
Jaune Arc and the Fields of Valour

Jaune had never been a hero and yet he found himself in a situation that certainly a hero would find himself in. The universe had once again pushed him to the edge of his seat and this time he was to become a 'Walker'. An entity who walks through the Gates and the Fields of Valour exploiting its fruits. But before that... '06 : 23 : 59 : 59 Wave 1 : 0/100 Please survive the Trial Grounds to prove that you are worthy enough to inherit the title of the Walker. If you lose, you die.' ... This has got to be a joke... right? ------ Notes: 1. AU Universe, may have crossover in future. 2. Has elements from other anime. 3. OCC Jaune. 4. Harem. 5. Lemons... a.k.a Smut. (....maybe?) 6. A big fat disclaimer below. So don't sue me. DISCLAIMER! I do not own RWBY or ANY of its character or elements. What I own is my own plot, my own elements and my OCs. Thankyou. Enjoy Reading~~~

Kain_J_Demon · 漫画同人
7 Chs


Vol. 1 Reset | Ch 3. Different

"So damn troublesome." Jaune groaned as he looked at the people in front of him. "What are you lot doing here? And don't tell me that any of you is worried about me. Cause none of y'all look that part."

"Mind your manners, Mr. Arc!" Glynda was the first to react, her prude, no-nonsense attitude shining through.

"Oh yeah? Sure, sure."

"Why you-" Weiss was about to throw a tantrum and lucky for her Ozpin quickly butted in.

"Now, now, no need to get so antsy Ms. Schnee." Ozpin said calmy which made Ruby giggle and Weiss glare at her in turn. "But Mr. Arc you do need to mind yourself too and we'll be fine."

Sensing the underlying threat Jaune simply raised an eyebrow but was otherwise unperturbed. He knew Ozpin wasn't as senile to attack him in broad daylight and that too in front of his favorite students. At most he'd just throw him out of Beacon but now the idea of being a Huntsman was just 'Ehh' in Jaune's mind.

"No, no, no. Just don't mind me and we ALL will be fine." Jaune grinned cockily which threw Ozpin off his game for a moment.

"You… You seem different." Ozpin said while putting his glasses up a bit. Gone was the nervous, awkward, and mumbling kid from before, instead there stood a lax young man whose attitude reminded him of Qrow's except there was now an air of uncertainty around Jaune. "You have changed Mr. Arc."

Jaune looked at Ozpin blankly before shrugging and turning around to leave.

"Well… What can I say? Shit happens." Jaune hummed as looking at the bright sky. "And shit happened to me. Taught me a couple of things-"

Jaune paused and turned his head to look at them.

"-Actually, a lot of things. Where to look for allies and where not to look for reliability." Jaune's statement made team RWBY and Glynda flinch a bit but Ozpin gave no visible reaction. Jaune smiled disarmingly before looking ahead and walking away. "I had a lot of time to think. Think I know that as I am now, I'm better off without any of those two."

"Mr. Arc, this would have been avoided if you hadn't cheated and lied your way in-" Jaune didn't let him finish before Ozpin could brace himself there was already a blade at his neck Ozpin blinked as the cold tip poked his Adam's apple. It was a scary feeling but scarier was the look in Jaune's eyes. "Will you take out the anger of your failed expenses on me-"

"Shut up old man," Jaune stated simply but was very effective. Glynda was tensed and team RWBY already had their weapons drawn. "I cheated. True. I lied. True. I am a fraud. True. I am weak. True. And you knew. Right? But you still let a lying fraudster into your prestigious school and even made that weak bastard a fucking leader of a team… Why?"

Jaune clenched his fist but after a while, he loosened it and smiled.

"It doesn't matter to me now so, fuck it. Thanks for letting a fraud like me in. I mean, ya know… for covering for a cheat like me? Real thanks, man! It feels so great to know that there's a bigger fraud around. Also, tell your soldiers to calm down. Something half-assed like this wouldn't kill you, isn't that right Old Man?" Jaune smirked with a wink before stepping back and sheathing his sword. "If you'll allow me, I will go get some shut-eye."

Ozpin watched Jaune walk away before sighing. He didn't understand where he went wrong with his calculations. The secret was spilled in the wrong way which instead of bonding Jaune with everyone had now created rifts between them.

"You can't go back to your dorm, Mr. Arc." Ozpin called out which made Jaune stop in his track. "You have been removed from team JNPR and will remain without a team until further notice. Glynda will show you your new room."

"Awww. And here you thought you were gonna kick me out of Beacon." Jaune said deflated as he was disappointed. Glynda and Weiss were positively mad. Yang whistled while Ruby was unsure how to react. Blake maintained a cold expression like Ozpin. "Well, that sucks… I am stuck with you lot huh? Yep, yep. Absolute punishment for a fraud like me!"

"You little-"

"Glynda." Ozpin shook his head stopping her. "It is not worth it."

"Yep, save your breath. I am not worth it." Jaune said shaking his head imitating Ozpin riling Glynda even further.

"Wow, you are surprisingly full of shit huh?" Blake spoke out for the first time looking at Jaune with a disgusted look.

