
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN: Beginning of the battle

Jack's Pov

I walked into my company and every one start greeting me.

I nodded at them , ignoring their whispers.

I'm sure they are very surprised to see me.

I walk towards my office.

I open the door and step in slowly.

The room was very tidy, i have informed the cleaners to make sure of the neatness even in my absent.

I sat behind the desk and i saw many files pilled up.

I took one to review it, normally in my haste and lack of time because of my other career i would have told my personal assistant Donald to see to all the files but now when i know everything is at stake i will surely take my time.

My cellphone Rang and i stare at the screen.

I quickly declined it.

My manager has been calling me about the swimming competition.

He knows fully well that no one in his team is as good as me.

I'm very sure his call will be about me taking part in the competition.

I long to do it but my company is at stake as well.

The door open slowly and i stare at it.

Donald came in , he wore a brown tailored suit.

He appear very surprised to see me.

" Jack, you didn't tell me you're coming " he said smiling.

I stare at him oddly and he shifted uncomfortably.

" Why are you staring at me like that ? "

I stood up from the chair and walk to him.

I'm sure he noticed my change of attitude.

" Who am i to you ? " I asked him silently.

His face crease in confusion and i saw him swallowed.

" You're my boss as well as my college bestfriend "

I chuckled at his words.

" Oh really? Is that right ? " I asked. He waited confused.

" I will keep this very short Donny , are you working for the Mikes? " I asked him.

I noticed him flinched suddenly when he heard my question.

He look away blinking before he went down on his knees to my surprise.

Okay fine, i know i appear to be dominant but that doesn't mean I'm evil or cold hearted. Although i can be mean sometimes if I got the good reason but right here, this man who is kneeling right here is my Best friend in college.

He stood with me when my father died, throughout the sad days when i weep for my sister who disappear suddenly Donald was the one who got my back.

When i start to get help from my father's friends all over again, Donald was there to nake sure my dream of building mayors creation come true.

When i build up the company , i am more than happy to make him my personal assistant.

Now i wonder why in the world will he try to ruin me.

I kneel down as well staring at him.

" Give me a good reason and i swear on my father's grave i will forgive you and forget about this " i said to him silently.

" Jack ... I , Mr Mike said. " He stopped and i waited.

" He threaten me Jack, he abducted my old mother threatening me to give him every report of our daily activities in mayors creation or else my mother won't survive.

He warn me not to tell you and i was so scared. I delayed him a bit more and then he sent me a picture of my mother getting beat up. I can't stand it Jack, I love you more than anything in this world but i love my mother more so i choose to give in to Mr Mike's order " He narrated with tears in his eyes.

I shut my eyes tightly and my hands clenched into a fist.

I sighed to calm myself down.

" Where is your mother living? " I asked him.

" She lives with me now " He quickly replied.

I nodded and help him up to his feet.

He stare at me innocently getting scared.

" You should stop telling him about our daily activities here. My stocks are getting low and mr wilson is complaining already. It's just a matter of time before all my father's friends began Calling. I have promised them to keep mayors creation going to matter what. I wouldn't want to cut my ties with you because of Mike "

" I'm so sorry Jack, i know it will be hard for you if the business fall "

I stare at him.

" Do not repeat this ever again Donny. I will have a word with Mr Mike since he won't let me be " i said before turning around to walk towards my desk.

" Donny " i called i turn to look at him.

" Tell your mum i sent my regards to her, i do not know Mr Mike still loath me after taking everything away from me "

Donald walk to me, he hesitate before giving me a hug.

" I shouldn't have done this to you Jack. " He said.

" If you're sorry about it then do better. Make up for what you have done "

I pull away smiling.

" What are you trying to do? I got a girlfriend for God sake. I'm not gay " i said jokingly.

" You got what? Jack mayor got what ? " He asked clearly surprise.

" You will hear it from the media soon. " I said.

He smiled up at me because walking out.

I sighed softly, i have known there will be a better reason for Donald to work for the Mikes.

Now that the mystery is clear , I'm very sure he will do better to make up for the damages he has done.

I flipped through the files as i get to work.

My cellphone rang again ,my manager calling.

I ignore it murmuring.

Or wait!

Should i take on the competition?

If i emerges as the winner i will be granted an exclusive interview.

Great! I said to myself.

I will take up the competition, i will train hard to emerges as the winner.

When i do, the exclusive interview will surely be ready for me.

That time exactly will be when i tell the world about my new lover and most importantly the money i received from the competition will be useful as well.

I smile as the thought of Mr Mike's face would be if he knew i am involved with Jill.

My cellphone rang interupting my thoughts.

I stare at the screen. Jill

I picked it up slowly ,i didn't hear anything at first then suddenly a woman voice came in sounding very urgent.

" Are you jack Mayor ? " The person on the other end asked.

I frown, what is this all about?

Why's she using Jill's cellphone to call me.

" I am " i replied.

" Good, please will you come down here to Jill's house. Zach mike got angry a while ago and struck Jilly. She is unconscious as we speak " the woman says.

The cellphone dropped from my hand and i stare ahead.


Zach mike lay a hand on Jill?

Damn it ! It seems after this years i will have to face the Mikes squarely.

The battle just began.