

作者: GH0STS
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A man finds himself in the DC Universe with one wish. I found the cover art on Pinterest so if it's yours and you want it removed please tell me. I do not own any DC characters only my own OC's

6 標籤
Chapter 1Waking Up

What would you do if a random overpowered being offered you the chance to live in any universe of your choosing along with one wish?

This random overpowered being would let you keep your memories, let you choose your new appearance and even give you a new identity so you're not just some person who popped into existence.

The only catch is that your new life needed to be entertaining and can not make the wrong choices, or else 'they' will get bored, or worse... angry. And if 'they' get angry, then the random overpowered being will stop, and try something else.

So what would you do?

Well for Leon Jaxson, he took the deal. He didn't have anything to lose. After all, he was already dead. Not much else he could lose, right?


Opening his eyes thanks to the morning rays of the sun, Leon found himself in a large room on a king-sized bed with nothing but his boxers on.

He sat up and looked around the room. As he did this, a sudden wave of memories hit him like a truck. A few minutes later Leon held his head and analyzing the memories he just got. These memories he received informed him of his new identity along with how to use his new power.

His name was Leon Jaxson same as his former life. Only this time, instead of a soldier and career military officer, this Leon was the chairman and Ceo of a small publishing company called Infinity Publishing based in Gotham.

Leon wasn't Bruce Wayne or Lex Luther rich, but he was well off enough that he wouldn't need to worry about money for a while. The only problem was, his company was not in great shape right now.

Turns out, this DC universe didn't have much going for it entertainment-wise, so his company didn't have any great releases in the past few years. But all that could be solved later. First Leon had more important things to do.

He stood up from his bed and walked over to the full-body mirror on the wall. Gazing into his reflection, Leon saw a tall man with ash blonde hair and a lean muscular frame. Leon had chosen to look like one of his favourite characters in the world with who he happened to share a first name with.

Leon S. Kennedy.

As Leon looked at himself in the mirror, he gazed down and then pulled his waistband to check himself out more. He smiled as he was happy with the results of his findings. It wasn't unnaturally big like 15 inches or something, but let's just say Leon was WELL endowed.

After checking his body, Leon sat back down on his bed and held out his hand. Within a second a silver cup filled with purple liquid materialized in his hand. He put the cup to his lips and quickly drank the entire contents. What he just drank was the fountain of youth from the seven deadly sins anime.

The power he received from the Random overpower bing was Arc of Embodiment Magic from fairy tail. Arc of Embodiment allows the caster to materialize, and subsequently use to their every whim, anything they can imagine. This means that if Leon wanted, he could create entire new galaxies if he wanted to.

Unfortunately for him, that would probably be impossible considering the amount of magic need for something like that. But, Leon had a theory. In the Fairy Tail universe, when a mage uses up their magic power they usually fall down, are unable to move or faint. All of these are signs of extreme fatigue.

Leon's theory was, that mages from the Fairy Tail universe somehow use their physical stamina to tap into the ethernano in the air to create the supernatural powers they call magic. This would also explain their second origin magic container. If you think of the second origin as something akin to an adrenal gland, It would explain why the mages would feel an even bigger strain on their bodies after using it.

With that being said, it's just a theory. But there was one way to test it out. Leon held out his hand and then created Avalon, the scabbard of Excalibur from the type moon series. Avalon has a wide range of abilities but the only one Leon needed right now was the one that boosted his stamina to insane levels.

He held Avalon to his chest and it slowly sank in. After it was fully merged with him, he tested his theory by making something he thought would take an extreme amount of magic power to make... an infinity stone.

Infinity stones were unique, even in marvel. Infinity stones are tailored to the universe they were created. If an infinity stone from earth-616 somehow made its way to earth-617, the 616 stone would not work in that universe.

Leon didn't know if an infinity stone would work in the DC world but he wanted to try. He held out his right hand and a sleek silver glove appeared on his hand. Leon didn't want to touch some of the more volatile infinity stones like the power with his bare hands. So just in case so he made a glove that works like the infinity gauntlet.

