
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · 漫画同人
100 Chs


"Loki is truly cunning," Amelia remarked, her eyes fixed on the Upgrade TV, capturing every detail.

"Indeed, he always was," Ben nodded, his gaze shifting when Bruce Banner arrived on a motorbike.

Bruce, surveying the devastation caused by the Chitauri, expressed, "There's so much destruction, it's horrifying."

Steve after killing one alien, nodded, "Yeah, I know. We need Hulk now." Using his shield, he stopped one alien invader. "Tony, Bruce has arrived," he said over the comms.

Tony quickly responded, "Have him become the Hulk; I am bringing a big party." He then used his suit's power to find the weak point of the massive Chitauri Leviathan.

"Bruce, this is the right time to get angry. We need you," Steve shouted, urging Bruce to become the green colossal being.

Tony approached with the gigantic alien leviathan towards them, Bruce took a deep breath, whispering, "Captain, this is my secret... I'm always angry." And as he turned, his body underwent the transformative process, tearing apart his shirt as the mighty Hulk emerged.

With a thunderous roar, the Hulk delivered a powerful punch to the massive Chitauri Leviathan, stopping him from going any more forward. The Leviathan started breaking apart, and in a few seconds it was destroyed with the help of Tony's weapons.

The battle was still raging, but the Earth's mightiest heroes had gained a formidable ally in their fight against the Chitauri.

"Hulk is truly incredibly strong," Amelia nodded, witnessing how just one punch had sent the Chitauri Leviathan spiraling.

"But this is just the beginning," Ben remarked, gesturing towards the portal as multiple massive Chitauri Leviathans emerged.

The battlefield intensified further as more leviathans poured out of the wormhole, the alien invasion showed no signs of stopping. Despite the heroes' valiant efforts, the overwhelming numbers of the Chitauri threatened them.

"Many more are coming," Natasha observed, her she swiftly seized an alien weapon, destroying another Chitauri's army.

Hawkeye, noticed only two arrows were left on him, he exclaimed, "My arrows are running out!"

"There are so many of them, and they show no intention of stopping," Natasha shouted.

Tony Stark explained, "We need to find Loki to stop this." After successfully obliterating another leviathan, he goes to locate Loki, since he was the key to halting the endless wave of Chitauri invaders.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Loki found himself facing the Hulk. He couldn't resist taunting the green behemoth, declaring with disdain, "You stupid human, you're not even dust to me."

The Hulk became angry hearing it, he caught Loki with his leg, and started bashing him to the ground. He continuously bashed him for a few minutes, before leaving there, while smirking, "Puny God."

The battle against the Chitauri continued to unfold, Earth's mightiest heroes confronting an unending wave of invaders.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the Avengers fought in unity, each hero contributing their unique abilities to counter the Chitauri threat.

Thor with his enchanted hammer struck with divine power, wreaking havoc among the Chitauri forces pouring through the portal.

Captain America with his shield in hand, repelled attacks, creating a defensive barrier against the onslaught of Chitauri's army.

Meanwhile, the Hulk, with his unparalleled strength, overwhelmed the enemy forces, smashing through their ranks with formidable force.

"They all were doing good." Amelia comments, now seeing that Crown Haven Villa defense was so good, that it easily destroyed the Chitauri army, her tension has already vanished.

As the relentless stream of aliens continued to descend, the heroes found themselves on the losing side of the battle, facing an overwhelming tide of Chitauri forces.

Natasha Romanoff noticed Dr. Selvig near the wormhole generator, she quickly approached him, and inquired, "Dr. Selvig, how can we close the wormhole?"

Dr. Selvig, after getting out of Loki's mind control, he noticed the grim situation, he explained, "We need Loki's scepter; it's the key to shutting down the wormhole."

Hawkeye, seeing Loki's scepter on STARK tower, retrieved it, and said "I have Loki's scepter."

"Give it to me," Tony shouted, Hawkeye nodded and threw it towards Tony.

After taking the scepter, Tony approached the wormhole generator. And then, he inserted the scepter into the machine, and the heroes watched the wormhole begin to close. As the portal sealed shut, the Chitauri forces outside were gradually destroyed, their formidable army vanquished.

"Ah, it finally ended," Natasha said, looking at the scene.

The Hulk roared and made a thunderous clap of his massive hands. "Hulk is the winner!" He shouted, the sound echoing through the battlefield.

Thor descended with Mjölnir, observed the scene and commented, "Finally, the wormhole has closed."

"Now, we need to send him back to Asgard," Steve said, holding Loki securely in his grasp.

Tony Stark, sighing with relief, said, "After everything will end, why now we treat ourselves. I know a great shawarma place nearby. I'm starving!"

Before Hawkeye and Natasha expressed their opinion, a stern voice broke through the device, "A nuclear missile has been launched towards New York." It was the voice of Nick Fury.

"What?" Stark didn't know what to say, just a few minutes ago he closed the wormhole, and they obtained peace and victory.

And now, he is hearing a missile being launched towards them.

"Yes, you guys need to stop it," Fury again confirmed.

"Who has launched a missile? Why did they launch a missile?" Steve questioned, he didn't understand, why this happened.

"I didn't know on whose order the missile was launched, but you need to hurry," Fury said.

Shock and panic rippled through the Avengers as the reality of another imminent threat set in. Just moments ago, the Avengers had been on the brink of celebration, but now this.

Amelia became angry, "Who are the idiots? Who launched the missile?"