"Yep, it was surprising for me too." Jaune smiled which turned into a smirk. "But that is rich coming from someone like you."

It was Blake's turn to be caught off guard.

"After all, no matter just how full of shit I maybe am but there are still people I can't hope to match." Jaune's words were degrading which made the other members narrow their eyes at him in anger.

"Enough!" Sensing the rising tension Ozpin quickly butted in. "I am warning you, Mr. Arc. Next time it wouldn't be a simple demotion. I will personally see you out of the school grounds."

Jaune stared at Ozpin for a while before shrugging.

"Please, I want you to escort me out too." Yawing Jaune turned and walked on ahead. "Come on professor Goodwitch. I need my sleep."

Ozpin sighed for what seemed to him like the thousandth time before his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Jaune had changed, that much was certain. Not only his demeanor but also his skill. The Jaune he knew lacked any skill in wielding a sword but now he displayed such frightening skill, he had unsheathed his sword with a movement so quick that he could barely react. If it had been a long-curved blade like an extended katana, he would have very much been headless. This change was too good to happen in one night. Either Jaune had unlocked his semblance or, this wasn't Jaune at all but someone else.

'I honestly hope it isn't the latter.' Ozpin sighed internally. "Glynda, please show him his room. Also… Keep an eye on him."

"…" Glynda simply walked ahead without a word.

"… What is with all of these people disrespecting their elders." Ozpin really felt frustrated for the first time in a long while.

Jaune whistled as he entered his new room. It was the same size he had been living with others as team JNPR but now he had all this place just for himself. Inside was a bed in the middle and in a corner was a pile with every bit of his belongings. They had ripped off his posters too. "So, I have really been kicked out of the team huh?"

"Well- What were you expecting after doing all those shameful deeds." Glynda asked in a stern tone which made Jaune turn and look at her in absolute confusion.

"You… You are still here?" Jaune looked genuinely confused and maybe that's why it pissed Glynda off even more. "Your job of showing me the way to the room was done, right? Then why don't you… ya know, just fuck off?"

"Listen here-"

"Your job is done right?" Jaune asked once again but this time with a smile and a scary look in his eye. "Or are you gonna make my bed too?"

Glynda didn't know what to say. She was shocked just how disrespectful Jaune was and to add salt to the injury Jaune closed the door in her face snapping her out of her frozen state.

"You! Ugh! This isn't over yet! Just watch!" Glynda yelled.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Came out a muffled response. "Bye-bye."

"Ugh!" Glynda growled but turn around to leave. "Just wait! I will-"

"By the way, I really hope that you stub your toe or fall in a heap of Legos!"

"Huh? Wha-Ouch! What the hell-No! Aaaaaah!"

"… Goodnight. Lol."

"Who dumped these Legos here?!"

Jaune chuckled to himself before jumping onto his bed. "Man~ I did gain a hidden ability, I guess. 'The Blessing of the Author. Real OP man."

Joking aside Jaune leaned back into his bed, his hand behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. Contemplating his next move Jaune hummed, he had little interest in the idea of becoming a huntsman. He wanted to know more about being a walker and focus on getting stronger. Smiling he opened his ability menu.

'Magic | Grade: E

Description: Grants user the ability to convert his inherent energy into Mana which grants him access to Arcane arts.

Fire Magic | Grade: E

Wind Magic | Grade: E

Unique Magic – Rune Magic | Grade: E

Unique Magic – Body Enhancement | Grade: E

Unique Magic – Telumkinesis

The question marks had disappeared and instead, there was a new log that displayed what kind of magic he can use. Fire Magic and Wind Magic were self-explanatory and while it did excite him a bit but not as much as the Unique Magic ones.

Unique Magic – Rune Magic was magic that can be used by utilizing the power of word and structure and while this looked simple Jaune had a feeling that it wasn't as simple as it appeared but he would dive deep later on.

Unique Magic – Body Enhancement boosted his base power by double integers. The mana would stimulate every organ fortifying it, making it stronger, increasing the output of the actions that he would perform. Jaune had used this subconsciously when he was fighting the Primus Ape.

Unique Magic – Telumkinesis was the magic that allowed him to instill his will into the weapons and manipulate it accordingly. Like when Jaune had called back Zen and Zenith, he had used this ability. While this was fascinating Jaune knew that he had gotten these abilities thanks to Zen and Zenith. Jaune had really stuck the gold mine with them.

Jaune was eager to test and experiment with his magic. The rest of his abilities had stayed the same except his Spear Grade had improved in Weapon Mastery. Jaune switched the tab to open Gates. Gate was what he had expected, it was the prompt from where he could open up a 'Gate' to the Fields of Valour.


Gate 1 | ??? | 0%'

It was easy to understand as the UI was designed similar to that of a Videogame. Gate 1 was basically 'Level 1', the question mark could indicate either the monsters or the treasures in that Field and percentage was to track how much he had explored or 'Cleared' that level.

Humming he once again switched the tabs.