"Okay, let's do this." He said as he held his left hand over his right that hand the glove on. Soon, a glowing yellow stone started to materialize in the first socket of the glove. It took a few minutes for the stone to be fully formed and when it was finished Leon was panting on his bed. He wasn't completely exhausted but it did take a lot out of him.

This confirmed his theory that using his magic would cost him stamina. Luckily Avalon did a wonderful job of recovering him or he probably wouldn't have been able to finish making the stone. Now he just had to see if the stone worked.

The infinity stone Leon chose to make was the Mind Stone. He made this one was because it was one of the weaker stones in terms of raw power. Leon had a feeling that if made something like the Time Stone or Power Stone, somebody would notice. And right now he didn't need any of their prying eyes on him. He would probably need some sort of preparation before he created those but for now, he just needed to focus on the one he had.

Leon focused on the stone in an attempt to activate it and then suddenly, thousand if not millions of voices ran through his head. "Agh!" He shouted as he fell to his knees, but he didn't deactivate the stone. He needed to control his thoughts and control the stone, he could not let the stone control him.

So he focused. He focused on himself, on his own voice. Slowly, the other voices faded. One, then ten, then thousands, then millions, and soon it was just him. "Well I guess the stone works," Leon said to himself with a sigh.

After a few minutes of recovering, Leon stood up and looked at his glove. While he was looking at it he had an idea. He made a cup and put the stone in it, Leon then proceeded to reshape the Mind stone into a liquid similar to the Reality stone in its aether form.

After it was finished liquefying, Leon dipped his index finger into the fluidic stone and quickly absorbed it. A few seconds later he smiled and said "Huh? I didn't think that would actually wor-" He then passed out.


While Leon was taking his unintended nap, around the universe many had noticed something extremely powerful energy in Sector 2814. Unfortunately for them, the power vanished just as quickly as it appeared.

On earth at the rock of eternity, The wizard quickly stood up and scanned the planet with his magic looking for the energy he just felt.

After a few minutes of searching and finding nothing, the wizard slumped back down on his throne and thought. 'I must find my champion soon. I don't know what that power was, but whether is friendly or not, this realm must have someone that can stand up to it.'



Queen Hippolyta had felt a strange power from the man's world and sent her daughter Diana to find out what it was under the guise as a political envoy. "Be safe my child and let the gods bless you." She prayed.



The Guardians of the Universe were having an emergency meeting. After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Appa Ali Apsa, the most strict of the Guardians was the first to speak. "In sector 2814 a large unknown energy was observed. Does anybody have any idea what it was?"

"No, but we do know it came from somewhere around the earth." A female guardian named Sayd said. It was then that Scar, the guardian in charge of the science spoke. "We may not know what exactly it is but if we could obtain it, we may be able to make the central battery stronger."

"Than we will send someone to investigate it. Who is the Lantern of Sector 2814?" Krona, the most power-obsessed guardian asked.

It was at the time that Ganthet, the kindest and most lax of the guardians joined the conversation. "We have 3 lanterns for that sector. John Stewart is currently on a mission in a different sector, and John Diggle is still on Oa completing his training. The only lantern we have there is Hal Jordan."

"Then we will send Jordan," Appa Ali Apsa said begrudgingly. Appa Ali Apsa did not much care for Hal Jordan thanks to Hal's consent laid-back attitude and the feeling was mutual, as Hal thought that Appa Ali Apsa constantly had a stick up his ass.

"Hal has only been a Green Lantern for a year. If he encounters something he can't handle, we may lose him." Ganthet said worriedly.

"Do not be so anxious Ganthet, if Jordan was so weak he never would have been chosen by the ring. And if he does find himself in trouble he can simply contact us and we will send him the assistance of another lantern." Sayd said in an attempt to quell Ganthen's worries.


If you find any mistakes or typos tell me so I can fix them.

Don't ask about my other books, you won't like the answer.

