unbeknownst to them they weren't acting like there usual selves.

The rest of the fighter's were ordinary people with weapon's. Hearing this news they just went along with the flow. No need to argue, that'll just get you into trouble. "Does lying really warrant death?" A middle-aged man with gray hair interjected. Causing the mood to go down a little. He was the only self-aware one and had realized that things were going a little to ruthlessly. Hearing this man's question. Rebecca quickly retorted. "H-he tried raping me" Rebecca nearly burst into to tears putting her arm's near her chest making her seem far more frail and vulnerable. The old man couldn't believe Rebecca's words. Seeing the doubt on his face Teska decided to take matters into his own hands. "Yes he even assaulted her. Look at her hand!" Teska clammored. Hearing Teska's claim, Rebecca's lifted her hand showing the blood-red mark on it caused from scraping her hand on the pavement.

In the end a cruel arch grew on the old man's face. "That man deserves the most painful death imaginable." Pulling his dual swords from there scabbard. Seeing these turn of events caused Teska to go giddy. "We'll torture him. I'll take his eyes." He said with a smile. While Rebecca witnessed this with a calm smile on her face. 'That bastard. This is what he deserves for hurting me!' Rebecca was normally a sweet and funny girl. She'd never hurt a fly but because of something so small, she decided to kill a human. It was crazy but it was happening.

After 10 minutes of making there way to the bridge, they finally found Norman. He was still fast asleep because of the fatigue caused from teleporting up here. The old man took the initiative to torture norman. Grabbing his sword and chopping down on his finger. *Shing* Instantly Norman's right thumb and index finger came flying off. The pain caused Norman to jolt awake. Holding his hand in pain with his other hand. Since Norman was on the ground all he could do was sit up and move back a little his leg's pushing his but on the pavement.

Seeing the mob in front of him Norman was curious. What did he do to deserve this? "Brother can I borrow this for a second?" Teska stated, pointing at the middle-aged man's sword that was used to cut off Norman's finger and thumb. "Be my guest" He responded handing it to Teska. Gripping the sword in happiness, Teska then pointed it at Norman. "You bastard, prepare to be punished for your crimes." Before poking at Norman's eye, Norman instinctively held his hand up to protect his eye. Unfortunately he was far to late. The sword penetrated his eyes. Causing blood to flow from it.

Norman held his face in pain. "Wha-What did I do to deserve this!" Norman yelled his voice quivering due to the pain. "Pain x5" The middle-aged man interjected. This was his skill he was able to amplify pain. Instantly Norman's eyes and finger and thumb started to ache terribly. The piercing pain nearly caused him to yell. Norman hurled up in a shrimp like pose. 2 more people stepped forward these people had bat's. For each hand.

Seeing this Norman instantly yelled. "No please!" Tears streaming down his face. They swung there bat's down on him. Norman held his hand out to protect himself, instead getting his hand hit with a bat. Soon pain descended on his body. They were beating him like he was an animal. "God what have i done to deserve this!" Norman cried out. The others watched with satisfaction as though they were purging evil. "Please have mercy!" Norman muttered strenuously. Beforeing being hit on the arm. They were aiming for his head but his arm was covering his head.

"God please save me! I've done nothing wrong!" Norman cried out. But no one heard his prayer's. Soon the middle-aged man walked up to Norman with a warm smile. "Guy's stop this. It isn't right" The 2 people with bat's looked at each other before stopping. Seeing these turn of events Norman grabbed onto the man's pant's leg's desperately. "T-Thank you! Thank you so much!" He cried out. Then the man held out his palm onto Norman's forehead with a smile. "Pain x10" He muttered coldly. The spectator's seeing Norman's pain smiled deviously. The middle aged man poked out Norman's other eye. Using his other sword to play with his eye tissue a little. Swirling the eye tissue in his eye socket. Causing Norman to convulse in pain. The 2 people with bat's then stepped forward. One swung his bat onto Norman's nose heavily injuring him causing his nose to bleed. While the other swung his bat on Norman's throat the bone in his throat burst into dozens of pieces.

"P-p-please…stop this" Norman begged. Holding his throat in pain. He was now blind and could barely breath and speak. Seeing this gorey scene caused Rebecca to look scared. Teska grabbed her by the hips and brought her to his side comforting her. "Don't worry I'll protect you." Teska comforted. Licking his lips lecherously. In fact Teska had a wife and kids but he was blinded by evil.

Rebecca looked up at the 6 foot Teska with a smile. 'This man is definitely better than Norman' She thought to herself. Enjoying Teska's loving embrace.

'Run' This was all Norman could think about. 'Run get out of there!' A voice shouted in his mind. Causing Norman to stand up groggily. "I need to survive!" Norman yelled. Running a fast as he could. He didn't dare to use teleportation since that would cause him to pass out. Norman's legs were injured because of the bat beating's he took. Soon his legs gave out, he had barely crossed a few meters before dropping to the floor. Hitting his head on the pavement face first.

'When you can't fight, run. When you can't run, beg' A voice advised in his head. Causing Norman's to stop drifting in and out of consciousness. He slowly crawled to the other direction where the group of tortuere's were. Facing them, Norman with all his strength yelled out "Please spare you me!" That yell hurt Norman's throat very much, but if he could get out of this situation alive then so be it.

Seeing these turn of events. Randolph the leader smiled arrogantly. Instantly dashing towards Norman's position. Seeing this Norman blacked out.

"You just weren't strong enough. Maybe next time" A man sitting on a backwards chair said to Norman. Norman who's back was against a wall looked up only to realize that the man that was talking to him was in fact Jackson (The past life him). The difference was that the man had a cold and ruthless air to him. He had an evil smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Norman asked cautiously. He was curious who this man was, and where he was at but it was best to find out questions who he was first. "I'm you. The part of you you discarded long ago." Jackson got up from the chair and walked closer to Norman each footstep resounded in the space they were in. Jackson bended over, taking a good look at Norman's face. "You are going to suffer greatly before you can even dream of turning the tables. Accept my power" Jackson coerced masterfully. Norman understood what this was, this was the evil part of him that he didn't want to let out. Even in his previous life Norman had alot of urges but never succumbed to them. "No, I refuse." Norman retorted. "In the end, man can only settle their differences through violence. So be it." Jackson said, snapping his finger's. Before Norman could say anything, a fire sword cut off his head sending it rolling to the side.

I had an idea of where and how he was going to be tortured. Unlike last time I've put alot of thought and planning into the future and current chapter. The events of now will impact the mc's actions and decisions tremendously in the future.

Fuketsucreators' thoughts