~.~.~.Josairoh's p.o.v.~.~.~
Itchy. That's what I was right now. Whatever was causing the itches is annoying as hell. I tried to ignore them as best I could seeing as my sleep felt too good. It wasn't long before the itches were demanding to be scratched even stronger, the level of irritation from its refusal to let me sleep the rest of the damn day away increasing. All of my body jerked awake as I flew into a sitting position and opened my eyes. Hay, that's the source of the stupid itch, now why in the bugger am I on hay. I lay groaning and aching, my nose burned from the smell of dirty animals and manure.
Everything was foggy, the last thing I remember was father looking at me with sad eyes. I tried to get up and stand on my feet, but my head throbbed, and everything spun around. I pressed my palm to my forehead hoping to stop the spinning as i managed to stand myself up. I only stood for a few moments before I fell down. I tried getting to my feet again as my head spun much more violently and I almost passed out from the effort. I stood in a stable among all the horses. I slowly made my way out of the stall and out of the stables.
The first thing I noticed, I was in some small town on the mainland. I walked to a nearby window to inspect myself. I was fairly tall man, with dark purple dreadlocks, chocolate brown skin, and brown eyes. I was in sandals, black shorts, and a black shirt. I felt sick, weak, and so, different. It was odd it felt like something was missing from my being. I stared confused until it really hit me. I was MORTAL. I took a deep breath as everything came flooding back.
I was sent to the human realm as a mortal to explore and learn until I discovered what I wanted to be the god of. My father, the god of water, had asked my uncle possedes, god of power, to do this until I found my calling. I could still feel some godly powers residing in me, my father must have let me keep some of the powers. The sudden voice made me stand up straight "I am a sylette," a woman announced. I turned to look at the woman and quickly studied her, Black, shoulder-length hair slightly covers a full, radiant face. Hooded amber eyes, set well within their sockets, watched me curiously.
A mark stretched from just under the right eyebrow, running towards her right nostril and ending on her left cheekbone.
She wore a modest green dress that flows from top to bottom and has a scoop neckline, which subtly reveals the relatively simple white dress worn below it. The soft, corset-like tied fabric of her dress covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by a light cloth band worn fairly low around her waist. Below the cloth band the dress opens up slightly and reveals the dress below. Her sleeves are purposely too long and quite narrow, their flow is broken up well below the elbow where they change color and where they're divided by simple, modest bands, these are the same fabric and color used to outline the sleeves and bottom of the dress.
"Greetings madam, I am.." I started and then I realized, it's probably not the best thing to reveal who I am to mortals, they do not need to know I'm a god. "Josiah how exactly can I help such a, ravishing, young lady as yourself, izuh?" I said with the most charming smile I could muster. She giggled and responded "I was going to ask you that seeing as you were sleeping in the stables with my family's horses sir." I looked back at the stables and back at her and quickly responded "just, you know, trying to get closer with nature, be more connected with those majestic beasts."
She chuckled again and grabbed my hand pulling me behind her "come along, my grandfather doesn't take kindly to strangers cuddling up with his prized mare's, and he wants you out of here. Lucky for you I'm going into velas haven."I looked at her pensively "madam I do not have anything but my clothes and I do not know of anyone, I'd surely be lost." I said as she stopped and pondered. "I have an idea." She stood straight as she spoke looking confident "I know someone who might help. He lives on the Upper port district Side. I can take you to him, and he can help you." I nodded as we continued on past the front of what I assumed was her house, seeing as it was connected to the stables, where On the other side of a window, an old man's face loomed, scowling at me as I allowed sylette to pull me farther down the street.
She gracefully walked along, occasionally stopping to talk to the townsfolk or play with the little mortals running amuck. Mortals, so needy, in becoming mortal, Mortal needs plagued me now. I was hungry. It felt as if my lower body was about to burst. My body still hurt. My clothes stank of manure. I felt horrible. I don't know how mortals survive.
I know that while I still retained some powers it would be nothing compared to when I was a full god. I was able to speak and have my words to echo through the skies, shake the buildings of the mortal realm, and cause the skies to rain smoking ruin, as all gods could. None of that would happen for me now. Although I did wonder what powers I did retain, I had a feeling like I should know, but I just couldn't remember.
"You seem deep in thought Josiah," I looked at sylette as she spoke again. "What troubles you so?" I was about to answer but Instead, a young man I recognized walked toward a shop door but paused and looked our way. I reacted quickly and pulled sylette behind a stack of crates pushing her behind me. "Why him?" I asked to no one in particular. I peered over the crates carefully and studied him, and I was struck by his resemblance to his father, tieranus, the god of titans and force. He used to just be the god of balanced forced and the titans were his opposite.
