
Interwined fate

Following an unprecedented convergence of two worlds into one, humanity rises from the ashes and rebuilds their civilization to new heights. Our protagonist, Elian, embarks on a quest for unparalleled power, encountering numerous people and monsters along the way. As he ascends the ladder of strength, he is faced with a mystery – what befell the other world and its gods? Will he unveil the truth or fall short of discovering the answer? Only the passage of time will reveal the ultimate outcome./ Oh and while y'all are waiting, it would be good if you add this book to the library.

Dence · 奇幻
6 Chs

The fall

"Mom, when are we going home?" asked a kid while he was holding his mother's hand.

"Just a moment sweetie. I must get something from the convenience store."

she said while smiling at him.

They walked into the store and she picked bread and water from the shelves and placed them on the counter.

" Three dollars and ninety-nine cents, please."

"Here ya go." just before she took the groceries, she heard a commotion outside.

Outside a couple of teenagers were taking videos of the sky. She walked outside and saw a big crack in the sky.

More and more cracks started appearing.

Everyone's phones started ringing. On them, a person with a top hat and a tuxedo was shown.

[Greetings humanity ] he said in a cheerful tone.

[There was once a beautiful world where peace was eternal. But it was broken by greed and lust for power. Because of many reasons, your world and this one will collide and synchronize.] right after saying this, the cracks in the sky started getting bigger and bigger until the sky broke apart.

[May the dead gods, killed by The Calamity have mercy on you. Good luck]

A powerful roar was heard around the city. Coming from the sky a big winged creature came out. Screams were heard, shouts of pain were heard and explosions were heard, not only around the city but across the whole world. That was the day when humanity experienced Hell.


///Fifty years later...\\\

"Ah fuck."

A young man was seen hiding under something that was once called a barrack.

His name is Elian. He has black hair and green eyes. He was born after The Fall.

The Fall was the day when both worlds collided with each other. Many portals appeared around the world and many of them released terrible monsters that ravaged cities.

The first 5 years were the hardest for humanity. Humanity was on the brink of destruction when some people gained powers. With them, they pushed back the abominations and reclaimed their territories. But only 1 billion people survived and live in a big country in the middle of the world.

Back to Elian, currently, he was waiting for the monsters around him to disperse and move away from him so he could leave through the rift near him. After an hour they finally left the area. Elian signed and left the barrack. He gazed at the rift and sighed.

"This was a close one." earlier he and his team split when some abominations attacked them. His team ran away while he hid in the barrack near the rift.

"I should return before Father starts worrying." after saying this he jumped into the rift and his vision blackened. Then it abruptly cleared, and he found himself on the ground.

Next to him was the portal he went through in the beginning and a person in armor.

"How was the hunt Elian?" he asked

"Well nothing nice, only two cores and I had to hide." he gave the guard a tired smile.

"Weren't there more people with you?"

"We split up when we were attacked by a horde. They should come after me sometime later."

"Alright, then give me your bag." the guard said, and Elian followed his order. After this, the guard searched and then gave it back.

"Looks like you are telling the truth. Have a nice day Elian."

"Goodbye." After saying this Elian started walking away. When a portal appears the organization called ' Arieste' secures the perimeter for any monsters that may come out of the portal when it appears and then build a building around it to manage the people going in and out.

While Elian was walking towards his house he looked around him. Even tho humanity suffered too much because of The Fall, they still managed to rebuild their civilization to even greater highs. They started using the cores they got from slaying the abominations as electricity and improved their knowledge in many fields. But none of this is important now because Elian stood in front of his house.

He unlocked the door and went in. Even tho he was only an E-rank unawakened Hunter, he still lived in a big fairly decorated house. And that was because his father was once an A-ranked hunter who was once known as a quite brutal man.

Elian went to the living room and found his father lying on the couch and watching TV.


"Welcome back kid. How was your day?"

Elian's father was a 56-year-old man. He has brown with a few white strands of hair and a big burly body with muscles. His name is Rylan.

"It was good. Got two cores." he said while showing them.

"What rank beast?"

"Rank F beast named Kyrinth." Kyrinth is a big lion with a scorpion stinger and a snake's tongue.

"I killed both of them while they were preoccupied with another monster that escaped."

"Oho!" his father smiled and patted Elian on the shoulder.

"Maybe in the future, you will be more powerful than me. We will see eventually. Now go make dinner" his father laughed and shooed Elian into the kitchen while Elian was glaring at him.


After dinner, Rylan fell asleep on the couch while watching TV while Elian walked into his room and placed his bag on the desk. He changed his clothes, took a shower, and then jumped in his bed. He turned on his phone and looked at the news.

[The S-ranker Layne and her party cleared the S-ranked dungeon 'Sands of time'! This is the first-ever cleared S-rank dungeon!]

When a portal appears, there is a chance for it to become a dungeon. Dungeons are closed spaces in the other world in which monster nests reside. They can be cleared infinitely because when it's cleared, it's closed for a couple of days for the monsters to reproduce and then it opens again.

Elian sighed. Will he ever be on the level of a S-ranked person or above them? He didn't know.

He closed the news and opened the internet. He searched 'What happened to the other world?' after which a couple of theories popped up. He read most of them but one stood out from all.

[ We ask ourselves the question many times

' What happened to the second world?'.

Well, here is what I think about it.

On the day when the fall happened, everyone got a video on their phones. On it, a person spoke about the demise of some gods due to a calamity. This means that the second world's gods were killed and this caused the synchronization of our and their world. My theory is that their demise is the main factor why there is no human life on it, and the second factor is 'The calamity' that person spoke about. But in the future when we manage to find more information and translate it, we will have the answer.]

Elian turned off his phone and closed his eyes.

'Is there truly no human life in the second world? I doubt it.' he thought.

Yo yo, your boy Dence is back in action. I plan on trying to release a chapter every two days, but that may not be the case haha. I am a lazy person who currently is quite busy but anyway. Sorry for the info dump. Oh also add to the library ;D and comment!

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