
It's ME, Hi!

Elly was known as Smiley Girl because she was always smiling when she was with her friends, chatting with them and being nice to them. Unfortunately, the more she thinks positively, the more she feels distance from her friend. What makes she felt like this? Did she will lose her friendship? or Maybe along with her journey, she will finds someone who can be both of friends and love?

Shinxdaisy · 青春言情
17 Chs

Part 2 : Choral Speaking

Time definitely goes by fast. There is only one week until the competition. There are a lot of ups and downs during the training. To put your trust into your teammates sometimes feels wrong. Why? In this case, there is no reason. They simply do not trust me enough, or perhaps I do not trust them enough. Why would we bother trying to win if we didn't trust each other?

Most of the time during practice, I get fed up with their excuse for being late. Nearly always, I hear the same explanations from all of the participants. 'Sorry, my class over study' , 'Sorry, I have a study group' ,'Sorry, I have another training session this evening ', or 'Sorry, I have a club meeting'. Did they miss the fact that I am in my senior year and have a lot of work to do? They are only sophomores.

Let me tell you something. I am the reading club's president, thus I am responsible for ensuring that this reading club has activities and that events are planned so that the club does not disband. I am also a librarian. I have a responsibility to look after the library, and I have a big exam coming up at the end of September. Why can't they grasp it? Even my classmates who participated in it did not try to understand me. I sigh quietly while waiting for my teammates to arrive.

I waited for them for around 30 minutes before we continued our practices. 'They're completely out of sync and don't remember their lines,' I say in my head. But regardless, I practice, practice and practice. After about an hour of practice, we decided to take a break. Suddenly, "Senior, I and my friends decided not to participate in this competition. We have a lot of work ahead of us. After all, we have an exam to prepare for." One of the juniors stated.

"That's correct, Elly, we also have a big exam ahead of us. Why don't we just give up?" Said one of my classmates. Then they whispered among themselves that they accepted the decision. I sighed while smiling lightly at my teammates and said, "Let me think first." They all nodded in agreement.

I try hard to make sure they have fun in practice, yet they all agreed to quit on it. Because of what? The same reasons as I have. But I try to cooperate to this practice more, even though I have other responsibilities. So what exactly did they do? Spend their time on practices that they did not fully commit to. I'm upset and sad when I think about this kind of mindset.

Poetic feels :

Hair down,

Tied the knot.

Swollen scalp,

Begging to stop.

Blinded by love,

With the dry thorns.

Stain the curse in her wall,

To cover from the world.

Battling for survival,

In the lofty castle tower.

Poem by : shinxdaisy