
Indescribable feelings

Having been a loner for almost all her life,Katherine Adams tries as much as she can to make it in life.In the due course she finds her true love in a person she least expects and who she has despised ever since high school,Nicholas King,a spoilt rich boy who thinks he is on top of the world .Katherine has to battle with her own wars of fitting in as well as the Indescribable feelings she has for Nick .Will love prevail in the end???

Hamedah_Katende · 青春言情
6 Chs

Chapter Two

Nick's POV

          Well here I am in college.I cannot believe my father had to force me to do college.And as though that is not enough,I had to go to the same college as my sister.Well at least we agreed to not see each other while we are here.But I am glad I had to go to college here.It is not far away from home,my father managed to get me into the best fraternity house and besides I got the best room ever.I heard there are parties every weekend.And to top it up the beautiful ladies here make me want to stay in college forever.At second thought,(thank you so much father for forcing me to come here.) I cannot believe I just imagined that.

As I begin to celebrate my coming to college,my eye catches the sight of the last person I needed to meet here.What could the leader of my fanclub be doing here?Really I thought I had gotten rid of Christina.(Shit...)I am beginning to regret coming here once again.I cannot believe she is here and worse,she is approaching me now.(Where the heck did she come from?What am I going to do now!!Aahhh!!)

Well shouting in my head is going to solve nothing.I just have to act like am happy she is here.Well here she comes.

"Hey babe.Ain't you happy to see me?"She asks while flickering her eyelashes at me.

"Of course I am.This place just got better."I lie to her face.

"Well,you don't know how happy I am to meet see you here

studying with me again."She says.

"Yaay,"is all I can come up with in a more sarcastic way than I could have expected to say that I could have sworn to have seen her pretty face change to an expression that ranged from surprise and disappointment.

Well good thing she did not seem to mind about that for that moment.I just keep on wishing she could leave as soon as possible but she keeps on hanging around me.This is the first time I wished u were invisible but oh well I am not so I just have to keep on being with her.

Finally after half an hour of being uncomfortable,Chris has gone back to her girls who she had kept ignoring  for half an hour since she claimed she was with the most important person of her life,me.The last thing I want is to see another annoying person here.But I guess fate isn't on my side.Wow,just who I needed to see!! Really why would Jo be approaching me now.I mean we made a deal not to see or talk to each other at school.

   "Heya bro ,what's up?"

"Uhm hey Jo,I thought we agreed not to meet or talk at school."

"I know but I had no choice,you left me no choice since you may have carried all my books instead of yours."

"No way! Am sure I took the box with all my books."


You mean this?"

"Okay,okay,wait here I will bring u the box of yours."

After making Jo, wait long enough,I finally bring her the box of books she wanted.I am actually surprised, Jo is not one to wait long.

Oh of course,she was flirting with a group of boys in the frat house.Great! Now she begins flirting.If she keeps on flirting like this, am afraid I will have to see her more often at the frat house. That is the last thing I need.

"Well Jo,here you go."

I say as I put the box of books onto her lap.

"Took you long enough!!"

"Yeah, but don't worry,I made sure not to leave anything of yours up there.The last thing I would like is to see you here again."

"Classic bro!!Don't worry I also don't want to see you again."

Jo says as she stands up from the couch and heads for the door.

"Bye guys hope we meet again soon."

Jo shouts and winks at the boys she had been sitting with while I was in my room.She finally disappears and head to my room avoiding the lustful comments of  her from the boys who she had been sitting with.


Kathy's POV

    Am awaken by the continuous

beeping of the alarm.God I wish I didn't set it at five am in the morning.With a groan,I manage to pull myself out of bed.I spent the night reading and preparing

my books and schedule for this semester.I literally got into bed at two in the morning.

I grab my towel and clothes and head to the washrooms.Why the hell are they filled this early??It seems people are not as lazy as I am to go to class.After a few minutes of waiting, it is finally my turn.Wow, the water is so cold.Perhaps this will help me get rid of my sleep.I finally get out of the showers having taken a bath for only fifteen minutes.

I almost slip while rushing back to my room.Well this is going to be a long day!I look through the closet to get something I will be comfortable in out of the clothes my mother got for me.I still cannot believe she got rid of all my clothes.Ugh.

I finally decide to put on boyfriend jeans and a v-shaped blouse which I must say,I regret putting on.

It is already six thirty, so I decide against changing my outfit. I quickly comb my hair and pull it back into a ponytail.I am actually late.I rush out of dorm having made an effort to get Jo out of bed but all in vain.

I finally get on campus on time and I decide to grab something to eat from the small coffee shop just directly opposite the school campus.I choose to get an espresso to go and I head out for class.I am actually surprised that I still have some time to prepare before my English  lesson starts.

I decide to take up the front seat in the enormous classroom.

Wow!I must say I didn't expect the classroom this big.I mean I knew it was going to be big but this beats my imagination.After what seems like a lifetime, the classroom is filled up with students and our professor comes in.

  Everybody comments about how English teachers being so annoying,but I must say this one beats my understanding.Before he sits down,he cleans his seat thrice and even after that,places a handkerchief on the seat.I can already hear people whispering amongst themselves and I know they are onto the teacher.After what feels like hours, he finally introduces himself to the class.

Greetings everyone, I am "Mr.Wycliff  Sanders and I am going to be your English teacher this semester."He says and writes his name on the board holding the marker as though he were holding a wine glass.

Can you believe this guy!!!

"The first real lesson is tomorrow so am going to take your attendance."