Titans used to be a destructive race of giants that held great power over chaotic force, they were immortal and the opposite of tieranus until he became annoyed with their childish rampages, so he put a curse on them all that shrunk them to the size of a human, made them mortal and took dominion over them all. This made him god over all force, chaotic and balanced as well as god of the titans. They used to be called thümÿdr but are now called titans because even though they now have regular mortal bodies and lives they still hold the titanic power they did when they were immortal. Tieranus had fallen for a titaness, who was the leader of the titans, and they produced the man before me, Balidh.
He had the physical strength of his mother, who was the only titan to have physical strength that outmatched many of the gods, and the powers of his father. He had the same obsidian-purple eyes, the same tousled hairstyle, the same handsome features that could whoo any female, the same mustache and beard that defined his jawline, the same well toned and immensely muscular body, and the same aura of pure force radiating from him as his father. The only thing he got from his mother feature wise was her eyelashes, her eyebrows, and her dark hair color. He was dressed in simple jeans and a blue vest that was buttoned up all the way.
He had apparently not seen me as he continued into the store. Now don't get me wrong, I know I still have some godly powers but I have no clue what they are or how strong they are, and I had no wish to find those answers out against Balidh. He had quite the bad reputation for the only half god half titan mix in existence. "What's wrong?" Sylette asked as I cautiously lead us from behind the crates. "It is Nothing, I just saw a person i recognize." I said as I watched Balidh through the shop window while I ushered us past in a hurry "who? him?" She replied as she followed my gaze. "The guy in the the shop, you know him?" "Yes. I've met him a Couple of times back when he visited..." I paused and recalculated my words before I revealed too much. "The town I came from." Her expression changed to one of pure confusion. "Oh really? Why didn't you say anything to him? Maybe he could've helped you."
"Look, I know that seems like a good possibility But if that guy were to know I was here," I said pointing back in his direction, "his form of helping would be bad." I rushed out as I scanned the street again. I saw nothing, but that didn't ease my sense of danger. "We should get to that town you spoke of quickly," I said before quickly muttering to myself "Father help us." Sylette looked at me quizzically but didn't press the issue and nodded as we continued our way. "We will taking a wagon, that is loaded with wines from my families winery, from the wagon yard at the edge of town and make our way to velas haven, it should be about a half weeks journey from here, even with the occasional stop." Sylette said as we approached a building that sat upon an elevated stone foundation with stairs leading to the wooden front door. Wagons rolled out from behind the building and onto the roads.
As we made our way inside I glanced around behind us before the door closed. Inside the building wasn't very busy it would seem. It also wasn't very spacious Inside but was no where near cramped or small. It was big enough for quick business and traffic in and out, perfect for a wagon rental place. The walls were a yellowish beige color with a few windows around and paintings of different flower fields that I'm guessing one could see in the many routes taken. My attention was shifted to the current situation as we approached a wooden counter that had a rather large book, a pen, 5 different stamps, a replica of a wagon, and a sign that read "please wait to be serviced" on it.
Behind the counter was a young man with a stocky build, slicked back black hair, bored green eyes, thin lips, pale skin, and freckles that gave him a boyish vibe. On the wall behind him was a board with hooks coming off that held different hand sized wooden plaques. As the boy glanced at us he spoke in a monotone voice "Hello dear travelers, my name is dovin, welcome to the naysýllaathüm travel lodge, where we cover your travel needs with godly service how may I help you today?" "Hello, I have a cargo wagon from the Withrose winery scheduled for velas haven Port today. I trust the shipment has been loaded and the wagon is ready good sir?" Sylette said showing dovin her family crest. He straightened up immediately and nodded before glancing at me "indeed it is madam Withrose, and the riding quarters of the cargo wagon has been fully prepared a as well. Although madam, the transport documentation I have here says there was to be one passenger not two."
I dont know why but this made something inside me feel bad. The more the conversation went on the worse i felt. Sylette quickly waved him off and countered "I was to be traveling there alone to get experience in doing these deals myself but my grandfather suddenly started persisting that I have a bodyguard accompany me. That is not a problem is it?" I have to commend her on how quickly she made that lie up. "No madam, the riding quarters should be plenty big enough for you both, if you would go out the back door your wagon is the only cargo wagon in the yard." The man said and we walked off as Sylette thanked him. As we walked outside I came to realize I still couldn't understand how she trusted everyone so easily especially me.
