
Invincible: Silver Scarab

Reincarnated into the Invincible universe, Eli Mercer discovers he is more than a mere mortal. Imbued with the powers of Reach Scarab bonded to his spine and the extraordinary gift of an unyielding soul, Eli becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Otaku_Paradox · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Aren't you a bit too young to be in the crime-fighting business son?" Asked the Immortal

Eli raised his brow, a smirk still on his face."What does my age have to do with my ability to protect my home..nothing. My strength and ability to shoulder the burden and eliminate those that threaten the safe of the motherland and those that dwell within her embrace is all that matters" he said with conviction one would not expect from someone so young.

"Well said young warrior. But what of those outside the motherland? Would be willing to extend your protection to them? To join the fight with fellow heroes and protect not just Egypt but the whole world." inquired War Woman who was impressed by the tone of conviction in the young lads' voice.

Eli grabbed his chin with his right hand as he pondered War Woman's offer. After a few moments, he sighed." My mother always told me that as a man with the blood of Pharaohs and the Medjai in my veins, it is my destiny to one day lead but it is my duty to protect. I will aid you in the protection of this world on that you have my word."

The Immortal and War Woman looked at one another with smiles on their faces and nodded. They then turned back towards Eli.

"Good, there is someone we would like to introduce you to, I know It's a lot to ask, and you don't fully trust us but would you be willing to follow us?"

Eli narrowed his eyes.

'Their heart rates are normal and have not elevated, same with their brain wave activity, so they're not lying, but caution is still advised.' said a voice in his head

'Understood Ultron. What are the benefits of going with them?"

'Information on the other protector of this planet, facilities, and foreign nations the kind of information not available on the internet for me to add to our growing archives. But you also promised your mother you would explore and broaden your horizons. I believe her exact words were' How can a good Pharoah not know about the countries that surround him.'

At the words of his scarab, a small but sad smile blossomed on Eli's face. He then sighed.

"Very well, where are we going"

~Small Time Skip~

With how fast the three flew the trip was quite short. Under the lead of The Immortal and War Woman threw a secret entrance that involved an elevator going down by a mile they arrived at their destination. 

"Welcome to the G.D.A," said The Immortal as he and War Woman led Eli who had his mask on to a man in his early to late 60s with gray hair and eyes, he was about 6'2 wearing a nice suit, but what stood out to Eli was the skin around his mouth looked older and more damaged than his age would suggest.


The individual seeing their arrival dismissed the person he was talking to and turned towards them.

"Immortal, War Woman pleasure as always." he said getting nods from the two heroes." So who do we have here" he said focusing his gaze on the armored Eli.

"This is Centurian, the young hero who watches over Egypt. The Batlle Between him and a Class 4 Kaiju-like monster was the cause of the energy fluctuations. We convinced him to aid us in the defense of the planet and brought him here so you can brief him about the G.D.A" said The Immortal to white Cecil nodded.

"Alright let me give the run down and maybe you'll decide to join and trust me with what you look like," Said Cecil with a smirk" Walk with me," he added before turning and walking. Eli looked towards the two heroes who brought him here and they nodded. He nodded back and followed Cecil. Cecil seeing this smiles and continues walking while explaining about the G.D.A." The Global Defense Agency (G.D.A) is a secret multinational intergovernmental organization in charge of protecting the Earth and monitoring superpowered individuals. We often employ superheroes and sponsor the Guardians of the Globe. Which The Immortal and War Woman can attest to." Within a few minutes, they arrive at a room, and inside is Cecil's office. They enter, it's not decorated but well-cleaned. Cecil sits in a large but comfortable and Elis sits in a smaller chair inform the man's desk.

Cecil then continues "The Global Defense Agency is primarily funded and staffed by the United States of America. Yet, the organization's reach is not constrained to any defined nation or borders. With assets across the globe, the G.D.A. is capable of striking targets from Space to Atlantis."

'The legends of Atlantis are true, this place is providing us with fruitful information thus far" said Ultron

'Indeed, although that shouldn't come as a surprise. Isn't their King among the Guardians?'

'So he claimed. That did not make it true.'

'Fair enough'

"In order to accomplish the task of containing threats, monitoring and supervising supernatural and superpowered individuals, and maintaining the Earth's safety the G.D.A. possesses numerous facilities and vehicles. The organization utilizes enhanced equipment in order to supplement or substitute the abilities of superheroes. After all, we have to look out for those that fight the good fight.

The resources and equipment of the G.D.A. are vast. The gigantic operation mostly conducted beneath The Pentagon is likely to result in a gigantic budget. This is put to good use as humanity is protected from the numerous threats from and beyond Earth.

The Global Defense Agency utilizes numerous types of vehicles in order to accomplish its goals. If a superhero or the Guardians of the Globe are present, the G.D.A. provides support in order to supplement their abilities. In cases where superheroes are not available or unwilling to act, it is often G.D.A. units that contain the situation.

But enough of that it's time for the big question. Are you on board?"

Eli seemed to be pondering with his hand on his masked chin. However, he was having a conversation with his partner.

'The benefits outweigh the downside. I'd suggest for now at least work with them. This would allow you a broader range of enemies to fight and through struggle get stronger. It would provide more fighting experience. Also, should they become our enemies in the future we will have acquired information on their strengths and can create appropriate countermeasures to eliminate them.'

'Your always ready to kill'

'Remove the infection permanently. Do not simply treat it, lest it comes back stronger and eliminates you'

Eli sighed internally, as usual Ultron had a point.

'Of course I do'

'Zip it'

Eli looks at Cecil who was awaiting his response.

"Where do we start," he said getting a smile from The Director of the G.D.A

Cecil extended his hand for a shake, which Eli reciprocated.

"Glad to have you aboard umm?" asked Cecil hinting at what his name is.

"Centurian let's see if you can earn the trust my true name demands"

Cecil chuckles."Fair enough. Let's get to it then"

Eli raised a brow and action his masked face somehow reciprocated.

"Building that trust" answered Cecil drawing a small smile from Eli