
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · 电影同人
264 Chs

Chapter 48 : Resident Evil arc end

" Red queen i -------------- " but Isaac voice did not came out of his mouth

" Why can't I order ? "

" Nothing i just programmed your brain so that you cannot command Red queen "

"This guy is the one who cause all of this " Said Alex holding Issac

"Isaac it's seems you are not in a good condition " Said Alicia who was in wheel chair

"Alicia is this all caused by you " Asked Isaac with a angry expression

" No I just uploaded the video of our meeting in Red queen data and she caused all of this "

" You both betrayed Umbrella and you Red queen you betrayed your creator "

" Umbrella is a thing of past from now on Isaac "

" Guys do you want to deal with him I imprisoned him "

" Yes we want to torture this guy " Said Jill

" Okay you guys take him out of here Alice and I have business here with Alicia "

The group dragged Issac who was shouting then Alex sat on the sofa and Alice , l

Luna sat next to him and in front of them Alicia and red queen

" So can you tell me about our relationship? " asked Alice

"Before I tell you that about . She is Alicia the daughter of James Marcus who invented T virus to cure Alicia from a rare genetic disease which makes her old very fast "

" At first the T virus worked on Alicia to cure her disease but it failed after sometime "

"I was created using the voice and image of young Alicia "

" You were created using the genetic structure of Alicia without the disease " Said Red queen

" No I'm not a clone "

" I'm real say it Alex I'm real aren't I " Said Alice while holding Alex hand who was on the verge of breakdown

Imagine someone tells you that the life you are living is not real and you are a copy of someone

" Alice you are living being .You are different from Alicia "

" Even If you are genetically created from her DNA that does not mean you are fake "

" Take Luna as example she was created using my blood that doesn't mean she is fake right "

" In this way even if you are created from Alicia DNA . You are Alice different from her "

" And you have me don't you " said Alex comforting her

" What he said is correct Alice . You are not a fake of me "

" You are a person named Alice "

After hearing that Alice calmed down

"Alicia then what are your plan's "

" If you want I can help you cure your disease " Said Alex

" No i don't want to live carrying the burden of a whole world was killed by hands "

"It seems you already decided "

" Yes please take care of Alice "

" This is also a gift for her " Said Alicia giving a lens to Alice with the memories of her childhood

Alice puts the lens in her eyes and all memories of Alicia childhood was implanted in her brain

" Brother can we also take Red queen with us ?"

" Do you miss your sister "

" Yes "

" It seems like you are becoming more human Luna " Said Alex while rubbing the head of Luna

" I want to be with her always in the same body "

Said Luna before she became human she was always with Red queen she is like sister to her

" So do you want to share the same body with her "

"You two will share the same body and you will be connected always .Do you agree with that "

" Yes "

" Okay Red queen what do you think about a new human life "

" I agree I also want to live like luna "

" Okay then don't resist"

" System transfer her into luna body make sure that both can live peacefully "

[ Okay host ]

Then a white light flashed and the appearance of Luna changed to red queen

" So how does it feel to have a body "

" It feels nice " Said Red queen

" since you are going to lead a new life you are going to need a new name "

" Alice can you name her "

" How about Ruby "

" It's is a good name from now on you are Ruby walker my little sister "

" Thank you brother " Said Ruby

" It seems like you are good girl compared to Luna "

" What did you say about me ? " Said Ruby whose appearance changed to Luna

" Nothing I said you both are good sisters "

" Hmph "

" Okay Alicia I have a new offer for you "

" Do you want to meet your dad ? "

" Can i meet him ? " asked Alicia with a bright eyes which previously was filled with no hope

Alex decided to help Alicia because of her past . He felt pity for her from childhood she suffered from disease and lost her father and the world became like this because of her father discovery and he can also try his power

" Yes you can. I will take go to past and at the same time you will also awaken your memories and I will heal so that T virus will not be invented "

