

It was a very hot afternoon and bella was sitting beside lake Evelyn she had a lot going on ,on her head for the moment.

she sighed heavily and then she remembers.the name she saw the other day boldly written on his shirt"EDWARD"

she felt bad again and remembered her father

she started crying for a while .

Edward was in the lake swimming and looking at the sobber in front of him,he came out from the lake but bella didn't notice so he dressed up quickly and went close to her.

"hey" he tried being nice but then noticed she was try to hide the fact that she was crying

"hey"she replied

"you are sobber" he replied and brought out his hand kerchief to wipe off her tears.

"it's nothing just felt like it"she smiled

he sat down beside her and held her hands but she withdrew

" don't worry I mean no harm,I just want to make you feel better....you know I was once like you.. sitting outside... crying

...but I later came to realize that it wasn't the best....sometimes you gat to let some thing go" he stared at her and smiled

she looked up to him and tried to smile too

"nah...don't force it ma'am"he smiled and they stood up and started walking home

"so may I know why a beauty like u is sad?"he asked

she kept mute but after much persuasion she said something

"I will tell you when I feel like" bella smiled

he smiled too

"okay,I will wait okay"

just then a car drove up to them and stopped Edward said good to bella and left with the car while bella smiled while going home.

when she got home she realized that she was still with his blankie, she decided to give it back to him the next day at school,she stared at it all through the night until she doze off.


"hey bella" Gina greeted

"hey Gina"bella replied

"wow your blankie is kinda rare...it looks familiar"Gina said holding and sniffing the blankie

"you wouldn't believe me if I told you" bella said rolling her eyes

"I would "Gina said

"okay it belongs to Edward" she said and rolled her eyes again

"really!!!!??!....I taught so too"Gina said

"some people don't know when to stop dreaming big" Sharon said as she walked by after hearing what they have discussed

"so bella you hungry!?!?"Gina said

"don't try to run away,Edward would never share his own pen talk more of his blankie"Sharon laughed just then Edward walked by

"hey bella"he said and sat on his desk

bella walked up to him and stretched her hands...."here"she said

"you forgot this"she added

"thanks but you can have it"he smiled

"I already have another brand same as yours"he added

"but I can't keep it,it's yours"she said and dropped the blankie on his desk then she made to leave

"bella...."he called out

she paused and turned back"yes...."she replied

"thanks it's ironed"he smiled


bella staired at her dad's photo and smiled, her mum walked by at the beautiful site

"you have never staired at that picture for a long time sweetie" mum smiled

bella ran and hugged her mum

"mum... promise me that you won't ever leave me"she asked

"I promise sweetie"

they hugged silently