"I just came to realize, why are you being so helpful towards me. I'm a stranger who randomly slept in your family's stables, and ducked to avoid my own family. Furthermore you know almost nothing about me, how can you trust me so quickly?" Sylette glanced at me and giggled lightly "I was raised with the morals of you always help those in need of it. I saw a man sleeping with my family's horses as someone who needs help. Also I am excellent judge of character, and I do not know why, but I just get this feeling from you. A feeling that is warm and inviting, it makes me very comfortable with and curious about you. Also everyone at some point feels lonely and has no one to talk to about anything. I can't let that be while I'm around I want everyone to be happy, to laugh a lot. I know i wont be able to be there for everyone, but I'll always be there when I can. Plus You can only become friends by talking to people and showing them that they can trust you and mosy of the time in return they'll show you you can trust them."
I nodded my head in acceptance, for I should have guessed it, for mortals we gods naturally give off an aura that is extremely alluring and comfortable unless we change said aura. As it would happen to seem I, in my temporary descent into mortality, have retained a lesser version of this aura thus making sylette drop her guard around me almost instantly. I also couldn't help but just smile at her view of things, she's a rare person indeed She always had an inviting air around her that made everyone relax around her and she was extremely friendly with everyone she met. I was broken out of my thoughts by sylette dragging me past a few rows of wagons to one that were twice the size of the other. Most of the wagons size was in the back portion that I guessed housed the wines, and the section infront was still quite spacious but not as big as the back.
A man with silver hair and green eyes greeted us as he held the door open for us. I took sylettes hand and helped her up the steps and into the wagon before following behind her. Inside the wagon was very spacious and comfortable. The floors were covered in a white fur rug that looked incredibly soft, while on both sides of the cabin were benches that were more like small twins bed that had decent quality quilts folded on top of them. There were drawers under the benches for storage and at the top of the cabin was a hatch that lead to the roof. Sylette took the bench on the left and I sat on the right. "I am mr. Winsley, your driver for the time being, we will be depart immediately as to not be behind schedule, if you need anything do not hesitate to let me know." The old man said as he bowed and closed the door.
As the ride started I looked out the window and just watched as we rolled out of town and onto a road through the woods. I sat back against the plush cushions of the horse-drawn carriage, watching the rolling countryside fly by. I had only just met Sylette, the young woman seated in front of me, but just like she felt naturally attracted to me, I already felt a kinship with her. During the first few minutes of the journey I couldn't help but think about my purpose for being sent to the mortal realm, thinking intensely as the memories played in my head.
I remember talking with my brothers before i randomly materialized before my father Luinśtď, who ruled over water and purity, and my uncle Possedes, the god of power and the almighty leader of the gods. I couldn't stop my gaze from shifting between the two deities as they studied me, their eyes full of concern. Luinśtď, my father, began to speak, his voice soft but commanding, "Jasoiroh, my son, it is time we discussed your future. As you know, when a god reaches the age of 1,500, they must either claim a dominion or be sent on a journey to find one."
I nodded slowly, I had watched it happen over the centuries, like my cousin forgmetal, she was always intrigued by weapons, armor, and coming up with new ideas. When she turned 1,500 she instantly became the goddess of blacksmithing, weaopns, armor, and lava. Other gods who weren't so lucky as that were to be sent out on a journey until they found their calling. It was after that revelation that the weight of this predicament hit me
Father continued, "its time for your journey son, We have decided that in order to fully test you and help you find your dominion and grow into a great god, that we will make you mortal and send you to the mortal realm until you have found your true purpose." My mind raced, ive only ever known my godly hood, how could i survive all the dangers i knew lurked the world of mortals "Mortal? How will I survive in the mortal realm?" Possedes, my uncle, who had been observing silently until then, stepped forward to address me, "nephew, While you are there, you will retain a few powers that you may use at your discretion. Be aware, however, that once activated, these powers cannot be changed. You will be given help by the other gods if they chose to help you. They may or may not reveal themselves to you and some may not do much. You will know what you are meant to be the god of when you feel the strongest connection to it, when you feel the most love for it. Only then will you return to your rightful place as a god."
I took a deep breath, as I started to comprehend the enormity of the task before me. "And what if I fail?" I asked quietly. Father's eyes softened, "There is no such thing as failure, my son. You will simply continue on your journey until you discover your purpose." And With those final words, I vanished from the realm of the gods and appeared in the mortal world, alone and vulnerable.
Sylette must have noticed my far off and solemn expression and decided to strike up a conversation. "So, Josiah, what troubles you now?" I sighed looked at her for a moment before trying to share a believable answer without telling to much. "Ive been temporarily exiled from my home. Left with nothing but the clothes that i bear on my back and a sense of lostness. Before i was sent off my father told me it was to find my path to who im meant to be, so I'm just trying to figure things out, I guess." I know Sylette wanted to know more but thankfully i think she could feel the details were something I wouldn't share just yet so she nodded sympathetically. "I can understand that. But don't worry, everything will work out eventually. Sometimes it just takes a little time." I just weakly smiled at Sylette's words.
