
imperial nine days

Wang Feng created a game "Royal nine days", in the near success, to the peak of life, through the "nine days of the world". But what about the auxiliary systems needed to cross? Not rich handsome also just, after all, the Wang brother is a talented person, but, dungeon small whip opening is what ghost? No external hanging, no crossing, facing the torture from the soul, the old Wang of the three views began the second struggle of life. Brothers, the old king is back!

wudi_daji8 · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 46 If You can't Handle it with Your Hands

The enthusiasm of work makes Lao Wang's body temperature rise, take off the coat, and begin to attack!

Round two!


The potions workshop is also open all night at night, the junior workshop on the ground floor is good, but like some middle and senior workshops upstairs, some brothers and sisters or teachers, it is common to stay all night or even several days in the potions workshop.

Today's night shift is Mappel.

The evening work is actually very easy, no one will come, those who will stay up late here are just in their rooms to go about their business, Mabel only needs to regularly walk around to see if the doors and Windows are blown open and so on.

She had already inspected the third and second floors, and there were seven rooms with red cards representing people, which Mabel dared not disturb, but when she inspected the innermost room of the building, there were still people.

Did you forget to turn over the sign on your way out? Or is someone asleep in there?

Mabel was also afraid of disturbing others, curious gently open the door a crack, want to quietly glance at first, but only this glance found the problem.

There's a guy in a Rosary shirt! That's where you're dancing.

It is

Duty, Mappel unconsciously pushed open the door.

Lao Wang was originally cultivated and happy.

You do not say, after adjusting the mentality, low posture, this success rate is really a little higher, a total of more than one hundred and fifty times, actually succeeded in twenty bottles, according to this success rate, tomorrow morning before the note to thirty bottles of potions to finish it is really not a thing!

Just now he succeeded in a bottle, was trying to praise his own wisdom, to self-hypnosis, the result was a door pushed into.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?"

Lao Wang was also frightened and quickly took a closer look.

But see the door is a slim girl with a round face, delicate features and white skin, can not say how beautiful but definitely not ugly, and then with a pair of black frame glasses full of book breath, a thick neighbor to learn sister breath came, across a room can smell that full of tender air and... Easy to bully.

All right, all right!

Lao Wang quietly wiped the sweat, put the hanging heart back into his stomach, and calmly said: "I am the disciple of the tea tea teacher Wang Sanshi, helping the teacher to do medicine, miscellaneous people, etc., get off!"

"Really? I didn't know that. You're not the judge." Mappel was speechless, and this lie told her that she was a disciple of Teacher Cha Cha, or an assistant disciple, but she had never heard of another master brother surnamed Wang.

"Little sister, how did you speak? You're insulting me!" Lao Wang decided to turn around and give each other a look, and confidently show the clothes that Fantersi had rented.

I was just about to turn it when I realized something was wrong. Oh, my God, when do I take off my jacket?

"Oh, it's borrowed! Lao Wang appeared calm in an instant.

Seeing the other side so confident, Mappell is stunned, a little confused and said: "How can the students of the ruling go to borrow the lining of the rose?" And Miss Cha Cha..."

Before she had finished speaking, Lao Wang had already darted out of the workbench with a single stride.

Mappel was startled and instinctively turned to run, but she was a standard potions master, not a fighting profession, and not much faster than the average girl.

In a hurry, she had just had time to turn around when the old Wang grabbed her arm and pulled her from the door.


Lao Wang closed the door as soon as possible.

Mappel was strained by his wrist. "What are you doing? This is the Cathedral of Judgment! I just need to shout..."

"SHH..." Old Wang pulled her right wrist, an elegant wall dong, the other hand lifted her chin, the great biceps on the arm rose, with the magic potion when the heat out of a hot sweat, all over the body are emitting a thick male hormones, commanding eyes are affectionate charm...

The so-called ancient routine popular, to deal with this kind of girl, a "handsome" word can definitely fix everything!

But before Lao Wang could play the word "handsome" to the extreme, Mabel's little face was already pale, and her bright red mouth was about to open...

Snap ~~

A crisp voice rang straight back.

Five red finger prints were left on the small white face, and Mabel covered her face in disbelief, tears almost falling down, "You, how do you hit people..."

"What's wrong with you? If you dare to call again, I'll beat out all your food yesterday!" The old king changed his expression, his right hand stretched out in front of her eyes, although he could not pinch the "crackling" sound of Kalida's bones, but the shape was in place, and the fierce threat was way.

"Laozi is a martial sorcerer and demon three cultivation, murder will not blink!"