'Shop –

Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Books and Tomes






The shop was what you would expect by the name but there was almost everything you could think. Melee weapons ranged from short knives and kunai to katana, spears to kusarigama. Ranged weapons had bows, revolver guns to heavy artillery. Detailed books on every subject and tomes with intricate knowledge on the supernatural. Jaune was already geeking out, looking at the unending list. Abilities varied from air walking to wall-crawling, Jaune could imagine any power he had fantasized about, and it was there.

They say a way to man's heart is through his stomach and if that was the case, the shop already had his heart with the Consumables log being packed with all sorts of tasty looking eatables to even strange pills and potions. Apparently consuming any item from the Consumables would give him a boost. Attire was a boutique for all sorts of threads and equipment like a breastplate, gauntlet, and all. There was even a custom option where he could design his own attire.

Objects. The header was quite vague and left much for the imagination, but it surpassed anything that he had imagined. Vehicles, electronics, instruments, vanity, and much more. It seemed that Jaune wouldn't need to ever visit any shop in remnant from now.

Familiars' log was like a display of some fantasy-type shit. There were creatures, monsters, and even bipedal human-like entities.

'Was that a fucking Ch*rizard?' Jaune had to blink twice. 'Wow, elves are beautiful.'

Jaune closed the log and breathed in calmly. He rolled over and buried his face into the pillow.


If anyone had been present there, they would have realized an untold truth… Even men can squeal like b*tches.

"Hmph. Rude." Jaune grumbled. He was more than excited but he was able to quench it well when he saw just how many Crystal Shards were required to purchase a formidable ability and while he had a ton of Shards from the number of monsters he had exterminated he still could bring himself to carelessly spend them. He sat up and switched to another log.

'Inbox –

- Notice: Congratulations Walker 'Jaune'. You have surpassed all the expectations I had of you by great lengths. Passing the Trial of Valour you have proved that you are indeed worth to hold the precious title of Walker and while much is unknown to you as of now I have high hopes that you will live up to the glory of all the great Walkers before you. The Gates will guide you to the Fields, explore these Fields and clear them to enjoy the fruits not known to any man except you and those before you. My best wishes and blessings.

This message was no doubt from the admin, the 'Sentience'. Jaune just wondered what kind of entity he was but gave up as he had no pieces relating to the whole mystery of Walker and all except for one that HE now was a Walker. He hoped in time he will know what all of this is about.

- Walker Jaune, you have been gifted a 'Package'. Claim it?


Jaune shrugged and quickly opened the package. 'Yes.'

'Obtained Memory Shard – Frank Castle.

Obtained Memory Shard – Bruce Wayne.

Obtained Book – Basics to Mastery, Body Training!


Jaune just stared at the prompt with confusion as it dissolved and a black book and two red crystal shards materialized onto the ground in front of him.

'Memory Shard – Frank Castle.

Description: A shard containing a memory fragment of Frank Castle. Frank Castle was an honest ex-Marine with a family he loved. But when that family was murdered, he became a vigilante with a uniquely brutal brand of justice. Pour mana into the crystal to use the shard and sync with the memory fragments.'

"Edgy." Jaune comment before nodding. He had an idea what these Memory Shards were, and he just hoped that the memory fragments would be useful to him.

'Memory Shard – Bruce Wayne.

Description: A shard containing a memory fragment of Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne was a wealthy industrialist. As a child, Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne, and Martha Wayne, which ultimately led him to craft the Batman persona and seek justice against criminals.'

"Edgier." Jaune whistled. To witness your parents being murdered in front of you, Jaune couldn't even begin to comprehend just what he must have felt that time.

'Obtained Book – Basics to Mastery, Body Training!

Description: A guide to train your body to its peak and beyond to unleash your hidden potential.

Jaune smirked as closing the prompt. He had a clear goal now; He was going to make the best of this gift that was given to him. He was going to do his best to become a Walker and match his predecessors-

"No! I am gonna surpass them all!" Jaune clenched his fist with a determined smile. He was going to break past his limits and achieve such a level of strength that most can only dream off. "But before that… Food!"

Jaune opened the shop and began buying all sorts of food. He hadn't had anything in past days, but he wasn't going to starve anymore.

"Not anymore! Today we feast! I will eat till my stomach explodes!"

And we can only hope that it doesn't actually happen.


Jaune dusted his hands with a satisfied grin. His room looked awesome, he had to admit. It was a bit costly but it was certainly worth it.

The plain white walls were painted sky blue and graced with beautiful but easy-on-eye wallpapers. There was a king-size bed in the middle of the room instead of a narrow single bed. The rug made walking barefooted feel wonderful. The flowerpots on the windowsill provided the room with a light-hearted but lovely fragrance. There was a big screen mounted on the wall in front of the bed, below it was a cabinet that had a gaming console and shelf for all sorts of videogames. In the far corner was his cupboard stocked with new threads. The bathroom was also stacked with the necessary vanity. In another corner were the kitchen and refrigerator.

"Hmmm. Perfect." Grinning Jaune stepped out locking the door behind him.

"Now to get some work done."