
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Black Dragon

As Alan approached the ancient temple, he could sense a powerful presence lurking within. The rumors whispered of a fearsome guardian named Durin, the Black Dragon. It was said that Durin possessed immense strength and guarded the temple's innermost chamber, where the true source of power awaited.

With his heart pounding and his determination unwavering, Alan stepped into the temple's sacred grounds. The air grew heavy with anticipation as he made his way through corridors adorned with ancient carvings and inscriptions. The walls seemed to echo with the stories of the past, urging him to press forward.

Finally, Alan reached the entrance to the chamber where Durin awaited. The doors creaked open, revealing a vast chamber bathed in darkness. The ground trembled beneath his feet, and a gust of wind swept through the chamber, carrying with it an ominous presence.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Alan caught a glimpse of Durin perched atop a grand pillar, its black scales glistening in the faint glow. The dragon's eyes glowed with a menacing light, its wings spread wide as if ready to take flight. Alan could feel the raw power emanating from the creature, a formidable force that threatened to overwhelm him.

But Alan had faced countless challenges on his journey, and he had grown stronger with each trial. He drew upon the teachings of Venti and the Anemo energy that coursed through his veins. With his shadow soldiers at his side, he braced himself for the battle that lay ahead.

Durin unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the chamber, shaking the very foundations of the temple. The ground cracked beneath Alan's feet, and he felt the rush of wind as the dragon launched itself into the air, its wings creating a tempestuous vortex.

With his Anemo powers surging, Alan summoned cyclones of wind, weaving them into a protective barrier that shielded him and his shadow soldiers from Durin's onslaught. The dragon's fierce breath attacks were deflected by the swirling winds, leaving Alan unscathed.

As the battle raged on, Alan studied Durin's movements, searching for weaknesses in the dragon's formidable defenses. He noticed a pattern—a brief moment of vulnerability after each devastating attack. It was a small window of opportunity, but it was all he needed.

With a swift command, Alan directed his shadow soldiers to exploit Durin's momentary weakness. They moved in synchronized harmony, striking with precision and accuracy. Their attacks chipped away at the dragon's defenses, each blow bringing them closer to victory.

But Durin was not so easily defeated. The dragon unleashed a torrent of dark energy, casting a shadow that threatened to engulf Alan and his allies. The darkness pressed against them, sapping their strength and resolve.

Drawing upon his connection to the shadow monarch, Alan called upon the power of light to counter Durin's darkness. He channeled his Anemo energy, infusing it with radiant light that pierced through the shadows, banishing them back to the depths from whence they came.

With renewed determination, Alan pressed the attack. His blade danced through the air, guided by the swirling winds and fueled by his unwavering spirit. Durin fought back fiercely, but Alan's agility and strategic prowess allowed him to evade the dragon's devastating strikes.

The battle reached its climax as Alan unleashed a final, devastating strike. With a surge of Anemo energy, he launched himself into the air, his blade crackling with power. He descended upon Durin, his strike finding its mark with unerring accuracy.

A thunderous roar echoed through the chamber as Durin's strength wavered. The dragon's form flickered, its body dissipating into the darkness. The battle was won. Alan stood amidst the fading remnants of Durin, his chest heaving with exhaustion and triumph. The chamber was filled with an eerie silence as the remnants of darkness dispersed, leaving behind a sense of calm and accomplishment.

Alan approached the spot where Durin had perched, feeling a wave of reverence wash over him. The once formidable guardian was now reduced to mere whispers of its former self. As he surveyed the chamber, he noticed a radiant glow emanating from the center, drawing his attention.

At the heart of the chamber, atop a pedestal adorned with intricate engravings, rested the source of power he had sought—the Essence Crystal. It pulsed with a vibrant energy, illuminating the chamber with a captivating glow. This crystal was rumored to hold unimaginable power, capable of shaping the fate of the world itself.

With cautious steps, Alan approached the pedestal, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing radiance of the Essence Crystal. He extended a hand, the anticipation tingling through his fingertips as they made contact with the crystal's smooth surface. A surge of energy coursed through his body, intertwining with his Anemo powers and resonating with the teachings of Venti.

Visions flooded Alan's mind—visions of great battles, ancient knowledge, and the potential for a brighter future. The Essence Crystal unveiled the secrets of the past, empowering him with wisdom and strength beyond his imagination. It was a gift bestowed upon him by Dragonspine, a reward for his unwavering determination and the countless trials he had overcome.

As the visions subsided, Alan withdrew his hand from the Essence Crystal, a newfound resolve burning in his eyes. He knew that the powers he had obtained came with great responsibility. The fate of the world, perhaps even the balance between light and darkness, now rested partially in his hands.

Leaving the chamber, Alan emerged from the ancient temple, his steps carrying a newfound confidence and purpose. The world awaited him, brimming with possibilities and challenges yet to be conquered. The powers he had gained from Dragonspine and the Essence Crystal were tools to be honed and mastered, not for personal gain, but to bring hope, restore balance, and protect those in need.

With his shadow soldiers by his side, their loyalty unyielding, Alan embarked on a new chapter of his journey. He would venture forth, traversing the lands, and seek out those in need of aid. He would stand as a beacon of hope, a guardian against the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume the world.

Guided by the teachings of Venti and Zhongli and empowered by the lessons learned in Dragonspine, Alan would rise as a symbol of resilience and determination. He would embody the harmony between nature and power, wielding his Anemo abilities with grace and compassion. Together with his shadow soldiers, he would bring light to the darkest corners, vanquishing the forces of darkness that threatened to overshadow the world.

And so, Alan's footsteps echoed with purpose as he ventured forth, his heart filled with the resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Dragonspine had forged him into a formidable warrior, but it was his unwavering spirit, his connection to the shadow monarch, and his unyielding determination that would guide him on his path to greatness.