Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, " hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)
[1st P.O.V.]
I opened my eyes to a new day, I wasn't a stout believer of God but, I still sent my thanks to Buddha for opening my eyes.
Sitting up on my bed, I heard a shout coming from outside my window. I groggily stood up and made my way to the window.
Looking outside I see my long time friend Zen, a Japanese national, migrated here due to unforeseen circumstances, we've been friends ever since.
Unlocking the latch on my window, I see his mouth open but no words resounded in the area.
Opening it the following words made my entire being shiver to its very core, "You are late for work, you fucktard!"
Shouting at the top of his lungs, I had a panic attack, due to my late sleeping schedule I reach work late regularly.
I was almost foaming at the mouth from those words, but the more I thought about it the more I felt this idiot was lying.
He had a habit of forgetting things, and when he remembers he lies about it to cause confusion, according to him it's funny.
One time he told the class there was no school the day after, I didn't believe him so I asked my teacher.
The next day I was the only kid in class, getting special treatment due to my big brain play and full marks on every assignment made it feel even better.
I gave him the stink eye, causing him to sweat a little. I walked over to the side of my bed, picking up my phone off my dresser.
"It's 6:50 in the morning what the actual fuck is wrong with this guy, it's Saturday as well." My eye twitched as I was progressively getting angrier.
Gripping the window once again I slammed it open, "What's wrong with you it's 6:50 in the morning, go home!"
He stood there dumbfounded at my words, it was clearly written like a book all over his face.
Even the sun was barely up on the horizon, 'How didn't I see that before?' Scratching my head I looked at him furiously.
It was between him forgetting the date, which was a normal occurrence or he was just being an asshole troll.
He pulled out his phone, only to hold it upside down. I knew he was a little slow, but how did he even survive alone?
I question my choice of friends every day, a retard whose IQ was over 170, a playboy whose parents spoil him and Zen, the somewhat average one.
Just with a trolling personality and memory problem that could place him in a special education class.
"You're holding it upside down you idiot!" Pointing out the problem, he quickly laughed it off, only fuelling my anger.
Sighing I began pulling the window shut, "Since you're already awake let's go get some food!"
Shouting hurriedly, I peeked through the crevice of my window, menacingly glaring at him.
He began to sweat even more profusely, it looked like he had a fountain in the middle of his head continuously spouting out sweat.
I squinted my eyes to such a degree, I looked like my eyes were closed. Adding to my menacing atmosphere it made him even more anxious.
Sighing I pushed a finger out, signalling a thumbs up. He fist-pumped the air like a kid getting his love letter accepted by his crush.
I walked to my wardrobe and threw on some random clothes, a black jersey with a Mickey Mouse smoking a cigar printed on the front.
Some black tight-fitting jeans that I had since high school, since my lower body didn't change one bit other than a certain place, I also kept my clothes in good shape.
Leaving my room, I locked the front door to the apartment, making my way to the front gate of the apartment complex.
"Morning Jerry." Waving at the guard who was dozing off at the front gate, I made my way to Zen.
"So where are we going, last time we went for something you bought spoiled food and gave me diarrhea."
I looked at him with disdain, remembering those times were painful for my lazy soul. I don't mind eating anything, once it didn't make my butthole feel like it blew a gasket.
"Junk for today, I don't have anything to do either way, so might as well get pizza." With a thumbs-up, he presented to me the dumbest idea I've heard for the day.
I looked at him like he was a complete retard, who in their right mind eats pizza for breakfast just because they have nothing to do.
"It's six-fifty in the morning, almost seven bro, let's get a proper breakfast first. I don't want to end up like last time."
Nodding we made our way to somewhere known as China Town, or something akin to the original but on a smaller scale.
While we were having a conversation about what we should eat, the surrounding people were acting peculiarly. I looked at Zed to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
They were all parting a way for us, not as if they were moving past us to go on their way.
It was like they were passively doing it, as they spoke to their friends and family like a typical day in town.
Walking through the straight line they made for us. Zen was acting normally, without a hint of discomfort.
Coming to a corner, a hooded figure appeared out of nowhere, putting my guard up due to the peculiarity of the events today.
He walked past us uncaringly, bouncing into people and shoving them out of his way.
