
Jetta and a New World?

When Jetta gets sent on a mission to stop the Vex unknowing what she got into the Vex did not stop and sent her threw the portal and she lands in a new earth with curses and powerful humans.

CherryBlossom1990 · 漫画同人
5 Chs

Meeting The Parents

Gojo was getting dressed and helped her up, and she got dressed. She kisses him deeply and opens the door. "You mated with him," she thinks. Due to her mating with Gojo, he can now hear Sia. "Yes, I did, and it was amazing," she said. Gojo stopped. "Mated," he said. Sia sighs. "Look at your tongue, you baby," she thinks fo Gojo. He looked and saw the mark. "So we are dating," he asks. Jetta nods. "Yeah, kinda," she said. Gojo smiles. "I am fine with that," he said. Back at the Tower, they had figured out how to get to Jetta. Zaid and Xavier went threw and landed near the school. They walked, and Zaid picked up an arrow. He followed in his footsteps. Xavier stops him he sees Geto. "Dad, we have fo get her home," Zaid said. "I know, son, but let's not fight if we can avoid it," he said. Zaid nods. "Okay," he said. Jetta walks out on Gojos's back. "Thank you," she said. Gojo laughs. "It wasn't a problem. Sorry about your legs," he said. She laughs. "It's fine," she said. Gojo set her down. Zaid rushes up and has a gun pointed at Gojo. "Dad stops," she said and rushed between them. "Jetta, move" he yelled. "No, Father, he is my mate. Stop," she said. Xavier smiles, walking up. "Sweetie," he said. Jetta stood there. Zaid took his helmet off his long red hair fell. "Jetta, you mated with him," he said. "Yes, I did, so put your gun down, for fuck sake," she said. Zaid put it away. Xavier smiles. "Hello, son. I am Xavier Jetta's grandfather, and this hot head is her father, Zaid," he said and bowed, pushing Zaid's head down. "Dad," he said and stood up. "sorry about the gun in the face," Zaid said to Gojo. Gojo smiles. "It's fine, sir; your daughter is amazing," he said. She smiles. Xavier looks around. "Your school is nice," he said. Gojo nods. "Thank you, sir. Does this mean she has to go" Gojo asks, sounding sad? Zaid nods. "Yes," he said. Jetta looks. "Can Gojo come and become a hunter?" she asks. Gojo's eyes light up. "Can I please?" he asks. Xavier laughs. "Of course, you can," he said. Xavier's ghost comes out, transmitting four people. Correct, sir," the ghost asks. "Yes, ghost," Xavier said. They get transmitted, they land, and her mom hugs her. "Sweetie, I was so worried," she said, looking at her and holding her. "Mom, I am okay," she said. Gojo stepped out and looked around. "Holy fuck" he said, and an all-white ghost with a bright blue center appeared beside him. "Welcome; I will be your ghost. Please find Ikora to start your hunter power training when ready," Ghost said. Gojo smiles. "Hello, mam; I am Gojo Jetta's mate," he said. Her mom looks at her daughter, "Very handsome," she says. Jetta blushes. Ikora walks up and hugs her. "Glad to have you back, sweetie. Look around and take your boyfriend with you. Show him around," she said. Jetta took his hand and walked around with him, showing him everything and she took him to the ship dock and pointed to her white and purple ship covered in feathers. "That is my baby," she said. Gojo smiles. "This place is amazing," he said.