
Illicit Relationship in Magic world

"If you prefer a story heavy on romance, this might be for you. Alas, an ordinary student living in the magical realm of Blue Moon, with his family. Despite living in a world of magic, he possessed no abilities of his own. However, at the age of seventeen, he activated a mysterious system. His life progressed smoothly as he secretly cultivated his newfound powers, hiding those powers from his family. Yet, a system malfunction triggered the recovery of his past life memories, leading to a dramatic revelation before his loved ones. Following this incident, his family gained knowledge of his abilities, past, and true identity. Prepare yourself to witness the transformation of his ordinary existence into an extraordinary one as the narrative unfolds in Volume 2. Patience is key to fully immersing yourself in this world. And yeah I am improving the grammatical mistake.

77 Chs

Ch -77

" Oh.. But i still think of them as a slut . You know I heard your explanation but what do you think of me like them..? " She asked.

" I think that part is same as their, you have same seductive body as them and beautiful smile which can make any male attract to you. You know I have spied on you aunt for many days and I have heard many of your clients asking to do sex with you in return to accept your company deals. So you are like that.. Who attract many attention of male. " Alas said as he looked at her. Just as he said that.

" Hmm that's right .. many people have offered me to do sex or be in a sexual relationship with them , so they will accept my offer or more money but I know they are just going to use me further and can do things that I didn't imagine so,I have never accepted their request neither sell my dignity for anything . Hah.. But if I ever did sex with anyone for it, if I did it then who knows my company might be hundred of billion.. Hahh whatever. " She said in low tone as she lost In some thought before return her gaze towards Alas.

" You know, Alas. Talking about these things with you it feels so odd I feel like my little Alas is get mature enough. But Alas since we started these talk what do you think did I, did right to not accept their offers..? " She asked as she thought her company is only 75 million dollars but if she had accepted those offers she might be at least billion dollars company.

" You did indeed right aunt.. You know if I found out that you have done something like that I might really hate you.. " Alas said with serious expression.

" What really.. You have ...? " She asked with surprise as she thought something.

" Yes, indeed.. I also didn't like sluts. " Alas said with serious expression as he closed his eyes.

" So how can you take side with, succubus sluts..? They also have many partners.. " She asked with confusion.

" Well, aunt it's not like I am supporting what weak Succubus sluts do. I am just supporting them who just lost their partner in a sad incident , what they are going to do if they didn't find a partner..? " Alas explained.

"By the way you are talking about them like you have spent time them personally..? " She asked as she changed topic while thinking about something.

" Oh come on, aunt. You are forgetting about my identity who I am. Yes have spent time with them and went to succubi empire. I have connection with Succubus Queen of Sktnor Empire. And many succubus princess have wanted to marry me when I was there just for fun. " Alas asked.

" Oh damn.. I almost forgot that you are not just my little Alas you have second identity. But Wait a sec, so does that mean you had many relationship with succubus princess in your past since you went there for fun..? " She asked with surprise as she thought she is reaching for many truths.

" No, I didn't have any relationship with anyone in my past life. In my past life I was just like loner, but draco sure had enjoyed sex with many succubus princess and Queen as well at that time. But I was just a loner. " Alas said with a smile.

" Oh... Hmm I understand.. But you know what it sure seems fun to hear about all those princess, queen and king things . " And also doing things with anyone. She thought as she asked. " I want to know more about them.. "

" I will tell you when you will become powerful enough, so forgot about it for now. " Alas said as he closed his eyes.

" Wait but just tell me one thing, since you didn't have any relationship with anyone in past. So, what about now are you still going to be a loner or gonna change it..? " She asked with surprise as was trying to take as much information she can take from him and use it to her advantage.

" Well, I sure wants to experience that .. At least for one time. " Alas said with a smile.

" So, what do you think of Shasha..? You went on date with her.." She asked calmly..

" Huh..! I just didn't like her , I never went on date as well. She is one of that many girls I had encounter who simply wants to throw herself upon me even I didn't want to so she is a big no... " Alas explained.

" Oh, I see. Do you want me to find you some girls..? " Lilith asked with sly smile as she looked at Alas.

" Oh come on, aunt. You didn't need to. I have so much time so I will take it slow and steady . Furthermore it's not that easy. I am not just like any other perverted human who will just fall for any girl who look little beautiful or have sexy body. Or if she just treat me right for few months or years. And think I am going to fall for her. When I said I am ruthless I really am.

Let me clear this thing I want a proper wife, not exes.. " Alas explained himself properly. Just as he said, Lilith look little disappointed as she said.

" You know Alas. Your demand is quite high but I am not surprise, I would have more surprised if you didn't have these outrageous demand after all considering who you are I think these are still low.. Hehe " She thought to herself as laugh to herself in her mind. As she continue to this to herself while looking at him. ' You know Alas, after talking with you like a friend not like my little nephew. I am feeling little odd but a satisfaction in my heart as well that you are already grown enough. '

After thinking this to herself , she smiled to herself before saying.

" Alas, I feel like it would be waste to call you little Alas anymore. So from now on I just call you Alas." She said as she touches his cheek gently.

" Okay as you wish aunt. " Alas replied with a smile.

" And one more thing , you know I really like to talk with you like a friend not like my little nephew. I just hope you allow me to talk with you like my friend at least when we are alone. Although I want you to continue act like my little alas but talk to me like a friend you can just talk about anything you like just like we did before without being in a barrier of something. I mean you understand it right, I would have never talk to you about all those things sex and other things so casually. So can we just act like friends. " She said all this as she looked at him with expectations. Meanwhile Alas look at her.

" I mean, I am not forcing you if you feel uncomfortable with me being like your friend. So just continue like we were before.. " She said with dejected tone. Alas immediately did the same gesture as her putting his hands on her cheek before gently stroking it.

" No, need to worry aunt. I would love to be like a friend to you. You know I am really experienced enough to even be your great grand - grand - grand - grand father. So yeah we can be freind and you can also talk to me anyway you like just like me. " Alas said with a smile. Lilith looked at his expression as she thought she succeed in the first step so she replied with a happy tone.

" No.. You didn't need to act like my great grand father. I am happy with we being freinds that's good. By the way let's sleep I am feeling tired . Good night. " She said with a chuckle as she turn towards the ceiling and close her eyes.

" Okay. Good night aunt. " Alas smiled before closing his eyes as well but suddenly remember something so he decided to ask.

" But aunt I just wanna ask you something.. "

" I am really tired, Alas. But still speak. " She asked as she put her left arm over her eyes .

" I wanna know, you really are not angry, that I have installed camera and seen you changing your clothes. I mean .. " Alas asked, just as he asked Lilith replied.

" You know at first I thought of being angry. But since I know who you are, if anyone else did that they might be already in jail. But since it's you Alas, I didn't care much you are already mature enough and you just want my safety not my body. " She said with serious tone before turning to look at him.

" Or are you probably interested in my seductive body as well..? " She said with a teasing smile.

" No it's not like that aunt. " Alas denied it.

" I mean no need to shy, if you want than you can continue to spy on me, watching me changing clothes. Who knows if your luck would be good you can even saw me naked .. " She said with a seductive tone while looking at him.

" No.. No.. I didn't do anything like that. " Alas said with a red face. As he looked at other direction.

" Oh.. Aww .. Look at that blushing face.. Hahaha.. " She said with a laugh before sleeping peacefully.