Mabel's little face turned white, and she said stubbornly, "You, you, you dare!"

Wang Feng's eyes were full of disdain and threat, since he came to this ghost place, he finally experienced his own force value!

Mappel finally got a little soft. "What do you want?"

Wang Feng looked at Mappell, he knew that this little girl has been cowardly, ears on the door, soul force into, there is no change outside, but also their own decisive handling.

How's that??

It's a problem. It's impossible to give up halfway.

Death is also impossible, although he is not a virgin bitch, but also not a killer.

The old king looked around the room fiercely, and at a glance he saw the long rope that Fancy had used to tie the box.


"Don't talk, or I'll be rude!" With that, Wang Feng tied each other up... There's something wrong with it. Oh, my God, what kind of body is that? It's a big suit. It's huge.

The nose is congested.

Forced to, Lao Wang changed a binding method, as far as possible to avoid the vital, but the hands and feet to bind cover, mouth also found a cloth to plug.

Clap your hands with satisfaction at the completion of your masterpiece.

"Little girl, stay with the big daddy, you're okay, and blink when you understand!"

Mappel hesitated for a moment, but at last she blinked her eyes aggrieved.

It is impossible to give up halfway, such an opportunity is rare, we must work hard.

I thought that this girl would always be restless and tossing a few times, but I did not think that it was very interesting, she was so quietly staring at Wang Feng, not moving and not making trouble, it seems to have resigned.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome man? Don't be obsessed with me, close your eyes!" Wang Feng couldn't resist teasing after one failure.

Mappel closed her eyes as she was very obedient.

I don't know whether it is because men and women are not tired of working together, or because there is a threat beside, forcing out their inexplicable potential.

The refining in the second half of the night was surprisingly smooth, making up for the success rate in the first half of the night, 200 copies of the refining was completed, and a total of 38 bottles were obtained.

Lao Wang also took a long breath and wiped the sweat, only to feel that his whole body energy has been almost overdrawn.

Go above and beyond. Cool.

Glancing at the girl who was tied up, the other side's eyes were actually still clear as water, completely without a little fatigue, when he saw himself, he immediately closed his eyes, and his slender eyelashes seemed to tremble with fear.

Lao Wang said he understood that if he was stuffed with such a smelly rag in his mouth, he would not be sleepy.

This is not a good place to stay!

Packing up all the prescription drugs, and the unmarked boxes that Fancy had brought with him, didn't have to do anything about it, not to mention the residue.

He packed up his things in two or three, was ready to leave immediately, but thought about it and fell back.

Lao Wang took out a bottle of eagle eye, took out a rag, "Open your mouth!"

Mapel shook her head obstinately, but unfortunately, Wang Feng involuntarily opened her mouth, and a bottle of eagle eye was used to pour into it. Once the strange liquid entered her body, she immediately had a strange feeling, which she had never experienced before.

Wang Feng smiled and stared at Mabel. "Do you know what this is?"

Mappel blinked and shook her head.

"This is called the hell of death, the ghost is three steps down, can not stand up for an hour, can not shout, can not use soul force, otherwise... The body will fester from the inside out, itching like a million ants..."

Lao Wang was still weighing his words, and Mabel had already nodded obediently.

Put the potions room knife behind her within reach: "Let the effects wear off before you slowly cut the rope yourself."

If the other party is fooled, it is sure to be all right, and even if it is not fooled, the rope in the box of Fancy is thick enough, and she can grind it slowly for a while.

In a good mood, Lao Wang squeezed Mabel's tender face and straightened her glasses again: "Mabel, right? Goodbye... Drink less milk in future."

With this starting capital, his plan can start all, even if the girl was found in front of him, the ruling is no loss, not a big thing, the worst plan is to find him, then he has long gone.


The door is closed, and in the dark room, the shivering body and the stubborn little eyes make people look full of pity.

One minute, two minutes...

The horror in her eyes, as if she really believed Wang Feng's words, remained motionless, not even touching the guillotine at hand.

Five minutes, ten minutes...

His face was still frightened, but his eyes gradually calmed down and became a little dull, like a little girl scared silly by the night.

After half an hour, the room that had not been abnormal suddenly emitted countless "whistling" of broken wind, the air was pulled and moved, as if endless invisible threads were suddenly drawn back from all sides.

Insight into the soul silk, the soul force into the micro thread of detection.

The panic and fear vanished from Mabel's eyes. The thick ropes that had bound her broke in an instant, and she rose to her feet with a grim face.

She didn't stay there because of the so-called three steps of a fake insight potion, she was just worried it was a trap!