
In Naruto with OMNITRIX

Its on break till April, I'm quite busy with my entrance exam and all.

Rakasa_dark · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter - 19 Change of plans

While walking towards the direction of Konoha Karen asks a question from Ben" hey Ben, how much powerfull are you like compared to one of the main ninja village."

Ben contemplated the question for a bit thinking seriously with his hand on his chin, like an old sage question about the path of life he took.

" Not to boast but I think I can match with any hokage out there in strength, but if there's like the hokage and the Anbu commander then I would probably loose,

But if it's just jonins, then I can take down atleast 38 with me being injured slightly.

And if we are talking about chunins then I can take them all, they won't be able to put a dent on me.

But why are you asking this."

"I guess if you are that powerfull then why are we still going to Konoha, is it because your parents live there and you want to be with them."

With that question Karen was able to make Ben stop in his tracks, now really questioning his choices in life.

'why am I actually going back to Konoha, they killed my parents, and will now try to control me, they will let me make relationship in there with others so that, I won't become rough ninja.'

'with this link between me and the village, I will subconsciously always put village's interest above mine,

So why am I going back to the village is it because I miss my friends, pfft like hell I will, they are kids even if I play with them it's more like an adult releasing his stress.

Is it cause I want to be close to Naruto, no I just met him some week ago, then am I subconsciously going back cause I know what will happen there, like I will have the false security of using the future to suit my needs or change it.

I'm an Idiot, nothing else but what should I do if I don't go back to konoha.'

He eyes Karen and decided to ask her for she is the one who opened his eyes,she can also be the one who will show him the way.

"Say Karen what do you think we should do if I decided that we won't go  to Konoha, what else can we do."

"Hmm, how about rebuilding uzishogakure so that we can have a family, with people who will not judge us for our appearances and abilities, but will support us and be happy for us."

' Quite a foolish Idea, but sometimes the foolishness of it makes it a great Idea, so should I really make the uzishogakure, with all the outcaste, thinking about it with my Power it's actually possible to make the strongest ninja village.

I have an infinite supply of money, I can easily gather jutsu's from the 5 ninja village's or the strongest clan,

But it's just that who will be willing to join me, A 6 year old kid consider me as their leader,

No they will follow me I will give them a reason to believe in me, I will provide for them, guide them and most of all I can protect them.

Looks like it's my calling, I will make the uzishogakure back and make it the strongest Village..... No I will make it a country, I will be the kage, I will be the Damiyo.

" Karen I really thank you for opening my eyes, now miss Maren because of the expert advice of your daughter we have a change in plan, we will be making the uzishogakure back."

Listening to their discussion Maren was gobsmacked, here she was listening to her daughter and a kid of her age planning to make uzishogakure back, and the worst thing about it she actually believes that the child will be able to that with the things she observed him doing at night,

Her kaguya's eyes really had a long distance.

" I guess that's you have decided then, so how are we going to make it back then, and most importantly where."

Ben with his index finger pointing up " I don't know Maren, I guess we will make it from it ruins, but first I gues we have walked for quite a while, I think you should rest, your body really hasn't recovered,

From the abuse they put you through."

Walking on the road, with Maren and Karen was really a turtle ride, with Maren's frail body she can't exert much force and hence the group walked slowly, towards some nearby village. To hire some transport.

' Man walking this slow really sucks, but we don't have a choice with Maren in that condition I can't make her exert herself more,

Who knows she might be the first Uzumaki to die by walking if I did, but  we don't have any choice except for walking,

It's not like I can teleport us near Uzishogakure, nor do we any modern transport to travel fast.'

With this thought in mind Ben slaps himself hard on his face, making Karen and Maren uneasy with his wierd antics.

'ahhhh I'm an Idiot I have Grey matter the hell I can make an iron man suit with it, with just some soda cups and paper clip, don't talk about something as easy as a car.'

" Moments like these makes me want to kill myself."

(Image here)

A small grey bipedal figure stand alone on the jungle floor with hands on his chin.

' I will need to make a body first, I can make it with diamond head, and with my crystal release I can make th into dense or thin crystal.

That will take part of the body, i already know about the car's mechanics and will be able to make even the delicate parts with diamond head fusion.

The energy problem for the car will be taken care by fusing into heatblast, with just a little spark, the engine I will make, will be able to continuously power the car.

"Sometimes my genius it even terrifies myself Hahahahahaha."

(Image here)

1st fusing with diamond head I made the body, base and the engine parts.

(Image here)

The car was made in just 10 minutes, that was the limit to the control of  Ben's crystal release and diamond head ability, a car so power full, that no ninja with his any bullshit power or ninjutsu can ever break it.

Ben sits on the Car and then realises his mistake , that he made the driver seat for an average adult when he was just a kid, but that problem can be solved by transforming into some alien.

"How can I ever be wrong , I just made it like that so I can use it in my alien form, after all nobody would like to make the same thing again, just cause his height increased."

Driving the car, Ben slowly takes it toward the mother and daughter duo, who again have their mouth open seeing a crystal Blue Box moving towards them slowly, and when it arrives in front of them.

The gates open, and comes out Ben " so what do you think, cool right, it's a creation of my genius, why are you standing there come inside we don't have whole day, we need to reach uzishogakure fast.

Ben rushes Maren and Karen in the backseat and puts seatbelt on them.

" Now just sit and relax this baby will take us to our destination."

Karen with excitement " Ben what is this how did you even made this, can teach me please, please it's so cool."

Unlike other girls looks like Karen likes machinery hence she was able to  see and compliment the beauty of Ben's care.

"Haha I will but after we have settled down, now sit properly and enjoy."

' who is this kid it hasn't even been a day with him, and he has made me speechless so many times.'

Maren was seeing Ben in a new light, If at first she considered him a genius, now she ranked him as a monster.

Ben sits on the driver seat, and transforms into Rath, he presses the button for the car to start.

"YEEHAW! Rath's ninja car's gonna take you on a wild ride!

Buckle up, 'cause Rath's driving this like a true ninja!"The mother, gripping the seatbelt, cautiously questions, "Ben." Before she could speak something else " Rath is Rath no Ben understand you tomato head lady." With a tick mark on her head Maren asks "Rath, what's this contraption, uh, I mean, ninja car?"

"Contraption? This is Rath's ultimate NINJA RIDE! Strap in, ladies! Rath's gonna unleash the ninja SPEED!"

Karen, trying to remain calm, asks, "Rath, how do you control this... 'ninja mobile'?"

"Control? Rath doesn't control, Rath CONQUERS! Hold on tight! Ruin of the red hairs village, here we come!"

Rath abruptly accelerates, startling his passengers.The mother, attempting to ease the tension, chuckles nervously,

"Rath, let's try not to scare the locals, okay?"

"Scare? Rath's not scary, Rath's EXCITING! Now, WATCH THIS!"

Rath swerves dramatically around a corner, causing the passengers to cling to their seats.

The daughter, attempting to divert Rath's attention, exclaims, "Rath, look, a ninja kitten!"

"Ninja kitten? WHERE?!" Rath momentarily loses focus, narrowly avoiding an obstacle on the road.

Approaching a bend, Rath revs the engine, "Time for NINJA SPEED!" The mother instinctively gasps,

"Rath, slow down!"

"SLOW? Rath doesn't slow down! Rath's got a need for NINJA SPEED!"


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