
Infinite Legacy - Blood and Fire

What happens when one girl can change the world but can't be found? Anastasia Odion was destined to be different from the time she was born. But what happens when lies and deceit find their way into her happy life, and she goes into a downward spiral, determined to regain her rightful throne? Will her heart stay as clear as glass, or will its shattering destroy everything, including her? And what happens when a lion and a dragon fight for control?

Briars_and_Thorns · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Anastasia Ariel Ozias Odion! You get your ass back here now!" 

All that Ana (Anastasia) could think was, "Oh shit, she used my full name. I'm dead. Bury me deep."

".....Heeeeeey Maman"

"Don't you "heeeeeey Maman" me miss ma'am. Where were you?! You know you and your cousin Dahak have to stay close by. We can't afford to have you seen."

"By who, Maman?! Who is going to be out here to see us? Why does it matter if we're seen or not? What's the point of supposedly being "the most powerful beings in this galaxy" if we can't go and claim what's rightfully ours?!?! Those thrones belong to me and Dahak!"


"Oooooh, somebody is gettin' told!"


"And that's what I love about you Stazi, you have Tatie Ari's temper."

At this, Ana had to hold back a laugh, knowing that the oh-so-subtle dig was not lost on her maman, whose temper was at full power. Arianell turned her full attention to Dahak, and Ana waited, not wanting to redraw her mom's anger back on herself. 

"Dahak, you may be my sister's son, my nephew, and the son of Adish, the dark prince of fire, but I will send you to meet your father and all the ancestors if you ever, and I mean EVER, try to do another dig like that again in front of me. IS. THAT. CLEAR?"

Before Dahak had a chance to answer, a blood-curdling scream was heard piercing the air, and the three barely had time to turn to see the source of the cry, Aurelia, as she stood only about 50 feet away.

An image and sound that would forever remain in Ana and Dahak's minds forever, the sight of Aurelia pierced by the sword known in a cruel twist of fate as Crucifier - The Harp of the Fallen, The Wand of Grace, and The Gift of Agony. It had been the one last gift that Aurelia had received from Adish, his blade. Its golden gleam, and the light that shone with the light of fire, was now tarnished by the blood dripping off of the that stuck through Aurelia. Arianell had received Atakan's blade, a dark sword whose cut no light-being could withstand, known as Mirage, The Eye of Eternal Rest, The Eye of Suffering, and The Whisper of Nightmares. It gleamed as Arianell, who knew nothing at that moment except vengeance, picked up the dark purple sword to kill the man standing over her sister's body. 

Ana and Dahak, paralyzed by shock, could only stand and watch as the man turned to face Arianell with his weapon, a long-handled battle-axe with a pointed end that looked like the power of air and the moon was imbued into it. With the first clang of metal meeting metal, Dahak, still staring at his mother's limp form, saw red. As he grabbed Crucifier, whom he had trained with for years, he raced with the intent to kill.

As Ana reeled from the shock, she raced in to relieve her mother of Mirage, who was slowly starting to infect her mother from the darkness that had been imbued in it many years before. The man turned to see Ana and looked at her with a mix of pity and shock before Crucifier joined the fight. As Ana and Dahak fought, Arianell backed away, turning to mourn her fallen sister and to join her in death, for they had made a blood bond when they were 18 that when one of them died, the other would die within the hour so that they would never be apart from one another for all of eternity. 

Ana and Dahak, fighting with a thirst for revenge, didn't notice the Lionesses of Light lay together to go to the ancestors. In the end, with a cry of pain and anguish, Dahak plunged Crucifier into the man's heart, and Ana plunged Mirage into the man's head. Ana's pain soon matched Dahak's as she turned and saw her mother, dead.