
Journey In Tensura

This flows the journey of a boy who dies and gets reincarnated into the world of Tensura with three unique skills. . . . I don't own world of Tensura and all characters from it same with the cover photo.

BeginningOrEnd · 漫画同人
13 Chs


{} - Voice of World

[] - Wiseone

"" - speech

'' - mental speech


In a massive forest full of different wildlife, there are three people standing in front of a cave that gives off a sinister aura. These people are Velgrynd, Velzard and Levi.

Velzard - "Ok Levi you should probably go a fair distance away so you don't get caught in the cross fire."

Velgrynd - "Yeah."

Looking around I see a hill over looking the cave.

"I'll go and watch from there."

Velgrynd - "Ok"

Running over there at an extremely fast speed. I manage to catch when Velzard and Velgrynd enter the cave.

It takes about ten minutes until I see three massive dragons coming flying out of the cave.

Veldora - "Bahah I will win this time"

Velzard - "You say that every time."

Veldora doesn't respond but uses his unique skill death heralding winds to attack Velzard. Velzard just uses Gabriel to slow in down and Leviathan to weaken attack until it turns into nothing.

Velzard - "Is that the best you can do?"

Veldora - "SHUT UP!!"

You know, now that I think about it, can't Veldora not actually win this? at this point he doesn't have a ultimate skill whilst Velzard and Velgrynd do, so his attacks won't be as effective or even completely cancelled.

Whilst Veldora is getting mad at Velzard takes this chance to use Cardinal Cage on Veldora. He realizes what is going to happens, he tries to get out of the range of the attack but Velzard uses Gabriel too slow him down and he gets half burnt to nothingness. But being the over powered True Dragon he is all ready healing.

On another note these two have really good teamwork and their skills compliment each other really well.

Veldora - "Velgrynd why are you also attacking me?"

Velzard - "She wants her little lover to absorb you to gain power."

Veldora - "What lover!"

It starts to look around till he spots me sitting on the hill. Now the average person in this situation would be trying to run away, which is the smart thing to do. Me well I just waved at him, I've been dealing with True Dragons too long.

Veldora - "Damn Human!!, Velgrynd how can you love a human?!!"

Velgrynd - "SHUT UP! all of you!"

Now that I look at her she is a blushing mess, but she isn't denying it now and by the looks of it her and Velzard talked about it or something. Hmm wonder when that happened?

Back to the fight though now Velgrynd is really embarrassed. Which results in her using Cardinal Acceleration at max power, then she used burning embrace on the poor man Veldora.

He ends up getting roasted alive and using a lot of power to survive. The thing is Velzard constantly has Gabriel and Leviathan active on him, weakening and slowing him down. So he has to use a lot more power to do anything, which results in him being quite drained already, but the fight will probably gone on for a bit longer.




By a bit I mean an hour, which by this worlds standards is a short fight. Anyway Veldora is on the ground nearly dead and out of most of his magicules with Velzard sitting over him. Velgrynd is flying over to me, so I can use gluttony on him.

"That was an amazing fight."

It really was.

Velgrynd - "Haha what can you expect from a True Dragons."

"After this is all over we should talk."

Velgrynd - "Yeah we should. Well we're here."

Hopping off Veldrynds back and standing in front of Veldora it always shocks me the size of the True Dragons, anyway 'Wiseone are you ready? we can't waste any of this.'

[Notice, yes]

"Ok here goes nothing Gluttony."

I use Gluttony and It starts to cover Veldora, at first there are no problems, but after a minute or so his remaining magicules start resisting. After a grouling half hour struggle I manage to completely absorb him. Then after hearing a voice in my head I pass out.

{Unique skill Investigator gained}

{Unique skill Death Heralding Winds}

{Storm Dragon Magic gained}

{Unique Skill Dragon Warrior Gained}

{Extra Skill Black Thunder Gained}

{Individual 'Levi' has reached the maximum potential for his race}

{Evolving into Saint.}

{Entity Wiseone attempting to evolve}


{Entity Wiseone attempting to sacrificing Unique Skill Degenerate}








{Ultimate Skill Raphael, Lord Of Wisdom Gained}

{Evolution complete}

{Individual 'Levi' has reached the maximum potential for his race}

{Attempting to evolve}

{ERROR Requires Hero's egg to trigger Evolution.}

{Never In calculations did a individual reach maximum potential.}

{Unique Skill Impossible Granted}




Waking up after evolving. I just look at the roof for a minute till it all clicks 'I'm overpowered haha. Raphael are you there?'

[Notice, yes]

It definitely sounds more human like, 'Raphael show me my status!!'


Name: Levi

Race: Saint

Blessing: Crest of Scorch

Title: Fucking Idiot, a member of the chaos trio

Ultimate: Raphael, Lord Of Wisdom

Unique: Gluttony, Aspiration, Dragon Warrior, Investigator, Death Heralding Winds, Impossible

Intrinsic: Infinite regeneration, universal thread, omni-breath, universal sense, omni-plating, omni-clones

Extra Skills: shadow motion, thought communication, silent steps, elemental manipulation, black lightning

Magic: Storm Dragon Magic, Master all basic elemental magic

Arts: Icicle Flame Slaying Art (please suggest a better name.)

Resistances: elemental Immunity, poisoning immunity, Physical Attack Immunity, Holy and demonic resistance, Mental and Spiritual Attack Immunity


Fuckk I'm op 'Raphael Explain the skills I don't know.'


Impossible -

The power to achieve what shouldn't be achievable.

Dragon Warrior -

Allows you to turn into a human-dragon hybrid at will boosting your power.

Dragon scales - Can grow scales on any part of your body.

Dragon wings - Allows you to have dragon wings.

Dragon breath - Breath based of data about True Dragons held

Dragon aura - The ability to make an aura with magicules for attack and defense for example with Veldora absorbed you can create a lighting and wind aura.


That is fucking op. Especially Impossible, it is basically reality warping. If someone was to say there is no evolution above Demi-god to me. This skill would come into effect and alter reality and create an evolution above it. Fucking overpowered.


{AN: So he is starting to become truly overpowered now}