
In an Amalgam World as the Master of Death!

The Title says everything. I don't own any characters and their rights belong to their creators. This is my pat*eon link, and is only here for my motivation, so click only if you want to- patreon.com/user?u=87713974

LifeIsAJoke · 漫画同人
36 Chs

5. Shock!

*Ryan's POV*

I hope I won't be eating slug lasagna when I reach Hogwarts. I would abandon all dreams of learning magic if that's the case.

Hmm, let's see... The Apothecary, Madam Malkin's Robes, Olivander's Wands, Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, Magical Menagerie, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Multiple trunk shops, Flourish and Blotts for books, etc.

So many shops There were also many interconnected alleys branching out, each filled with shops. Some selling potions, some selling weird trinkets... Oh, the people of that alley are giving bad vibes. Guess I found Knockturn Alley. I will visit that after getting experience about this side of the world. No need to stick my neck in ignorance.

Let's see. Wonky pillars check... goblin guards check... wyvern-like dragon statue on the top check... so it's most likely Gringotts, in all its lanky glory... Ah, there is the poem!

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Ah, I can feel jitters in my stomach. Everything feels so... surreal. Anyway, time to exchange money I obtained from the drug dealers before they had themselves arrested after Raphael showed them the Da Way!

Walking in, I see two long windows in the back through which light entered and a row of goblins, all scratching in their parchments with their quills, and some snarling while talking with wizards dressed in gaudy robes who looked like they had their heads in the clouds. I had removed stealth while entering the bank, so as not to startle anyone. Though my aura was still concealed. Now, why was I going for an exchange? To test the waters. Potter Vault isn't running away, so it's better I prepare myself. If I can get some books regarding Gringotts rules, the better.

I reached the counter with the Muggle Currency exchange written above and waited for the goblin to complete his task. I spent the time looking around in the meantime. The goblin finished his task and looked up at me as if judging me. I had snagged a few good-looking clothes that fit me, so I wasn't in rags.

"Speak," He said.

"Greetings sir, I'm here for currency exchange. May I know the exchange rate and the values of the currency of magical Britain?" I felt that he was slightly glad I wasn't another pompous wizard demanding stuff and addressing him as a goblin, but sir. Though he didn't show it on his face.

"The exchange rate is 5 pounds per Galleon. The currency he has the smallest value of 1 knut. 29 knuts equal a sickle, while 17 sickles equal a Galleon. In one year, you are allowed a maximum of 500 pounds to exchange here, meaning 100 Galleons." The goblin teller replied. Huh, didn't expect the restriction, must be to prevent muggle rich people to get on equal terms with magical noble families.

I took off my bag and took out 500 pounds, and placed them on the rack." These are 500 pounds, sir, can I exchange them?" I said while he looked at me with narrowed eyes. A kid with this much money is probably a surprise. He looked for a while I tilted my head, looking confused. Not finding me panicking, he took the currency and counted it.

He then looked at me and said, "You can open vaults in Gringotts if you want to. Vaults on upper floors take 5 galleons to open, and we can give you a bottomless pouch linked to your account, which allows you to take money out anytime but be careful to not empty your vault. The pouch costs 10 galleons. Other accounts costs are written on this guide", he said and passed me a leaflet.

I thought goblins were greedy guys, but he is giving me a written document, which was outside my expectations.

[There is a chance that he is master, and the one in your hand is one of many leaflets with different prices.] Raphael informed me. Yeah, I can see that happening. I remember the Weasleys didn't have much in their vaults, so they could no way pay a fee of 5 galleons per year to maintain a vault.

"I'll take the vault on the upper floor and this pouch sir," I said. Oh, he's releasing feelings of joy and shrewdness. I guess Raphael was right. The guy beside me was also looking at me in pity, guess I got scammed. Meh, whatever. The goblin arranged the vault and pouch in two minutes and handed the pouch to me. I said thanks and walked out, applying some stealth to make people ignore me, but not completely disappear. I don't want any idiot to come and pick on me thinking I'm a defenseless muggle child. While I don't need the pouch, I would like to keep my powers under wraps.

Taking my money, I arrived at Flourish and Blotts. Damn, the inside was like a massive library. I saw some packed stacks labeled with Hogwarts year. I want to buy them but may arouse suspicion. I went in and saw some books labeled with weird titles, but I understood what they were saying. I mean, 'Wizard's Journey into the Cauldron' and 'A Magical Journey' could be switched with 'Guide to Potions' or 'Guide to basic magics'. I also saw 'The Magical Me!' series by one Gilderoy Lockheart... Oh, I completely forgot he exists.

Now that I think of it, there should also be some books about me. I picked books about Hogwarts, which were, Hogwarts- A Journey, books on basic magic, etiquette, Gringotts laws, Magical Laws, Magical Britain, and a few more. I wonder if I went past 80 galleons. Why could these people not have cost tags on these books?

Anyway, I finally found books about the boy who lived. I started filtering the fictional books and quickly found the one labeled "A Glimpse in the Life of the Boy who lived." I snickered reading the title. Like they know even one thing about me.

I went and cashed the books, and it totaled 25 galleons. Paying him and stuffing books in my bag, I left the area, not before snagging one ice cream. Need to get a taste check. I exited the pub and moved away, hoping to not trip any wards. Going into an alley devoid of people, I dived into my shadow and appeared in my train coach.

I stretched my body and dropped the books in my shadow for Raphael to analyze. I will still read it, but having the analysis should help her guide me. I picked an apple, and used my magic to wash its surface clean, then bit into it.

[Sir, I have found a big problem.] Raphael informed me. Hmm, is there some law which would cause some problems in my plans?

"What is it?" I asked.

[Sir, I have detected this timeline to be different from your knowledge.] He reported.

"Really? How so?" I asked. God did say something about the effects of universes colliding.

[Sir, the book talks of the boy who lived to be Marcus James Potter, Heir of the most ancient and noble house of Potter, and it says he currently lives with his family in the Potter Mansion with his parents for his protection till he reaches of age.] Raphael reported, and the apple dropped from my hand.

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