It had been 30 minutes since then and Sylette left me to ponder as we rode before she eventually started to tell me about the vineyard she had grown up on, and how they had been making wine for generations. She told me of the long hours spent picking grapes under the hot sun. She spoke with great knowledge about the wine-making process, the careful blending of grapes to achieve just the right flavor profile. To be honest I have to acknowledge her knowledge of the subject as we discuss the intricacies of winemaking, but I could tell she wasn't truly passionate about it.
I, in turn, told Sylette about a safe version of my old life grow up as a god, but obviously leaving out the part of my being a God. I spoke of how me and my brothers used to follow our father, who I told her was a nobleman of high power, around like shadows because we wanted to be just like him. I brought up the mischief I often got into with the others around my age at the time, which my father constantly got onto me for. I spoke of how I wanted to see much of the world, and was always searching for new adventures. As I spoke, Sylette listened intently, hanging onto every word.
~•~•~• no one's p.o.v •~•~•~
As the hours passed, Sylette began to notice a change in Josiah, as He started to open up more, telling her about his past and the unique upbringing he had faced. He spoke about his few regrets and fears, and Sylette listened intently.
She could sense that Josiah was still holding onto many details of the story and she felt it was because they were details that were to painful to share, little did she know how far off she was, either way she wanted to offer him some comfort. "Josiah, I want you to know that I'm here for you should you ever need a person to talk to. I know we haven't known each other long but still you can trust in me." Josiah was surprised by Sylette's kindness, and he felt an ache in his chest that he couldn't stand. He was lying to such a sweet girl and hiding things and it was unpleasant. So he promised her that one day he'd tell her everything. They talked more, and Josiah found himself wanting to open up to her in ways he never thought possible.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Sylette smiled, and for a moment the two of them sat in companionable silence, watching the stars appear in the sky. Josiah couldn't help but keep sneaking glances at the black haired girl across from him that seemed particularly distant and the moments from earlier when he could see how unpassionate she was about her family business. Thats when he broke the silence "Is everything alright, Sylette?" She turned to face him and quickly putting on a smile said "yeah its nothing Josiah." Josiah shook his head as he looked back out the window as he started to recall that almost every time she talks to someone shes smiling. He lowly spoke back to her "you know they say Smiling all the time is the same as not smiling at all. If you are constantly being the one helping, what happens when you need helping? Do you just suffer in silence? Push it away and ignore it? I know how used you are to doing so but for right now, You don't have to."
Sylette stared at Josiah for a while as her smile slipped away and she sighed "It's just...I don't know if I want to keep doing this, you know? Working on the winery. It's been in my family for generations, but I don't think it's my passion." Josiah nodded sympathetically. "I figured as much and I understand all to well. It's tough when you feel like you're supposed to do something, but it doesn't feel right for you. Yet you're in a loop of wanting to do something for yourself but feeling obligated to help."
Sylette weakly smiled "Yeah, exactly. But I don't even know what my passion is. I've always just assumed I'd work on the winery, like my parents and grandparents before me." "Well, have you ever thought about what you might like to do instead?" Josiah asked, leaning forward.
Sylette hesitated for a moment as she thought a bit, then spoke softly. "I've always been interested in history, science, math, different cultures, basically the world in general, not to mention magic. Like, actual magic. I want to study it, learn about it, and maybe even explore new places where it's still practiced. I also want to be out on my own." Josiah's eyebrow raised in mild surprise. "Wow, that's not what i was expecting. Have you ever looked into colleges or programs that might be able to help you pursue those?" Sylette shook her head. "No, I don't even know where to start. And I don't know how my family would react if I told them."
Josiah smiled reassuringly. "Well, I can tell you this - you deserve to pursue your dreams, Sylette. And if knowledge about academics, the world, and magic is what you're truly passionate about, then you owe it to yourself to explore that path." Sylette smiled before nodding "Thank you, Josiah. I'll think on it." He nodded, standing up from his seat and walkedto the hatch in the roof. "Of course. And if you ever need any help or advice, just let me know. I'll be here for you. You should get some sleep, I'll give you some privacy. Also no theres nothingyou can say to make me stay and sleep in here."
Sylette shook her head and smiled in defeat. "Ok, although i dont know how you knew what i was going to say. I will sleep and see you tomorrow. I'm excited to see where my path is takng me now." Josiah smiled as he climbed onto the roof of the carriage and started taking in the beautiful scenery around them. "Me too, Sylette. Me too." He said before quickly closing the hatch and stretching before laying down. The beauty of all the scenery passing around him relaxing him.