Ben already knows about this type of game, he explained to her, "It's all politics. Someone doesn't want the Avengers to exist."

But before he fully explained her, he noticed the missile is coming towards their house, he became angry knowing it, "Who the fuck launched it towards my Villa?" He quickly activates Gutrot's powers, and goes outside of the home to stop the missile.

Meanwhile on the Avengers's side, "I need the missile's location. After that, Thor and I will destroy it." Tony asked.

"It's headed towards New York, specifically Crown Haven Villa, located at 123 Oak Street," Natasha quickly answered after finding the location.

"Okay," Tony nodded, while Thor had already reached the missile location, he was swinging his hammer, ready to strike the nuclear missile and alter its course.

"Captain, I've reached the missile," he reported.

Tony was also in the middle of approaching the scene, he advised through comms', "You must hit the nuclear missile so it turns upward."

"Okay," Thor nodded, however he was ready to act, and he noticed Ben soaring toward the missile. Recognizing him from their earlier encounter in New Jersey, he couldn't help but inquire, "Hey Ben, what are you doing here?"

He was also confused, how can Ben, a normal person, be flying.

Before Thor could proceed further, Ben deployed the chemical formula from his hands, which gathered around the nuclear missile.

"It's done," He nodded after seeing it.

"What's done?" Thor asked looking at Ben, he didn't understand.

But he quickly gets his answer, and he was mesmerized by the scene seeing it. The nuclear missile started disintegrating, and soon it was reduced in ashes and scattered into the air. But the most amazing thing is, not even a little bit of nuclear or gamma radiation appeared. They vanished like they were not there.

As the remnants of the nuclear missile dissipated into ash, Thor stood in shock and awe.

"Ben, what just happened?" Thor questioned Ben, because his powers he couldn't fathom, leaving the Asgardian god with more questions than answers.

Ben turned to Thor, instead of answering him, he advised, "Keep it secret. If anyone asks, say, you destroyed it." And before Thor said anything, he flew back to Crown Haven Villa.

"Thor, where was the missile?" Tony Stark inquired upon reaching the scene, he found there was not the missile, and it even vanished from his radar signal.

Choosing to keep the truth concealed, Thor replied, "I just used my thunder and blew it away."

Tony was impressed, he praised him,"Good, Thor. Now, let's go, so we have that kebab and shawarma party before you return to Asgard."

Thor was embarrassed hearing the praise, but he didn't say anything, only nodded.

"I'm in," Steve said.

Clint chimed in, "Yes, everyone could use some rest." The tension that had gripped the Avengers began to dissipate.

The Avengers regrouped, planning a well-deserved celebration. After it, they prepared to send their friend, Thor with Loki, back to Asgard. The decision was made to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Inside Crown Haven Villa, Amelia expressed her anger and concern to her father through a phone call. "Father, whoever launched that missile towards our home needs to be punished," she was so frustrated.

Ben, witnessing Amelia in an angry state for the first time, attempted to calm her.

"I will ensure they are punished, my child. Whoever ordered the firing of the nuclear missile towards your home will face consequences," Stephen reassured Amelia.

"Thanks dad," Amelia and Mariam nodded, and they ended the call.

"Looks like someone has forgotten about the William''s family," Evelyn said, looking at Stephen.

"Yes, it's time to give them a little demonstration of our powers, so they will remember it," Stephen nodded. They were ready to catch the culprit, and erased them from the face of the planet.


Avengers were gathered with Nick Fury, discussing the missile issue.

"Nick Fury, did you find who was behind the nuclear attack?" Tony asked, he was sitting inside the Avengers Tower.

After the aftermath of the fight, he changed the STARK tower in the Avengers Tower. Clint, Natasha, Bruce and Steve were also present there.

They were talking through the hologram connection.

"You don't need to think about them now," Fury replied.

"Why? They have attacked us. Why don't we need to think about them?" Bruce asked.

"Because they have set their missile to the destination of Crown Haven Villa. And Crown Haven Villa belonged to the daughter of Stephen William," Fury replied.

"So what," Clint asked back, he didn't understand anything from it.

"It belongs to Amelia," Tony asked back. He started imagining the beautiful face of Amelia, he tried to hook her, but he was unsuccessful.

But it was a few years ago, now he was Iron Man, and he has Pepper, he didn't need to think about her.

"Yes, it belongs to Amelia, Mariam and their husband Ben Tennyson," Fury explained.

"Well, even though the William family has a massive business, and they are so wealthy. But still, they can't catch the culprits, they have not any power in politics," Tony asked.

Bruce and Clint were looking at the face of Tony and Fury, they didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Tony, although, I don't need to say this, but since then, you guys have become Superheroes. I am going to explain a little bit about this," Fury said, then after taking a sigh, he was going to explain them.

"Fury, you don't need to explain it, I know about William and their powers," Steve opened his mouth.

"What? How did you know about them," Except for Nick Fury, everyone was shocked to hear that the Captain also knows about Alexander.

Because the Captain was so old, and at that time maybe Alexander did not exist.

"Well, I know Stephen's father, Hawkins. He has helped our government with the money, and he was the one who has given the formula and idea to our government and Dr. Erskine."

"With it, Dr. Erskine was able to develop the Super Soldier Serum. So, maybe the William family has many Super Soldier Serum, and his family has many Super Soldiers. And at the time, Stephen was a child," Steve explained.

"What?" All others were shocked except Fury to hear that William's family had many Super Soldiers, and at that time, Stephen was a child.

Also read my Novel Beginning of Multiverse Saga.