" Since the T virus is not invented a parallel will be formed which will be different from this world "

" Is that even possible "

" Who are you ? How can you do all that "

" I'm technically a god of Time "

" Really Alex ? " asked Alice

" Yes "

" Wow my husband is god am i dreaming right now "

" No you are not dreaming "

" So Alicia what is your answer "

" Yes I want to meet my father "

" Okay guys fo you also want to come with me :

" Yes "

" Okay let's go "

As Alex activated his time divinity and his eyes turned and the green light enveloped all four people and disappeared

25 years time back

In a hospital bed one little girl was sleeping and a green light appeared and three people appeared in the room and the little girl opened her eyes seeing the hospital room around her there was a joy in her eyes and then she sat up and said

" Alex thank you very much " Said with a big smile and tears in her eyes

" Don't thank me I also have a selfish request for this since he is also Alice father how can i leave him to die "

" You and Alice are like sister's . I saw Alice sad after seeing your memories I thought she also missed him so I brought you all to past "

After hearing that Alice hugged Alex

" Thank you very much "

" There is no need for that how can I watch my Alice with a sad look " Said Alex patting Alice back

And the door of the room opened and James Marcus after seeing a bunch of strangers around his daughter his eyes became vigilant

" Who are you all ? what are you doing here "

" Alicia do you want to explain? "

" Yes I will explain dad can you come here I have something important to tell you "

After an hour

" So you are telling me that Alice is also my daughter and you Alicia came from future where the world is destroyed because of my discovery "

" Yes dad "

" And this is Alex the lover of Alice and he is also god "

" Okay now I'm totally lost not only do I have another daughter now my son in law is god "

"Well you have to believe it there is proof right in front of you " Said Alex pointing towards Alice

" So she is my another daughter she almost looks like Alicia "

" Okay now I believe it because my daughter also saying this "

" So can you cure Alicia "

" Yes and also don't discover the T virus and don't let anyone discover it "

" System buy an advanced healing potion "

[ 2000 shop points deducted]

Alex took the healing potion from inventory

" Drink this Alicia your disease will be cured "

Alicia took the potion and drank it after drinking she felt that her disease is cured and also her body became strong

" Dad I am cured " Said Alicia hugging her dad

" You also come Alice you are also my daughter " Said James

Seeing the emotional scene Alex felt

' So this is what It feels to have a family huh thank you system for giving me an opportunity to enjoy the life '

" Luna you can also hug your brother " saod Alex stretching his hands

Luna hugged Alex and said

" Thank you brother gor giving me a life both Ruby and I are very thankful " Said Luns eith some tears on her face

" No need to cry my little sister's you both deserve a chance to live " said Alex wiping Luna tears

" So Alice do you want to stay here with your father for a while "

" Yes I want to spend some time with both of them "

" Okay you can stay here as much you like "

" I will go deal eith somethings so that there will be no problems in future and take care of Ruby and Luna "

" Okay "

After one year

" So you are leaving ? " ssid Alicia

" Yes but don't worry we will come back after some time " said Alex

" Alex take care of Alice " said James

" Don't worry I will take care of her "

The three said their farewell and came to present world

" Alex we dealt with Issac " said the group

" Let's go upside and release the Anti virus "

Soon the group came up and Alex smashed the Anti virus

" Now this Apocalypse will end "

After 3 moths

During these three months Alex gave the bloodline to Alice and she perfectly integrated with and he also told her he can travel to different worlds and will have more wifes in future .

At first she was angry but after thinking she also thought Alex is a god and has long life span and also thought of Alex strength in bed and she also thought she need more sister's otherwise she might not able to satisfy him but she also said he cannot have more than 7 wives and she will be first wife

Alex also helped the remaining people to build a city and maintain a stable life and also told his friends he will be leaving

In a room

Alex , Alice and Ruby were sitting and a dpace portal appeared in front of them

" Let's go and meet my friends "