Turning back I felt a searing pain in my chest, building up more and more, 'Huh, what's happening?'
I raised my arm to my chest, as blood dripped off of my arms like water. It wasn't stopping either was the pain.
'Getting a heart attack had a low percentage of happening, heartburn wouldn't cause the abundance of pain I'm feeling now.'
I looked across to Zen, who looked at me with widened eyes, "Yo what's wrong, *Cough*?" I asked him, shocked at my predicament.
Coughing out a mouthful of blood, my legs buckled, I looked down only to see a puddle of blood around my feet.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head, losing consciousness for a second, and then the pain bumped up another level.
My consciousness was back, but the pain wasn't subsiding, it was escalating to levels I'd never felt before.
I raised my hands, my pupils trembled, they diluted to pin drops. 'Red, why are my hands red, blood but how, who, when, where the fuck did this happen.'
I saw it the second time but I still couldn't believe my eyes. There was no one, not a soul walking close to me other than Zen.
Zen rushed over to me in my time of questioning, his eyes were misty due to him wanting to cry as hard as he could.
My mouth felt as if I was salivating continuously, but I knew it was blood. Just the unnatural iron smell made me cringe.
Feeling pain as if I was lagging was a normal thing in my life, I had it for years but didn't get it checked out due to it not showing any life-threatening side effects.
So getting a puncture and not feeling it would make sense, but the amount of force you would have to use would push me back.
That would mean, informing me you attacked. Yet here I am, dying without a clue of how I ended up like this.
Due to profusely bleeding, the surrounding women and men, especially women began to scream and scatter.
I began swaying left to right, trying to keep myself upright. Zen tried to hold me up as well but he couldn't sustain my weight with his small frame.
Hitting the pavement sounded different than I remembered, I looked around myself, with multiple people watching on.
Instead of trying to help me they were videotaping and taking pictures, uncaring about my situation.
My already blurry view was even more obscure due to the flashy lights, seeing my demise was coming I focused as much as I could on Zen.
" hist..ry *Cough*," Tears fell from both of your eyes, as I said my last noble words, I left this world.
I took in the calm and soft feeling that came directly after I breathed my very last breath on planet earth.
[3rd P.O.V.]
~Foosha Village~
On Dawn Island, the Kingdom of Goa was situated. On the outskirts of said Kingdom, the Foosha Village was located.
Having birthed and born people who went on to create legends known throughout the seas. A new one was about to commence and unconventionally as well.
In a small hut a boy appeared out of thin air, he opened his eyes groggily, as the sun shone through the cracks in the roof.
"So, I was right, being reborn is just another step to enlightenment." Yawning he sat up straight, cracking his neck a bit due to the lack of movement.
The hut was the size of a small bedroom, a table right next to him with a candle unlit, smoking as if it was just blown out.
He looked at the table, the candle signalled to him that he wasn't alone. Someone had to come before him to blow it out.
There were footprints as if someone had just walked through the hut bare feet as well, after walking through a liquid of some sort.
His stomach rumbled, rubbing his stomach he frowned a bit, Not expecting his first action right after being reborn to get some food.
Looking around the room, he saw a small ball. Which also looked like a fruit at the same time.
Picking it up he smelt it, '`Looks can be deceiving, but this smells good if I do say so myself.'
He opened his mouth praying for protection as he had no clue if it was poisonous or not, why didn't he just get up and look for food outside?
Well, he couldn't, due to the lack of food. The former owner of the body didn't have a strong physique, nor did he eat regularly.
He took a bite, only for him to faint instantly with only one thought in his mind, 'Tastes pretty bad!'
Dropping to the bed, he fainted instantly for the second time in under ten minutes. His hand fell on his face as the fruit miraculously disappeared.
The door that was barely held shut opened to reveal a small green-haired girl, looking at who she would call her big brother.
Panicking she ran to the side of the bed with a warm bowl of water and a towel, lifting him back onto the bed.
Using strength that didn't fit her body size, she unclothed him and wiped him down. Placed him back into the bed snuggly.
"Brother, I hope you get well soon." As soon as those words left her mouth her face became downcast.
"I'll be back in a bit, I have to take care of the customers at the bar!" Standing up she kissed his forehead and then ran out the door in a hurry.